Second Breakfast 4/5/22 - Printable Version

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Second Breakfast 4/5/22 - Anatketani - 05-29-2022

Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/05/2022

While the girls get ready for their trip into the village, Durro sounds the chime on Tesara's door.

"Tesara?" He calls softly. "Are you awake?"
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 04/06/2022
Tesara opens the door a moment later.  "Good morning, Master."  She smiles, her fingers twisting a band into the last braid.  Her hair has changed from the last time he saw her.  It is obvious she was up, showered, and dressed to leave.  Her hair is done in a complicated coronet of braids.  "I'd like to come with you and the girls today.  I haven't had a chance to check in on Hadaza though.  When are you leaving?"  She asks.
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/06/2022
The lightness of his countenance, detectable when he met them at the ramp at their arrival, is still there. Like before, he is still wearing his Jedi robes and not his civilian clothes.

"As far as I know, Hadaza is still in the bacta tank. I thought we might have breakfast while the girls finish getting themselves ready."

He steps aside to allow her to exit and walk beside him.

"If you wish to come, I'd love to have you. I was counting on yours and Astra's help; though I understand why Astra may not come. We'll leave after all have eaten and are ready."
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 04/06/2022
"Astra will not be joining us until her safety is assured, which is another reason I want to visit the village today.  And I am glad the girls aren't ready yet.  I was going to nip over to see Hadaza then get breakfast, but I can switch those.  She glances at him.  "You look more now."  She smiles.  "And you look happy.  I'm pleased to see it, Durro.  You've had a cloud over your head for a while now and it is nice to see that it is gone."
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/06/2022
"Not everything here has been bad." He says with a smile. "We have a lot to catch up on."

They enter the kitchen and Durro sets about making a simple, Lanusian-style breakfast familiar to both of them.

"So how was your talk with Falynn? I feel like I've only gotten snippets of that, as well as just an overview of what happened during the storm."
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 04/06/2022
Tesara helps by gathering plates and silverware and setting the water to boil for tea for him just simply out of habit.  "Falynn is an interesting woman.  I think I may have offended her sensibilities about the Jedi, more specifically the hunters, when we were speaking.  She asked fairly directly why I had decided to no longer walk the path of a Jedi and I told her.  She questioned me quite a bit about what I knew and..."  She stops and bites her lip.  "Durro I must ask your forgiveness for I feel like I bungled my answers badly and due to that she believes you didn't teach me correctly."  She looks ashamed.  "I defended you but she is one of those people whom once their mind is made up about something, it doesn't change.  So when you speak to her, please know that she may grill you about what you taught me.  I'm very sorry if that causes issues between you, or for that matter, between you and I."  She rubs her face, trying to set aside the guilt and shame of that memory and goes to find the tea bags.  "She also told Astra and I that she knew exactly who Astra was and that she knew Astra had been compromised by the Crusade.  She spoke about some kind of mind-walking-like ability to remove the programming of the Crusade, but that it was extremely difficult and dangerous and that when she did this with Rose, it nearly killed her.  The moment she found out that Hadaza had been wearing a Crusade uniform when we rescued her made her immediatley tell us to kill Hadaza right away.  That she and Astra both were "ticking time bombs" and that at any moment, their programming could kick in and they could try and kill us all."  She dips the tea bag into the mug, looking disturbed and unhappy.  "The entire conversation was very unsettling and frustrating.  Astra and I thought it best not to tell Hadaza any of it.  Not yet at least."  She sighs again.

(((more after the jump, running out of characters)
(((OOC - I have not had a chance to talk to Wanderer about this, but I as the PLAYER bungled this conversation with Falynn very badly because I the PLAYER could not recall or remember the Jedi code or their teachings to such a degree as to be able to recite it as Tesara when she was being questioned.  As a result, I screwed it up badly and Falynn took this that Tesara must have been taught badly by Durro.  I was really irritated with myself because this reflects badly on Durro when it SHOULDN'T.  That was MY fault as the player and I apologize.  ? ? ? ?  )))
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/06/2022
"Your training was always to be the Yilsaani." Durro says. "Even your Jedi training was to fill in the gaps left by Tarrison's mentor's early death. I'd be lying if I said I didn't hope you would choose the Jedi over Lanus; I knew the Jedi needed someone like you. Though I now see I was wrong. Your Jedi training has been helpful I'm sure, but your path was never to be a Jedi. Not like them, anyway."

"As for Hadaza, I think she has pieced this together already. Handyman has told us she is a strandcast, using the original Dathomiri witch as a starting point. Enhanced reflexes, increased muscle density, even a boosted healing factor. She's a purely biological Shadow Stalker, and like them is made to kill Jedi."

His face and voice hardened while speaking, but softened again as he continues.

"That doesn't matter though. We love each other, and confessed as much when we talked. Tesara, I believe she's my pariibo." He cannot help but smile broadly, his happiness radiating in the Force. "As the stories say; together, even Malora cannot hope to stand against us."
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 04/06/2022
Brightness chased away the shame and guilt and she bounced over to him, hugging him tightly.  "Durro I am so happy for you!  And happy for her as well, to have found such a wonderful man to spend her life with!  The past only matters if we give it power to.  I know we're going to fight Malora and win and then...our future as WE want it to be!"  She is beaming now.  "And thank you for your kind words about the Jedi.  Falynn is very much the hunter...digging for information in any way she can get it.  It doesn't appear that she is corrupted like some of the others we have come across, but that Hunter training is quite intense."  She steps away and sets the mug of tea on the table, then goes to make herself some coffee instead.  "And the girls?  How are they today?"
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/06/2022
"Tired." He says with a laugh. "They went 'camping' last night and stayed up later than normal. I still got them up and held to the morning routine, though. They're tired, but excited to see the village."

He trays up the simple meal and caries it to a table.

"So, anything you think we should show them first? Any areas to stay away from? You've seen more of the village than I have."
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 04/06/2022
Tesara sits down to eat.  "Well, beside what I already told you about their religious beliefs, there is another thing I ran into.  They believe that using our Force powers is an insult to the spirits.  That because we don't ask, that it's rude to just use them.  For instance, I saw they were helping prepare for the storm, so Astra and I went out into the village to see if we could help.  They were trying to move a large cart into storage and it was very heavy.  I offered to use Move Object to help get it inside quicker and they all acted as if that was anathema.  They know of our powers because of Rose and her army and what they are capable of.  Once I realized they didn't want my help in that way and that they were determined to do things the old fashioned way, I stepped back.  Then not long after, Astra and I heard someone crying out in pain.  There were warriors guarding the entrance to the hut where the noise was coming from.  Astra and I knew that we might be able to help whoever it was, but I also knew that we'd be either insulting them or turned away anyway.  It was hard, but we moved on.  I think whoever was making the noises was a woman giving birth.  Their legends say that their Queen was born during a storm.  So it is possible that the child born yesterday will grow up one day to be their Queen."  She takes a long drink and sets it down again.  "Durro, have you considered the effect the girls may have on these people?"  She bites her lip.  "WE look like the others that came before.  Hadaza is the only one amongst us that looks different, but her skin is still pale like ours, horns or no.  The girls look VASTLY different.  Blue skin, red eyes....are you not a little bit concerned on how they will be received?"
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/06/2022
"Not at all." Durro says. "They're children, and these people are friendly and hospitable, if a little set in their ways. I think we'll be fine."

"Interesting about their beliefs. Especially since they can't touch the Force."
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 04/06/2022
Tesara nods, looking thoughtful.  "I request that we have a plan B in place in case their appearance, especially their eyes, causes a disturbance.  I will not allow the girls to be harmed.  They are too precious and innocent."  She says.
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/06/2022
"A solid tactical decision." He agrees, clearly enjoying his meal and his tea. "Hope for the best, plan for the worst."

"Do you plan on visiting The Judges yourself?"
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 04/06/2022
Tesara frowns.  "I have been meditating on that.  I woke up very early this morning and tried to discern the will of the Force.  I only saw myself with you and the girls but there was nothing about the Judges."  She looks at Durro.  "I don't think I am going to go to them."
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/06/2022
"Fair enough. They weren't very helpful. I learned nothing from them; though they put me on the Ship of the Dead. My brother was aboard, his name was Dal, apparently. While it was nice to talk to him, to learn more about him, he tried to convince me to return to the Jedi ways. I left the ship feeling I had gained nothing but more questions."

He sips his tea thoughtfully.

"He sends his regards, by the way; he knew who you are when I'd not said a word about you. I got the impression you and I have been aboard before."
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 04/06/2022
Tesara's fork is halfway to her mouth when he says this, and she freezes almost comically.  "What?!"  She splutters, setting the fork down quickly.  "The ship of the DEAD?  What....I thought you said when we die we're absorbed back into the Force!  How on earth could I have been there before?  As me?  I'm so confused."  She looks it too, and a little alarmed as well.
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/06/2022
"Tesara, many cultures across time and space have myths and legends about a ferry, boat, or ship taking the souls of the dead to the other side. Our people had their own version; remember?"

He takes another bite, his meal nearly finished.

"I've seen a lot and done a lot in our short time here; experienced things that any Jedi from back home would scoff at as being impossible. The Jedi don't believe in gods or demons, in ships of the dead or communing with those who've died. They don't believe in Sprits, of any kind. All is the Force. While I can't explain what these 'gods' are or were, Malora proves they are something. The Ship of the Dead is no different. Whether or not it is truly a ferry for the souls of the damned or not, it exists and apparently we've been on it. I'm curious to know when, and how. I was told once you leave those decks, you don't remember your time aboard."

"Which makes me wonder why I remember this time."
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 04/06/2022
Tesara takes a long, deep breath, recalling the stories from her childhood about what happens to those who pass on.  It's yet another pain in her heart.  She forces herself to finish eating and listen.  Then a thought occurs to her.
"Durro, might it be when Alderaan was destroyed?  We went through a black hole and found ourselves here.  If we have no memory of being on the ship of the dead, might we have been on it in those few minutes the ship was traversing the black hole?  That we survived that STILL shocks me, even though we ended up here."
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/06/2022
"In truth; that was my first thought as well." Durro says, finishing his own meal.

"Though he didn't mention anyone else in our party, so I still have to wonder."

He pours himself another cup of tea.

"So, Dal tried to convince me to return to the Jedi as we knew them. To take up their ways and teachings again. Apparently he tried to leave the order when we were teenagers, thinking he was holding me back. I convinced him to stay. He tried to do the same for me. What he failed to realize is that I don't want to leave the Jedi, I simply want to follow their core teachings, without the added dogma and tradition, some of which is harmful."

He savors a long sip.

"It was actually an experience I had in the bacta tank that convinced me I can still call myself a Jedi, even though the Jedi still exist with their traditions and dogma in this universe. I'll just be the founder of a third sect within the broader Jedi Order. We'll have the Coruscant Jedi, the Olivan Jedi, and my Jedi."

He smiles at her.

"Not sure how to refer to us beyond that."
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 04/06/2022
Tesara beams at him.  "Oh, Durro I LOVE that idea!  Maybe we can return to Lanus?  Maybe you can base your order there?  That would be a lovely thing indeed."  She finishes her food.  "My plan is to return to Lanus as well, hopefully having convinced Jack to come with me.  I want to raise my family there.  I liked Baklid but Lanus is my home.  Even if it isn't the same here as it was there.  While I am not a Jedi, I would support you and Hadaza in any way I am able."
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/06/2022
"I was thinking I might base my students in the mountains of Europa; in that school I found on my spiritual journey there. Assuming it is still there and wasn't just a Force-induced vision like the people I stayed with."

"Though if Baklid doesn't work out; Lanus would be a great second-choice. Not sure about living in the desert, but we could get used to it I'm sure."

"You know, I'd be honored if you would stay and teach with us. I may call my order 'Jedi', but nothing I already told you has changed. I plan on taking wisdom from everywhere. Anyone who wields the Force and is willing to teach me, I'll learn and incorporate what works into my own teachings. Keep what works, reject what doesn't."

He finishes his second cup of tea.

"I'm sure Astra would like to help me in this endeavor, and likely Hadaza as well. You would be a great addition; even if you don't call yourself Jedi. Your insights will be valued and there will be a lot of non-Jedi there learning from us. I've told you my vision, haven't I? I suddenly can't remember; the last few weeks have been a blur."
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 04/06/2022
Tesara chuckles.  "A blur is a perfect adjective."  She smiles.  "Yes, I would be honored to teach at your school as long as everyone is aware that I do not call myself a Jedi or teach Jedi ways.  The Force is the Force, whether Jedi or no."  She pauses for a moment, thinking.  "Can I speak openly about something, Durro?"
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/06/2022
"That is one of my core beliefs, and therefore one I will teach: 'The Force doesn't belong to the Jedi. There is some truth in all teachings'."

"Of course, what's on your mind?"
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 04/06/2022
Tesara takes a deep breath and looks Durro straight on.  It is obvious that she is a little nervous.  "Back on Olavan when I said I was no longer going to continue on the path of the Jedi, you asked me to hand over my lightsaber.  I did, but kept the crystal.  Things were....hard between us then.  They aren't hard any longer.  We see each other differently now.  So...having said you still believe that the light saber is only able to be wielded by a Jedi?  I ask because...."  She stumbles a little on her words but continues.  "I tried using a sword and it's nothing like a light saber.  I wasn't as good as you at the lightsaber to begin with as I was so accustomed to my bow and arrows, but I liked it.  It was light and powerful.  Not against the swarm of course, but I realized very quickly that a lightsaber is not only light because of the blade, but because it's physically light.  I am not strong enough to wield a normal blade with any proficiency when it will really matter.  I wish I could wield a lightsaber again, but I understand if your decision is no."  She finishes.  It is obvious that this has been on her mind for a while and it has taken a lot of time for her to gather enough courage to ask.
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/06/2022
Durro sighs and sits back, closing his eyes.

"A lightsaber is a Jedi's weapon." He says after a moment. "That much is still true. It was invented by the Jedi, perfected by the Jedi, and can only be constructed by one trained in the Jedi arts by another Jedi. They are so ubiquitous to the Jedi that if you wield one or even carry it on your belt, most non-Jedi will assume you are one."

"I taught you what I could on Lanus and until Olivan, expecting you to one day construct your own. If you take that knowledge and make one, I won't tell you that you can't wield it. You will have to build it on your own, though. I can't in good conscious give a non-Jedi a Jedi's weapon, when to wield it is in the eyes of many to represent the Jedi."

He opens his eyes and smiles warmly, like a proud father or a close friend.

"Of course, you'd always be welcome to become a Jedi in my sect. Like myself or Astra. Something to consider."
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 04/06/2022
Relief practically rolls off her.  The last time they had discussed this, she had left feeling hollow and wretched.  "Honestly, I do not know right now whether or not I would step back on that path.  My future...I want a husband and children.  I won't say no to be set in stone now, but neither will I say yes.  I will follow the will of the Force about it.  As for a light saber, I am grateful for your words.  I know that this planet isn't the place to be finding lightsaber parts, however..."  She reaches around her neck and pulls out her talisman.  It is a tiny bag with brightly colored beads on it that she wears at all times.  She pulls it over her head and opens the little pouch to withdraw her kyber crystal.  "This is the perfect place to imbue my crystal.  Here where the Force is the strongest.  If I decide to wield a light saber again, that will come later.  But this is the perfect place to start the process."  She smiles, turning the little crystal over and over in her hand.  It sings to her quietly, and looks at him again.  "Thank you, Master Thel-Tanis.  I'm grateful."
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/06/2022
"I agree, you should do that here and now. It'll take several days but still less than anywhere else. I can show you the meditative techniques if you like."

"As for being a Jedi, why does the desire to have a family and children mean you can't be a Jedi?" He leans forward and lowers his voice slightly; "Think it through; Hadaza is my Pariibo and I'm hers. Yet I still donned these robes again and consider my guiding philosophy 'Jedi'." He leans back again and speaks normally. "I don't expect you to decide now; meditate on it, training will come if and when it is time. Just consider it; you don't have to be a Jedi like the ones here or the ones back home. Astra and I will be building a new kind of Jedi, and we would welcome you among our ranks with open arms."
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 04/06/2022
Tesara returns her kyber crystal to its pouch and smiles at him.  "I would appreciate the guidance on imbuing my crystal.  And I will meditate on your offer.  And speaking of Hadaza, I would very much like to see and speak to her.  I know she is all right physically but all that happened to her must be difficult mentally.  Do you think Handyman will allow me to speak to her?"
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/06/2022
He checks his chronometer.

"It's been nearly eight hours; I'm sure she's due for another break from the bacta tank. I'm sure she'd love to talk to you. I should be getting the speeder ready and making sure Astra's up; though probably in inverse order. Let's clean up breakfast and then go about our business?"

He stands and takes his bowl and teacup and places them on the tray.
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 04/06/2022
Tesara stands as well.  "I do not want Astra accompanying us until we know it is safe to return to the village for her."  She says firmly.  "And it might not be a bad idea to consider moving the entire ship closer if the villagers are all right with it.  We're pretty far."  She says.
"I'll go see Hadaza now. Contact me via commlink or come by the medbay when you're ready to leave?"  She asks.
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/06/2022
"I'm sorry, I'd forgotten she's not coming. I spent all night thinking I'd have her help."

He takes the now-packed tray and nods.

"I'll finish up here; go see Hadaza. I'll message you when we're all ready to leave."
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 04/06/2022
She smiles, hugs him quickly again and heads out towards the med bay, tucking the talisman back into her clothing.
(((That was awesome! Thanks!)))
Durro Thel-Tanis — 04/06/2022
(((NP. Looking forward to the IB with Hadaza.)))