11-10-2014, 09:47 AM,
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RE: A Run In with the Devil
Lylliana frowned with a somewhat audible sigh. Her hand slide up her face, resting her forehead in her palm, after thoroughly massaging the bridge of her nose. "If this is how half the junior staff gets to meet you, then no wonder they are all obsessed." she mumbled frankly to herself, not trying to hide the fact she said it, but not speaking up completely audibly.
After a few moment, regaining her composure she spoke up to a more audible level, "The event is a suggestion from Lt. Jr. Noonia. He is concerned for the crews moral and I am simply taking lead of his idea. " she shrugged. She thought about what Bonham had just said to her. 'He couldn't find a slot to put me in?' her eyes narrowed to him, watching his moves, kinda staring now while she was lost in thought, 'Oh.... dodgy... ' a smile came on her face, fully realizing now what he has just done.
Lylliana rises to her feet, straightening her jacket. '20 seconds insane courage.... ' She stepped closer to the shower, "I believe you still haven't answered my question Commander." her voice steady, yet somewhat lighter in tone, "For what reasons would you request my reassignment to the Thunderchild, especially if there was no readily available assignment to be had? " She stood just outside the shower now, having swallowed hard after asking her last question, arms crossed as she felt like even at this distance she was still too incredibly close for comfort.
11-10-2014, 11:30 AM,
Narrator: Dark Tides
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RE: A Run In with the Devil
He watched her walk forward as he thought of what she had just said about the upcoming event. This conversation had nothing to do with the social event. "let's cut to the chase Ensign" he said with that voice of authority that was common among leaders. "The event is only your excuse to be here right now." He called her out.
He knew Noonia was a go getting kind of officer. The Junior Lieutenant was already making waves down in Engineering, which was just what Bonham had Hoped for. If the Thunderchild was to survive the peace after the Dominion War, it would need the kind of officers which Noonia was. It was time for this proud warship to learn how to be a starship again.
He dismissed her claim of failing to answer her question with a wave of his hand. A motion that he noticed got to her. "I didn't answer the question of why because I choose not to answer it" he said. Even if his word didn't prevent him from telling her, it was clear she wasn't ready for the truth. He found another path that he knew wouldn't answer her burning question of why but might help her understand the direction her life is taking.
"Tell me Ensign, you had to have heard of the Pathfinder Project. Your name was part of a long list of requested personnel to join the project" he explained while turning to finish his shower. Time was running out and he was going to be damned this runt of an Ensign would cost him his shower allowance.
"Sure it is a major project. Yes, names will be made out of this project. But not for those like you. The spotlight will be consumed by those with more experience, more standing. Yes you might if you are lucky get your name on a paper or even mentioned in a speech." Bonham explained as he continued to wash his body.
He rinsed the soap off his face quickly and leaned in towards her, "look around you Ensign. There has never been a ship like this one. Never had a mission like this kind before. Here you won't have to share the spotlight with anyone. No Rec Officer is not you finally posting on this ship. But it is a vessel to get you aboard. At one point fate will offer you an opportunity to move beyond this place you are at. And when that time comes, either sooner or later, you will show everyone what you are really capable of."
He finished washing the last bit of soap off his body and reached up and took hold of his towel as he stepped forward towards her. "Tell me something Ensign" he said coldly as he looked right in to her eyes. "Would you rather live the shadows of others all of your life. Or stand on your own and take center stage." He motioned for her to follow him as he added, "or if would rather serve in someone else's shadow I can send you right back to the Pathfinder Project."
11-10-2014, 01:35 PM,
(This post was last modified: 11-10-2014, 02:13 PM by NinjaPanda127.)
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RE: A Run In with the Devil
Lylliana's arms unfolded, as she felt herself become completely undone. He had cut through her guard and her courage was up, however he did manage in his last few words to stab her to the core. The Pathfinder Project was a noble idea and she knew she had the skill set to help accomplish something great with long range communications. "Well Commander, the event was a legitmate excuse, AND also the reason I had come to speak with you. Lt. Jr. Noonia has a wonderful idea that I am expanding upon and could use your performing expertise. " she felt him cut her to the quik as he exited the showers.
She mirrored his direction as he motioned for her. Despite her injured feelings, she was sour now, and at the point of snapping. She spoke up against him, "The Pathfinder Project is a noble project, noteworthy in fact.. " she tried to stay calm, cool and collected as she spoke, "Yes, I have the skill set to be a great influence and help to the Pathfinder Project. I know that I can make an impact there. " she sighed somewhat aggravated and defeated all at the same time, "Commander. No disrespect, but of course I will not fall behind and follow in someone elses shadow. And quiet frankly, you obviously brought me here for a reason and therefore, logically" she narrowed her eyes at him as she used the Vulcan turn a phrase, "it makes no sense for you to send me back to a project where, once again quiet frankly, I will shine and make a difference no matter what anyone says or thinks. " she snapped. At this point she had moved closer to him, and was almost at the point of seeming to reprimand him for ever making the statement. She stepped back, and fixed her jacket, straightening her appearance and once again regaining composure, "Again, no disrespect Sir. " Her blue eyes now bright and smoldering as they glared to his own. She wouldn't allow anyone to tell her what she was and was not capable of. She was stronger than that.
Note: Small change to include her reaction to him calling her out.
11-10-2014, 03:36 PM,
(This post was last modified: 11-10-2014, 06:01 PM by Akirapryde.)
Narrator: Dark Tides
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RE: A Run In with the Devil
Commander Bonham led the smaller and younger Ensign Skytower through the stacks of lockers as he dried himself off. He carried himself without shame or regard to the unexperienced Ensign walking behind him. From the back she could see the extent of the burns that ran down his back. It appeared that they started at his midsection and worked their way up his back and covered most of his neck and part of the right side of his face. The rumors of his wounds during the Battle of CMO-26 were hardly close to the truth, yet he still maintained control on the bridge long enough to save the ship.
The few remaining pilots who were finishing up getting dressed were all paying attention to the conversation. He listen to her words without given any sign that they had an effect on his opinion. "Ensign, I think you are missing the point." He said turning with his voice slightly over hers. He wanted to push her. He had to see where her breaking point was. If she had what he truly believed she was capable of, she would have to learn to access what was beyond that breaking point.
He spun around flipping the towel over his shoulder and looked down in to her eyes. His mannerism and stance could have easily mistaken anyone that this conversation was taking place on the Bridge or anywhere else but the Flight Ops locker room and he was buck ass naked. "Yes, I have the skill set to be a great influence and help to the Pathfinder Project" he said mimicking her tone and voice. He wanted her angry if she was going to see what laid before her. "You think you are on par with great minds like Reginald Barclay!?" he said as if he was dismissing her abilities. Actually the truth was, that he knew she could compete on their level if not even higher. But she had to realize that for herself, it wasn't something that he could just tell her. "Truthfully Ensign, you have good grades. But Starfleet Communications didn't put up a big fight for you. Two signatures and your life changed."
He looked in to her eyes as if he was looking deep in to her very soul. He could sense the uneasiness his glare was causing on her and moved closer to push the moment. 'Fight me....come on girl....push back....' he taught as he glared in to her eyes. "Want to waste your life in their shadows, give me the word Ensign and I personally take you back to Starfleet's Communications Research Center." he put his finger on her chest and put just enough pressure on her chest that she knew that she was being pushed. He added, "I bet I will enjoy the paper written by great minds from Pathfinder and look Ensign, at the bottom" he intentionally antagonized her, "barely even a footnote, GREAT INFLUENCE by Lylliana Skytower!"
He moved back as he attempted to refocused his attention on getting dressed. He knew he was pushing her and could tell that she was starting to break. But their conversation had drawn an audience. It was then he noticed that down the row of lockers a group of Flight Personnel had formed to watch what was going on. He snapped on them, "YOU HAVE SOMEWHERE TO BE!" he yelled so loud that everyone jumped. He was going to dress this little upstart Ensign down and rip down her walls, but he was not going to allow her to be come the center attraction for on lookers. He added, "GET OUT OF HERE! ALL OF YOU!"
On that he spun and made sure that Ensign Skytower knew he was not speaking to her, "Not you!" he jabbed his finger at her, "We are far from finished here" he commanded. His face reflected his tone, as he was completely serious about this conversation. She will never know that in this moment, she will choose between what awaits her beyond known space or to live a life in the shadows of others. He made a promise and he would not break that promise till the day he dies. In his face, she could see the scar of his face. Where the fires of the bridge had licked his face and neck during the battle of CMO-26. His eyes were focused on hers in this moment, "So tell me" he said bringing his voice and tone were much lower now. "How long do you think it will take Captain Campbell to realize that you are completely over qualified to be a Rec Officer" he asked as he motioned to her PADD.
He turned to his locker and pulled out a fresh uniform and started to get dressed. "Our Chief Science officer is a waste of the uniform. Completely too involved in his little projects to do this crew any good. Where this ship is going, no one has ever explored. Not in to deep space, but in to experimental technologies. Tactics that were never thought of ten years ago. Everything about this ship is new and will offer you a life time of experiences that you will never have back in Sol." Pulling his shirt over his hand and down his torso he finally turned back towards her with that look in his eyes once more.
He looked in to her eyes once more and smiled hoping that she would know the right path to take. He would look out for her, but if she was unwilling to live her life to the fullest, he wouldn't be able to help her. "Tell me Ensign, do you desire to run back to Sol and a life in someone else shadow or will you dare to follow me in to the unknown?" he pulled a small metal pocket flask from his locker and tucked it in to his uniform for safe keeping. He waited for her answer and kept his gaze focused on her.
11-11-2014, 08:55 AM,
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RE: A Run In with the Devil
Lylliana followed him through the row of lockers. She stopped short as he turned about coming utterly too close to her.
Quote:"Yes, I have the skill set to be a great influence and help to the Pathfinder Project" he said mimicking her tone and voice. He wanted her angry if she was going to see what laid before her. "You think you are on par with great minds like Reginald Barclay!?" he said as if he was dismissing her abilities. Actually the truth was, that he knew she could compete on their level if not even higher. But she had to realize that for herself, it wasn't something that he could just tell her. "Truthfully Ensign, you have good grades. But Starfleet Communications didn't put up a big fight for you. Two signatures and your life changed."
She glared at him. She knew she had the grades, and the know how and she wasn't about to have some pompous ass Commander try to tell her any different. Sure he had done a great service for Starfleet and Utopia, but honestly, he was a dick. "Reginald Barclay doesn't have half of what it takes to navigate his way out of a paper bag, let alone the skill to contribute effectively to the Pathfinder Project!" She was hot now, her voice raised, as the crowd drew in. "Yeah, ya know what. Go for it. Take me back to Starfleet Research! At least then it'll give me the chance to prove you and everyone else wrong about my capabilities instead of wasting away here as a Recreations Officer!"
She was hot standing there, the crowd had fallen silent, on looking. When Commander Bonham turned around snapping at everyone, she just stood there glaring. She gritted her teeth, and gladly started to turn away as he commanded everyone out. She needed to cool off and the holodeck was begging her to come now.
Quote:On that he spun and made sure that Ensign Skytower knew he was not speaking to her, "Not you!" he jabbed his finger at her, "We are far from finished here" he commanded.
She stopped and spun around on her heel to face him again. She was hot, and was now fully irritated. She didn't want to be disrespectful of his rank, but she'd be damned if she'd allow anyone to talk down to her. She opened her mouth to retaliate, but shut it quickly as it seemed his tone of voice changed slightly. She listened and then realized he was antagonizing her on purpose. Her eyes widened ever so slightly. She finally realized why everyone was so drawn to him. It may have been his looks, or some of his charm, but it was this moment right here.
She stood there, pondering for a split second. He was in uniform and she hadn't fully progressed through her training to be confident enough to take him on as she knew the flight deck had their own rigorous training schedule. He could out duel her any day and she knew it wouldn't be smart to start something unless you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt you would win it. She gripped her PADD tightly, feeling its weight to remind her. "That depends Sir... " she finally answered his question, almost through gritted teeth. "How long do you dare to stand and lead?"
11-11-2014, 06:03 PM,
Narrator: Dark Tides
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RE: A Run In with the Devil
Quote:"Reginald Barclay doesn't have half of what it takes to navigate his way out of a paper bag, let alone the skill to contribute effectively to the Pathfinder Project!" She was hot now, her voice raised, as the crowd drew in. "Yeah, ya know what. Go for it. Take me back to Starfleet Research! At least then it'll give me the chance to prove you and everyone else wrong about my capabilities instead of wasting away here as a Recreations Officer!"
Her faith in her own skills was arrogant and dangerous for someone like her. He wouldn't deny that she was smart or had the ability to learn so much more. He allowed her to finish that wave of anger and work towards hanging herself. He nodded to her as he pulled his boots out, "so you think you will wast away here Ensign?" he said moving back and taking a seat on the bench. He pulled his boots on one at a time as he watched her from the corner of his eye. His voice now was almost right back to its normal levels. He watched her get angry and could see her struggle to control herself. He had achieved what he wanted in working her up, now he wanted to see what she would do with that anger. He was disappointed that she choose to run back to Starfleet Research instead of embracing the possibilities of the unknown. Had he misjudged her drive or maybe he had misjudged what that post in Pathfinder meant to her.
Then again, maybe he misjudged what she desired from life. But in her last question, there was hope. He rose up once more and towered over her. Sure the actual size difference wasn't that much between the two. But what made him seem so much larger than her was that sense of presence that he could summon up and command. A gift that took years to prefect and could be used in situations just like this to rob others of their own confidence. He drew in a deep breath before he spoke as he locked his light blue eyes in to her own. "Ensign" he said commanding her attention, "No matter what happens tomorrow or the next week or when ever, I shall always stand and lead" he said. It wasn't completely a lie. He knew that this time next week his life would completely be changed. The Thunderchild and its mission would be a memory for him as he wanted to take this life in a new direction. But for the moment no one needed to know of his plans. No one, let alone this little Ensign.
"But" he added waving his finger between them, "what will make the difference is how far are you willing to take this path. I won't lie, the path you are on now is much more dangerous. You might not even survive it. But each day, you will live your life to the fullest" he said remembering another young pilot that stood before him just like this Ensign is right now. Scarred of continuing as a combat pilot, scarred of what the next battle will bring. "Pathfinder is a noble project. I will never take this away from them. I have met Barclay before. You give him far too little credit. The man is smart. Hell smarter then me at least. But you are a rare type of person, Skytower" he said using her last name. He had respected for this woman and this was a meeting between Commander and Ensign. Nothing about this was personal. "One who will never know her fullest potential living in some else's shadow" he stepped forward once more.
Now he was so close that he could feel her breath raising up to greet his own. She had strength to survive this path, he knew she did. But did she have to person courage to face this. This is what he didn't know. "I will keep my word. If you truly desire to go back I will take you back, personally. But trust me in this. At Pathfinder you will waste away under the shadows of those around you." He stepped back from her as he realized that he was just a bit too close to her for his own comfort. He turned as he started to walk down the racks, "Computer End Program" he said loudly.
On that moment, the entire locker room and showers vanished revealing the single largest secret of the flight deck. This entire space was actually a holodeck. Not like any other holodeck that Skytower had seen before. This one was different in design and she could tell that the operations of this holodeck was also not the same as a normal holodeck. She knew this ship and also knew that this holodeck was not in the plans of the ship or listed within the directory. "Computer, load and run Flight Operations Briefing Room. Upload the current training objectives for Stardate 53840." Right before her eyes, the room changed to a large briefing room. The entire area was lined with chairs. Skytower knew that space on this ship was a premium, but she never imaged that they would have converted part of the ship in to holodeck and use it like this. But the idea of this actually made sense. Along the walls around her were maps of the local space as the entire upcoming training for tomorrow morning.
However what seemed to have gotten them both was the sounds of a pair of beings in a lovers embrace. Commander Bonham turned just as Ensign Skytower did to see a holographic Commander Bonham and Lieutenant Kinchlirah. The pair were locked in a lovers kiss and with sounds matching the scene. Commander Bonham let out a cry, "PANDER!" he snapped so loud that it took Ensign Skytower by surprise and caused her to leap a bit. "Computer delete the characters within this program" he commanded and on that the two lovers vanished. As quickly as his anger rose, it was gone as he stood there and shook his head as a smile crossed his lips.
He shook his head once more and turned to face her, "Ensign, what matters now is not what I am willing to do. But how far you are willing to explore your life. What you are really capable of. This is what the path that I offer, will show you. Not Pathfinder. So tell me Ensign. Which path will you take?"
11-11-2014, 06:32 PM,
(This post was last modified: 11-11-2014, 06:36 PM by NinjaPanda127.)
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RE: A Run In with the Devil
She stood there, watching and listening to him. His entire demeanor shifting causing the air in the room to shift with him. Of course she was angry, more or less she was also hurt, but wouldn't show it. It was true, Barclay is a competent man, but she had seen his work and knew of his name for a long while. She had the drive and desire to always beat out her peers, this causing most of her isolation in the academy. Bonhams words cutting her to the core as he doubted her ability to shine right in front of her. 'Better in front of you then behind you Skytower" she thought for a moment.
Her eyes never left his, except in the briefest moments when he would turn around. Her shoulders relaxed a bit as she stood there before him, feeling almost completely disarmed. As he stepped closer, she swallowed hard, trying to hold her ground in his presence. 'Don't back down, don't back down... she thought repetitively to herself. Of course he held a domineering presence that overshadowed hers. She made mental note in the back of her head to work on overcoming that.
Quote:He turned as he started to walk down the racks, "Computer End Program" he said loudly.
She watched as the flight deck changed into a briefing room. She blinked looking around. She had studied the plans of this ship thoroughly to know the ins and outs and comings and goings so she wouldn't have to interact with people unless she absolutely wanted or needed to. This addition, or change however was surprising to her and clever. She had once thought about having living quarters and different areas being simple holodecks to compress living, working and other spaces into one convenient space. It astonished her to see something fully active like this. She turned about looking in awe and in seeing the characters of Bonham and Kinchlirah, she turned about quickly to give them privacy, bringing a hand up to shield her eyes.
She waited for him to clear the program, and finish speaking before dropping her hand, and regaining some normalcy in her composure. She cleared her throat, "Sir. " she closed her eyes and shook her head. She hadn't gotten the answer she was looking for, but knew that he had something in mind. She struggled a moment in her thoughts. She would have to ultimately put her faith and trust in whatever it was he had planned for her, and know it was the right path. When she opened her eyes, the look had changed. They were still as bright as ever, but somewhat softer in their appearance. They still blazed with a fiery passion, but they weren't smoldering over in anger. She would prove him wrong and she would do it right in front of him. She stuck out her hand to shake his, "I will trust in your judgement Sir and make my mark here." taking his hand she would grip it firmly, "I will prove what I am truly capable of, and I hope you have a front row seat. " the last bit in her face she clipped at him in a challenging tone, with a bit of an arrogant smirk and glint in her eyes.
11-11-2014, 07:53 PM,
Narrator: Dark Tides
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RE: A Run In with the Devil
(11-11-2014, 06:32 PM)NinjaPanda127 Wrote: When she opened her eyes, the look had changed. They were still as bright as ever, but somewhat softer in their appearance. They still blazed with a fiery passion, but they weren't smoldering over in anger. She would prove him wrong and she would do it right in front of him. She stuck out her hand to shake his, "I will trust in your judgment Sir and make my mark here." taking his hand she would grip it firmly, "I will prove what I am truly capable of, and I hope you have a front row seat." the last bit in her face she clipped at him in a challenging tone, with a bit of an arrogant smirk and glint in her eyes.
He held her hand tightly as he looked in to her eyes. They were bright and filled with promise of a remarkable future. But she needed to do this, not for him or anyone else, but for herself. "I know you will" he said softly, "but don't do this for me. Don't do this for anyone. Do this for yourself. Tomorrow I may die. Tomorrow we all may die. Live your life to its fullest today. Not for me. Not for them" he said speaking of anyone in general. "Live this life for yourself Ensign." If he only knew what tomorrow would bring for him personally. The pain, the suffering, the loneliness. But he could never guess what horrors awaited him tomorrow. But in this moment, he knew she needed someone to gain strength from. In this moment, he would be there for her. To push her in the right direction. Once she was underway, he would move on with his own plans for a different kind of life. A life as a husband to the woman that he loved so dearly. He had made up his mind to leave all this behind and live his life for himself finally.
Here in her eyes, he could see his long lost friend. The family she never knew. The family that immaturity had denied her of. He didn't judge his friend for his mistake. But if that long lost man could see the woman that that child had grown in to today. How proud he would be of her now. He opened his mouth to add something but the intercom cut him off. "Commander Bonham. Please report to the Captain's Ready Room for a Crisis Briefing." In that moment, it was clear that something was left unsaid.
Bonham only shook it off and nodded as he tapped his badge. "I am on my way" he said then closed the link. He gave her a nod as he let her hand go. "As you were Ensign" he said releasing her from the conversation. He turned to leave as he started to walk out.
11-12-2014, 08:56 AM,
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RE: A Run In with the Devil
Lylliana watched him for a moment, the arrogance falling from her face as she listened to what he had to say. Her eyes searched his face for a moment. What was he not telling her? She could see it, somewhere deep in his eyes. She looked for the moment, trying to find the answer, and just as he went to open his mouth, the intercom broke the moment.
Quote:"Commander Bonham. Please report to the Captain's Ready Room for a Crisis Briefing." In that moment, it was clear that something was left unsaid.
He released her from the conversation, and she stood there a moment, dumb founded. She watched as he started to walk out. She would follow behind him, not feeling like this was some place she was supposed to be anyways. She held her PADD firmly in her grip as she headed back towards her living quarters. The familiar hiss of the door as she entered, and then the welcoming reminder of Ja'nell having returned and this time the two other Ensigns like her were there. Lylliana just ignored their stares as she shuffled in and flopped down on her bed.
Ja'nell raised and eyebrow at Lylliana's demeanor.