Getting to Know You 6/18/21 - Printable Version

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Getting to Know You 6/18/21 - Anatketani - 10-24-2021

This will be the morning after Reine, kale and durro leave with sinya. And after the shopping trip
Astra  Korraay — 06/18/2021
Astra, we settled in the back years with Roza after the shopping trip with the intention of meditate ing.  She was so thankful that Ava and Nova had known where to find the hover pram it was extremely useful. she settled in the grass and  started to clear her mind they way she had been thought.  That ended in a fit of tears as some painful memorys came to mind. She she ended up hunting down Dooku's Jurnal and reading that as everything was calm for the moment. And she liked the sun and breeze the feal of the grass was also nice.

@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 06/18/2021
Tesara was passing by a window when she noticed Astra sitting in the grass with tear streaks down her face.  Compassion for this girl overwhelmed her for a moment.  The past year had been madness and loss and grief for her.  In comparison to what had happened to Tesara itself, Astra's life had been a thousandfold harder.  Tentatively, she went to the door to the backyard and opened it.  Astra's head was bent over her adopted father's book, reading intently.  Roza hovered nearby, burbling happily to herself.  Tesara took a deep breath, knowing that what she was about to tell Astra might bring more tears, but she needed to know. Now was a good a time as ever.  She stepped out and sat down across from the girl, knowing Astra was keen enough in the Force to have sensed her presence as she approached.
"Hello, Astra."  She said softly.  "Are you all right?"
@Astra  Korraay
Astra  Korraay — 06/18/2021
Astra was quick to wipe the tear away.  " im ok" a smile crossing her face as she tried as she tried to force herself to be calm and force the emotions away. She could not let anyone see the emotional storm beneath the surface.

" How are you Tesara," she asked setting the Jurnal down she started instinctively to play with her bracelet and instinctive habit. Roza continues a babble Happy. For a moment Astra was distracted looking over the child. Silently wishing that Roza's life  would be better then her own.  Her attention focused back on Tesara. " can I help you?" she asked with a forced smile.
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 06/18/2021
"No, I don't need anything, but I think you should hear something important."  She said, a sad smile on her face.  "I don't want to add to your sadness, but I suspect hearing this may bring you some closure.  I was with Lord Sorreno when he died.  I was assisting at the cathedral after the bombing, helping the medical staff and bringing comfort to the wounded and dying.  I had no idea who he was when they told me to tend to him."  She pauses.  There is more, but she wants to give Astra a moment to absorb this.
@Astra  Korraay
Astra  Korraay — 06/18/2021
Astra froze unable to react. She wanted to cry but could not let herself. She tried so desperately to get the emotion under control. She was refusing to agnolage the emotion.

Then smiled it was definitely forced  " Im glad he was not alone Was Sol with him?" She asked.
Tesara Anerin — 06/18/2021
Tesara bit her lip and shook her head.  "No, I'm sorry.  If he was there, I never saw him and wouldn't have known who he was if I had.  And Astra, it's perfectly acceptable to cry.  Jedi learn to flow through and acknowledge their emotions, learn from them, and learn to not be ruled by them.  We still HAVE them.  You and I are alone out here, aside from Roza of course."  She smiled sadly again.  "I will not judge you if you cry.  It will likely help release some of your grief."  She said quietly.  "Would you like me to continue or do you need a moment?"
Astra  Korraay — 06/18/2021
She just stared at Tesara. And shook her head. " Crying does not help these emotions don't just go like all the others," She said quietly.  Then waited for her to continue her story.
Tesara Anerin — 06/18/2021
Tesara sighed a little and nodded.  Her mother had taught her that tears actually released toxins and were healthy.  Astra would do as she saw fit, though.  She had every right to cry or not.  "Well, he was confused, I think.  Now that I know who you are and your background, I realize that he thought I was you.  He asked me if I was his daughter.  I held his hand, and said I was not, but I am not sure if he truly understood or not.  He wasn't going to make it, that was clear.  All I wanted for him was to have someone by his side who was kind.  My mother used to sit by the side of those dying and I learned much from her on how to ease that transition."  She sighed and continued.  "As it was, he said something odd.  He said that there were three things that together, would mean peace for Baklid.  The tree, the seed and the fruit.  He said I was the fruit.  But...again I am not certain he knew that who he was talking to was me, or if he still believed he was speaking to you.  He said I had to trust my mother.  And then he said he loves me, and closed his eyes.  He did not open them again."  She said, as gently as possible.  "Astra, I believe now that he thought I was you.  That message was for you.  Trust your mother.  You're the fruit.  You can take up the cause he and your mother were striving for."  She finished, hearing her own words echoing around her.  She was glad the sun was shining and they were outside.  This news was far too big to be given inside a building.
@Astra  Korraay
Astra  Korraay — 06/18/2021
Astra just stared at Tears lost for a moment. She suddenly burst into tears. " He is wrong I can't do this I barely know who I am. Trust my mother she is in jail. How exactly am I to do that. I could not even protect Sol or Roza " she said. The Roza she mentioned was not the baby next to her but her best friend. " how can I help bring peace im only one person. It's would take an army and even then that not true peace" She said shaking her head. The tears finally stopping as she started to calm down.

" Do you miss your home?" She asked. She was despite for a change in subject this was was to much to deal with.
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 06/18/2021
Tesara waited, her expression compassionate while Astra wept.  She had been fairly certain that she would cry when all was said and done.  She was glad of it, knowing that it does bring release and healing.  And then she smiled gently when Astra asked her if she missed home.  She knew it was a diversion so she didn't have to talk about her future or her family anymore.  Not willing to push, she nodded.  "Yes, I do.  I miss my mother.  She was so wise and she knew so much.  If I hadn't left, I'd be the village Yilsaani now.  That's like a shaman..a medicine man...a...well...someone who knows how to work with the Force to heal and protect.  But I chose to leave Lanus with Durro to seek to become a Jedi."  She paused, feeling her throat tighten.  "I don't think I will ever see her again.  The chances of returning to my own timeline are slim to none."  She looked away, then back at Astra.  "So rather than rail against fate, I decided to stay here to do some good.  The Jedi way is to be compassionate, to strive for peace but try to resolve conflict without fighting or war.  And of course, so much more, as you already know, having gone to the Jedi Academy.  We are both the Force itself and the hands to do it's Will."  She arched her spine, lifting her head to the sky, feeling the sun wash over her.  She stretched out her arms, opened her hands and sought the Spirits, connecting with the Force and allowing it to wash over and envelope her in peace.  After a moment, she looked back at Astra, the energy of the Force flowing about her as she smiled.  "You're never alone, Astra.  And your destiny is your own to choose."  She smiled.  "I just hope you accept my assistance in whatever that is."
@Astra  Korraay
Astra  Korraay — 06/18/2021
Astra smiled a real genuine smile. " Of course you are always a welcome friend. Also, Lord sereno was always confusing and when he got angry Sol, Roza, I were always in his office for some miss adventure or another. I think my favorite was the gladius on what plant was that...Olvan. After that Lord sereno had Sol and I working in the kitchen for months. Not that we minded." She said and burst into a fit of giggles. She shook her head and looked back at Tesara. Then to the Baby. " it must have been hard to leave everything you loved behind like that. " Astra said gently and watched Tesara. " If you want you can be part of my family I could you're a sister and some one to Take care of Roza if something happens to me. I would love to hear more about your home if your able to talk about it. It's not very interesting but I could tell you about growing up in a Jedi academy " she said trying to reach an even ground with Tesara. Tesara was so kind and she wanted to know more about this new friend.
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 06/18/2021
Pleased, Tesara smiled.  "I cannot even imagine what it was like being in the same place with so many other people who were like you, who could sense and work with the Force and being taught how to.  I trained one on one with Durro for five years before we found a way off Lanus.  Some pirates came and well...they were no match for Durro.  We took their ship and left.  I abandoned that destiny and left behind everything I knew.  I wanted to, though.  I wanted to see the different places and worlds and WOW have I gotten my wish!"  She laughs.  "And Sol!  He sounds amazing.  Tell me, what was he like?  Does Roza look like him?"  She glanced at the baby, wavering somewhere between awake and asleep.  She was beautiful.  For just a moment, Tesara felt a pang of regret and longing, but took a deep breath and pushed it away.
@Astra  Korraay
Astra  Korraay — 06/18/2021
Astra smiled picking the baby up and putting her in Tesara's Lap. Roza giggled at Tesara. The child was wide awake now she reached up at Trsara with a hands that she had gotten free of her blanket.

" Sol was amazing. The first day we meet he protected me from a bunch of Bullies and then took all the blame for a fight that I had started. From them on we were fast friends he wanted to be the best Dulist and study under Lord Sereno. I would not have made it here without him. He alwas took the time to train and study with me he was also always there to protect me wether I wanted him to or not. He had beautiful brown hair and bright green eyes. Like she does" Astra said.

" it's not all it's cracked up to be though if you want we can alwas have a sparing match many I can teach you what I learned from the academy and lord Sereno, you master seams kind cold, and more then a little... Umm... Set in his ways" Astra said with a smile. She was not trying to be mean but the man did seam rigid.
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 06/18/2021
Tesara was a bit surprised to find her arms full of baby, but as soon as Astra stepped away, assured that Tesara was trusted with her child, she felt that same tug deep within her.  She knew it was ancient, that feeling.  Since the dawn of time women had been drawn to having children. She knew it for what it was, acknowledged it, and allowed it to sink within herself again.  Smiling, she held a finger up for Roza, who instantly grabbed it with her perfect, tiny fingers.  Delight filled her and she laughed.  "Well then, Miss Roza, you have a lot to live up to in your Mom and Dad.  Will you be a troublemaker too?"  She cooed at the child, who looked equally as delighted as she felt.  Laughing again, she looked at Astra.  "A sparring match sounds great!  I've worked with Durro for a long time, and have used the remotes to practice as well, but the chance to spar with someone new is always a treat.  Especially when you're not actually looking to lop my head off!"  She grinned.  "As for Durro..."  She shrugged, still smiling at the baby.  "He was alone a long time on Lanus before he saved my life.  Long story.  He fought in the clone wars and escaped the purge of the Jedi.  He is what they call 'old school'.  But I have learned a lot from him, and owe him my gratitude.  But learning new things are always a joy as well."
@Astra  Korraay
Astra  Korraay — 06/18/2021
Astra giggled watching Tesara interact with Roza." I just hope for her sake she ends up being like her dad im to stubborn for my own good" astra said with a grin.

"We will have to see if Ava or Nova can watch Roza for a bit I would prefer her not be to close to a sparing match. Many we could visit the Academy on Sereno one day. " astra said with a smile. The thought of going home was converting and sad at the same time.

" I see so Durro never really held from the war did he? Ether way he saved both mine and my mothers life the day he was branded a terrorist. I owe him gratitude for that" Astra said. She was a but sad for Durro now knowing the truth behind the man.
@Tesara Anerin#3565
Tesara Anerin — 06/18/2021
"Yes!" She declared, gently bouncing the baby on her knee.  "No babies when we spar!"  She laughed.  "Durro is a complicated man and a simple one as well.  I think he might decide to leave Baklid to seek out knowledge.  But I will be staying here."  She frowned a moment, recalling the unnerving place she had visited in Durro's meditation.  The Jedi temple that wasn't really the Jedi temple at all.  Something dark and unsettling.  She shook it off and looked at Astra.  She was pleased to see her smiling.  "Feeling better?"
@Astra  Korraay
Astra  Korraay — 06/18/2021
Astra smiled " I am fealing much better. What's it like to grow up in the rainforest," she asked? She was genuinely curious. She watched as Roza giggled happily. It brought Astra great Joy to see her child happy. She looked up at the sky. " Im glad that you will stay. Wail all people are wonderful I find it's easier to relate to others who have force ability as well." She said.
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 06/18/2021
Tesara nodded.  "Yes, I agree.  And we'll do what we can to try and make everyone work together, even if they don't want to."  She made a little snort.  "Reine isn't so bad, really.  She's just very...passionate and sick of people coming to her planet and making changes with no regard to those who lived here before them.  She can be a little bit of a handful sometimes, but her heart is in the right place.  I think the two of you working together would accomplish more than trying to do things separately."  She sighed and glanced at the garden, then back at Astra.  'It's just getting that to happen may be challenging.  But you won't be dealing with her all alone.  Ava, Nova and I have your back."  She said, unwilling to name anyone else without knowing their thoughts on the whole thing.
@Astra  Korraay
Astra  Korraay — 06/18/2021
Astra shook her head " from what I heard she has some growing up to do. From my understanding, she seeks to have anyone not in her tribe thrown off the world. I'm seen little in her behavior so far to prove otherwise. Though im hesitant to try talking to her again. Im still struggling with the reality that I am a princess the last thing I need is her challenging me and forcing me to defend myself when it did nothing to her." Astra admitted. " I know that I can't take what Ava and Nova said at face value and I need to give her a chance but right now im not able to deal with her. I need to resolve my conflicts before trying to face her again" She said shaking her head.

" It kinda hard to deal when your entire life you saw yourself as a worthless orphan and then suddenly your a princess and the fate of a plant rest on your shoulders. I did not want that. I did not ask for it I wanted to be a jedi Knight and stand By Sol's side as his equal." Astra said. She was calm but there was clear turmoil under her words.
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 06/18/2021
Tesara looked thoughtfully at Astra. "No one is worthless.  Even if you had not found your mother or been adopted by Lord Sorreno, you still would be worthy of the Force, and your kyber crystal.  And you will go on to be the Jedi Knight you want to be.  Perhaps we can find a way of bringing your mother back to Baklid."  Tesara stood, carrying Roza to Astra.  "I don't know if it is possible, but we can try.  And you don't need to deal with Reine for a while - a week perhaps.  In the meantime, we'll enjoy having the house to ourselves, and Nova's cooking."  She smiled.
@Astra  Korraay
Astra  Korraay — 06/18/2021
Astra smiled and shook her head. " you don't understand how it works here." She said taking Roza back. " You see here you have to be selected to go on the gathering and only Nobles are selected. I was lucky that Lord Sereno Adopted me that family has only taken in two other adopted members. If you're an orphan in this universe you're lucky to be a servant. It's wrong and I know better than to believe it but I still can't get it out of my head. Indoctrination is not just within the tribe" Astra said.
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 06/18/2021
Tesara looked thoughtful.  "Did you go to this gathering? Once you had been formally adopted?"
@Astra  Korraay
Astra  Korraay — 06/18/2021
Astra nodded " Yes I did" She said. Not sure where Trsara was headed with this. Roza made faces at Tesara from her mothers arms.
Tesara Anerin — 06/18/2021
Tesara smiled at the faces Roza was making.  "Well then you can be a Jedi Knight here, right?  Your mother was, was she not?  I know she had a lightsaber."
@Astra  Korraay
Astra  Korraay — 06/18/2021
Astra blinked " yes you are right" Astra said. Starting to see what Tesara was getting at. " well of course im going to be a jedi that's the path I chose" she added. She was still not sure what to do about the princess nonsense but many that did not matter. " You know for someone so young you sure are wise," Astra said.

"Perhaps as long as I have the help I can give Reine another try besides she is the only one that can help me with that treaty the one that would establish a democratic government and represent all the people of Bakiled. Reine is ideal to represent her peoples interest and needs" She said.
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 06/18/2021
"I am eighteen, my birthday is in a few months." She smiled.  "And thank you for the compliment.  You're right about Reine, and about the treaty.  You know, all we can do is take one day at a time. Deal with each thing as it comes.  We can plan for the future as best we can, but in reality, plans often change as much as not.  As for me, I want to be able to look back on my life and be proud of what I did."  She said.  "Would you like me to take Roza so you can be alone for a bit or are you happy with her here?  Whichever you'd like we can do."
(((OOC I have to sign off for the night.  You can reply and we'll end there, is that ok?)))
Astra  Korraay — 06/18/2021
Yap this was fun
Astra smiled setting roza in the Huver Pram and got to her feet. " why do we go see what on the holonet and do something normal people do for once." She said and moved to head inside. With the baby and making sure to pick up Dukoo's journal.
Tesara Anerin — 06/18/2021
Tesara grinned, pleased to see Astra looking less sorrowful.  That baby was ridiculously cute.  "Yes, let's."  She said, heading back inside.