First allow me to explain what AAR's and In Between's.
An AAR stands for After Actions Reports. These are journal entries, reports made and thoughts during meditations. While ARR's do not afford the character a XP Reward, these are no less critical to understanding the motivations of your character. It also affords the character a chance to explain actions or even face mistakes that were made.
ARR's should not be used to justify mistakes, however they can be. Bare in mind, the most dangerous lies are the ones that we tell ourselves!
Character growth normally shows its self through ARR's Because of this, in game rewards (such as side quests, special insight in to the current situation and special NPC encounters) will be offered.
In Betweens stands for Character Interactions In Between Games. These are any and all interactions that take place between games. As in all gaming groups, there are those times when players want to speak about issues within the game. In Betweens allows two or more players to actually discuss issues taking place in the game in a canon setting. There will be XP Rewards issued for In Betweens.
Rules for In Betweens are simple
- Keep it within the current time setting of the game. Time Travel in these settings are not allow.
- Stay in character. Keep a minimal amount of OOC Conversations out of In Betweens
- No Trolling or Flaming is allowed. Do not invade someone's In Between unless you are invited or have an invitation. Open In Betweens should contain the word Open in the title.
- Be consistent! Do not behave one way in In Betweens and another way in the game. Try to play your character the same way in both methods.
So, there were a few questions about how we do rewards for online activities such as AAR’s (After Action Reviews) and In-Between Game Scenes. I will also be addressing other issues below.
After holding deep conversations with a couple of players, I have come up with a plan that will help everyone.
Any Changes in AAR's?
AAR’s will see no change in how they are done. Each AAR that is considered to reflect growth and reflection of a character considering the most recent game will be awarded a flat 500xp. AAR’s that don’t meet this requirement will be allowed to be enhanced prior to the award being issued.
Here is where the large change will take place.
In-Between Game Scenes Rule:
First, what is an In-Between Game Scene. These are online posts between two or more characters that take place during the time between games. In-Betweens can push the beginning of the next game to cover the time consumed by the In-Between. The important fact to remember, is that there must be enough time for In-Between to take place between the two games to host the In-Between. Nearly ninety percent of all In-Betweens can take place if the characters are ready available for such In-Between.
Changes for In-Betweens:
1. Awards will ONLY be issued for In-Betweens that take place between two Player Characters or more.
2. In-Game Time between games will be pushed to a minimum of twelve hours to afford time for In-Betweens and to take in to account such other activities as meditations.
3. In-Betweens will be opened at the end of each game and close Saturday at midnight prior to the next game. There is a hard deadline on In-Betweens in terms of rewards. This doesn’t mean that we can’t continue to run the In-Betweens to tie up loss ends.
4. Each Day that an In-Between takes place all members taking part during that day will be awarded 100 XP.
5. The Maximum of reward for In-Betweens will be no more than 500XP per Scene. A character can only be part of one In-Between during any given period between games.
Experience Point Disparity, Resolved!
No Character will be allowed to fall more than two levels behind the party average of the rest of the players! Should such a situation come in to being, I (as Story Teller) withhold the right to bump any character up to be on par with the rest of the party. I, alone, hold the authority to make this decision and judge how much the bump will be. There will be NO argument or discussion on this matter.