OOC Thread: How to create a Character and Character Rules - Printable Version

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OOC Thread: How to create a Character and Character Rules - Akirapryde - 11-05-2014

This thread is completely Out Of Character!

This thread is to be used for the sole purpose of character rules and creation. Please feel free to ask any and all Character related questions here. Anyone can offer up answers to position questions or what is needed in the ship.

1) Anyone can create a character concept. However, the Captain and XO have veto authority over Senior Staff level concepts.

2) All Player Characters must have a basic profile before game play.

3) A player can play up to but not exceeding one main character and two secondary characters (IE Junior Officers, Warrant Officers, or Crewmen)

4) Secondary Characters are typically minor NPC's that could be but not limited to roommates, follow crew members in the same work area or friends within the ship. Secondary Characters can not be Department Heads, members of the Senior Staff or Senior Officers (Rank of Lieutenant or higher).

5) Character concepts should include a basic back story and some notes of the character's experience and skills. Details such as birthdays, home worlds and family are not required. However Race is required.

6) As it stands currently, there are no character generation rules for this game. This is a free form system. However power gaming will not be tolerated. No character will be allowed to over shadow all other characters. This game is for fun and some logic and sense will be applied when creating characters.

7) Character Background is the realm of the Narrator. Meaning what you have created is what your character knows to be true. As Narrator, I will draw from this background to create story lines for your character. This might include but not limited to adding and making changes to the actual events of a character's history. However this will be done only to forward story plots, not to change the over character in game play.

8) The Technical Adviser or TA has final authority over any and all character backgrounds and concepts. The TA may find the need to veto a character background if said story violates Star Trek Canon or the basic ideals of the Universe. If you have any questions about Canon please feel free to PM the TA with your questions.