Welcome to the strange 5/3/22 - Printable Version

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Welcome to the strange 5/3/22 - Anatketani - 07-17-2022

TheTraveler — 05/03/2022
The walk back to the shutter was longer than Durro had expected. But it was the return to the shuttle that surprised Durro the most. Cheerie's laughter filled voice could be heard and she was apparently playing with a strange woman (see pic below)

Upon his arrival, Cheerie ran up to him. “Master, come see,” she said with delight as she took his hand and led him towards the woman. “Watch,” she said lost in her own impression of the moment.

“Hello,” Cheerie said basic. She then added in Sy Bisti, “welcome back.” And then concluded in her own native tongue, “Master Thel-Tanis.”

Turning her head to the side, the woman repeated each statement in the given language perfectly, matching Cheerie's own accent.

“and that is not all,” Cheerie said with delight. “Watch,” she added then motioned to the ground, “sit…”

The woman moved and shape shifted into a fox like creature. While the fur of the creature is redish brown (fox standard colors) the head and face of the creature was black and white (matching the mask she wears). Cheerie was bouncing with joy as she clapped.

She turned to Durro, “can we keep it?”

@Durro Thel-Tanis
(OOC: so the mask was edited in place. For the sake of game play, it covers the upper half of her head. Please ask any questions you feel is required to help you have a strong mental image of what is going on)
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/03/2022
(((I think I have a good idea, actually.)))

"This isn't like the desert cat." Durro says warily. He remembers the cat-like creatures guarding the oasis. Facing the creature he asks one simple question, though he knows he is likely to hear it repeated back to him.

"Who are you, and why are you here?"
TheTraveler — 05/03/2022
As Durro turns towards her, she shape shifts back into the woman she was as he walked towards her. She tilted her head to the side. It seemed she was going to speak as he spoke but then stopped herself. It was if she was waiting for some unseen command or instruction.

Cheerie smiled smugly, "she doesn't understand our language, Master." There was a bright almost naive look in her eyes.
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/03/2022
"Oh, I think she does." Durro says with a slight smile. To the creature he says,

"I thought you left too easily. What do want now? I should have some tea up in the shuttle." He glances towards the ladder that leads in the shuttle living area.
TheTraveler — 05/03/2022
She shifted as she listened to Durro and Cheerie speak. Finally she spoke, "i am not my Mistress."

She smiled softly, "though she hears, sees and can, if she wills it, speak through me."

Tilting her head to the side, "you possess an answer she seeks. I have been created to discover that answer."

Cheerie watched in surprise and shock, "she can speak!?" She turns back to Durro, "what does she mean created. Does she mean born?"
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/03/2022
"She means created." Durro answers with a grin. "An emissary? Avatar? of the being who invited me here. Apparently she wasn't satisfied with our meeting."

Turning to the creature he adds.

"That makes two of us. I know you're not her, but I also knew she was listening in. Unfortunately, I've not had any grand revelations in my walk back to my vessel. Maybe check back in a bit; once I've had the chance to meditate. You've been alive how long? A few more days should be like moments for you."
TheTraveler — 05/03/2022
A slight smile curled at the very edges of her lips, "My Mistress did not assume you would have the answer already. Though the moment you do, she will. As for the period of my existence, that solely depends on how long you take to resolve her answer."

She motioned to the shuttle, "you offered tea." Her smile slowly grew a bit more pronounced. "That is, unless you plan to deny a fellow being who only desires to seek knowledge," she added.

@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/03/2022
"Very well. Tea it is."

He climbs the ladder into the living area, sparing a glance at the medical pods before he does so. Once in the shuttle, he bustles about preparing the water and tea.
TheTraveler — 05/03/2022
(OOC: i think this might be abit out of order. If so, please bare with me)

She followed him up the ladder as Cheerie brought up the rear. As the strange creature was looking around the craft as if she had never seen anything like it before, Cheerie walked up to Durro.

In a whispered voice she spoke, "i am sorry Master. I didn't know." He could sense a wave of fear out of the young girl, "is she dangerous?"

(OOC: please keep your last paragraph for after you address Cheerie)

@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/03/2022
Durro quietly answers as he prepares the tea, also projecting a sense of calm for the frightened young one.

"I don't think so. She's connected to the avian we saw in the storm. A creature that ancient and powerful doesn't need an avatar to do us harm. She had a question for me and I don't know the answer. It seems like she'll be around until I find it."

As the water is heating and the cups are being prepared Durro addresses the visitor.

"Any particular way you like your tea? You or your mistress? I'm not sure whose tastes I'm catering to here."
TheTraveler — 05/03/2022
She moved around the two medical pods. She moved and touched the horned features of Haj, "I didn't realize your kind came in so many shapes and sizes."

Tilting her head to his question, "I have never had tea before, and my Mistress is not with us at this moment." She thought for a moment, "what would you suggest?"

@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/03/2022
(((The pods are in the big cargo attachment. They are up in the shuttle proper.)))

"For this tea I'd recommend a little honey, nothing more."

He finishes preparing the cups and hands one to her.

"There, let me know how you like it."

As he holds out the cup he adds as a thought:

"Do you have a name? How might we address you?"
TheTraveler — 05/03/2022
(My bad, i was following your post and got confused. Her comment will follow as Durro moves through that area.)

She takes a moment to touch the liquid and move it through her fingers. She sniffs it a moment before taking a sip, "it is strange. Not unpleasant," she paused then added. "Strange..."

She turned back toward him as if he had spoken to her, "i have no such thing. Would me having a name assist you in finding the answer."

Cheere blinded in surprise and clear confusion. "Did i miss something," she said looking to Durro before adding. "And who doesn't have a name?"
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/03/2022
"Our guest, as a recent creation of Miss All-Powerful, has no name." Durro explains. "Which will make addressing you difficult."

He sips his tea while thinking

"If your mistress wants an answer, I hope she's still willing to bargain for my time and effort. I do have other, more important things to attend to."
TheTraveler — 05/03/2022
The woman tilted her head almost as if such a concept was baffling to her, "what ever you believe might be more important, isn't."

Cheerie looked even more confused as her head tried to follow a conversation she was clearly missing. Her frustration grew, "wait....what are you two doing."

She turned back to Durro, "why does she seem like she is talking to you. But not what you are saying!"

The woman smiled once more, "if you feel I require  a name, than what shall you call me?"

@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/03/2022
Durro gives a smug smirk, thinking.

"Alang'idi.* That's how Cheerie and I will address you."

Aloud, he says to his young charge,

"Our guest is Alang'idi. She'll be staying with us until I find an answer for her master's question."

He takes another drink of his tea.

"Which will have to wait, as I said. We have two of our kind needing immediate medical attention. Once they are awake and on the mend, then we can begin finding answers to your mistress' question."

He turns and takes a seat on one of the bunks.

((( *Alang'idi means 'Puppet' or 'Doll' in Lanusian. A mythical (spirit) figure important in their mythology. That is what the visitor would see if she can/is reading his mind.)))
TheTraveler — 05/03/2022
Cheerie frowned, "but i already gave her a name. I named her Fluffy Bright Tail"

The woman gazed at Durro, "as i said, if you believe such petty thing are important compared to what my Mistress seeks. Allow me to remind you, its not."

She attempted to mimic Durro drinking tea. It didn't go very well as it dribbled down either side of her mouth. "This doesn't appear to be very effective way to do this," she said set the tea down. "So what have you learned about our quest?"

@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/03/2022
Durro gives Cheerie an incredulous look. He takes a long sip of tea, never breaking eye contact.

"Fluffy Bright Tail? We'll stick with Alang'idi but  thanks for the input."

In response to Alang'idi's statement he leans back with a contented smile, his eyes closed. He sips his tea slowly.

"I've learned that nothing is more important than slowing down and enjoying life's little pleasures. Finish your tea, only then will our duties resume."

((In case this was not clear, Durro made tea for all three of them. He never leaves anyone out. I noticed Cheerie has not been said to be drinking.)))
TheTraveler — 05/03/2022
Cheerie frowned at the not so subtle suggestion of drinking tea. She nodded like a good Padawan and took sip. Her face curled in dislike. After a moment of forcing the tea down, shd painted a smile on and held up her cup, "so yummy Master."

Alang'idi watched carefully, "fine, we shall enjoy the little pleasures." She frowned then took another drink. This time she managed to only spill a slight amount.

"You mentioned your friends requitr medical attention. This isn't completely true, is it," she asked.
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/04/2022
"I could've sworn I'd served you tea before." He says with a slight frown. "If you don't like it, you don't have to drink it."

He sips his tea, eyes still closed and still leaning back. It is several moments and several sips before he finishes the drink and sits up, eyes open. He looks to Alang'idi.

"It is indeed true; from a certain point of view." He says with a sly smile. "Not all medical attention is physical. There is nothing physically wrong  with them, but they've been compromised by a cunning enemy who wishes to use them as weapons against us, their family. My goal has been to cure them of that, and I had hoped your mistress would help. She has not, and so I must complete the task before they awake."

He rises from the bed and moves towards the ladder to the cargo area.

"So your mistress' answer will have to wait. This is time-sensitive and, frankly, more important." He pauses at the ladder. "It's also dangerous. I could very well die or be otherwise destroyed in this attempt. So an answer might never come at all. You're free to stay here, if you like. Or you can return to your mistress' side. Your choice."
TheTraveler — 05/04/2022
She set the tea down, "it is not that i dislike it. I have no reference to draw upon for a comparison. It is after all my first drink."

Her eyes narrowed, "help was offered. You simply over valued the hand in which you played from."

She rose with Durro, "i have been created to remain by your side until you complete my Mistress' task and I can return with her answer."

She followed Durro towards the ladder. Her lips turned upward in to a smile, nearly a grin. "I do not fear your death or destruction. You will fulfill my Mistress' task."

@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/04/2022
(((The comment about not liking the tea was directed at Cheerie, not Alang'idi.)))

"Good to know." He returns the grin and descends the ladder.

Down in the cargo area, he takes a seat opposite the two medical pods. After checking them to ensure the women were still asleep and stable he turns to Cheerie and Alang'idi.

"Cheerie, we're going to return to the Gungnir and make sure we're close by to finish this operation. Please make sure we're ready to depart."

"Alang'idi, if Cheerie doesn't need my assistance flying back I can begin the first part of the operation here. There are crash-seats above in the living area and down here in the cargo module. You should probably strap yourself in for the flight; it will be a few hours."
TheTraveler — 05/04/2022
Che'ri gave a worried look as she glanced between Durro and this strange woman. "Um, are you sure Master," she questioned softly. There was clear concern in Che'ri's heart for her Master. "You both seem to not care if you get hurt," she pointed out.

"Run along child," the woman said. "Your Master will be here when you return," she stated.

It was Chre'ri's that narrowed now, "will he be alive!?"

The woman shrugged, "i suppose, it would depend on him and his choices."

@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/04/2022
Durro nods to Cheerie.

"Prepare the shuttle; let me know when we're ready to depart."

He stays where he is and waits for her to comply. He also thinks:

"As I said, this is time sensitive. They must be helped before they awaken, and they cannot remain asleep forever. This must be done now and I'm told I don't have the skill. That's why I asked your mistress for help. I don't know if you're allowed to assist or if you're even capable of assistance, but I'll extend the same offer to you that I made to your mistress. Assist me, and you'll have my undivided attention in finding the answer to her question once my friends are awake and on the mend."
TheTraveler — 05/04/2022
It was clear Chre'ri didn't like the order. No, she didn't like it at all. 'I am a good Padawan,' she assured herself. "I will keep the intercoms on, Master," she said as if casting a warning to their guests. She felt silly now thinking the woman was just some strange creature she had found. As the conversation had continued, she realized her mistake. "I will let you know when we are ready," she said just before climbing the ladder.

After Che'ri had departed the area, Alang'idi found a place near by to stand and watch him. "Help was offered. You refused it," she pointed out as she tilted her head. "You believed your hand was stronger than it really was."

She shrugged, "such is the common mistakes of mortals."

@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/04/2022
Durro takes a step forward, his hand rising and a hard look on his face.

"What about you, Alang'idi? Are you mortal?" He asks in a dark tone. "Can your existence be snuffed out, your mission a failure?"

The Force stirs between them, like the cold bursts of wind before a storm.

"You have your mistress' arrogance, but do you have the immortality to back it up?"
TheTraveler — 05/04/2022
Alang'idi smiled as she walked forward and stopped as his hand touched the fabric of her shirt. "I did not have an existence before the first moment i drew breath. When my task is completed, i will no long draw breath."

Her smile was unmistakable, "I have no desire for more. It is all that Ihave been created for. After all, such is the purpose of a Therian."

Her head motioned to the two pods, "we can discuss my existence or you can continue with your task. The sooner you tend to them the soon you will tend to my Mistress."

@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/04/2022
The Force ceases and Durro drops his hand with a smirk.

"Good. Just so we're all on the same page."

Glancing towards the cockpit, invisible through the mass of the shuttle, he calls into the space;

"Cheerie? Are we ready to depart? Do you need my help?"
TheTraveler — 05/04/2022
Che'ri's voice over the intercom, "We are Master, is that strange woman leaving?"

Alang'idi smiled and allowed Durro to answer his little Padawan.

Once the conversation had ended, "So, what do you suggest? We wait, or are you going to get started?"

@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/04/2022
"We'll wait until we're back at the Gungnir." Durro says, heading for the ladder. "I'll spend the trip there meditating, and preparing. Until then, make yourself comfortable. It'll be a long flight back."
TheTraveler — 05/04/2022
Watching Durro walk over to the ladder, she holds her tongue for a moment, then decides to speak just as Durro was taking his first step.

Turning her head to the two medical pods and smiled, "of course," she said softly moving through the bay and running her hand over Haj's pod. "I will be waiting for your return."

@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/04/2022
A cold chill runs through him as she says it, outwardly he shows no sign of discomfort. He climbs to the cockpit and straps into the navigator's seat behind the pilot's seat.

"All ready for takeoff?" He asks Cheerie.