Insights in to Azgardian Warrior Jahdia
Insights in to Azgardian Warrior Jahdia
Originally Posted: June 7th, 2012
Inside a Reich Prisoner of War Camp
Deep within Reich Space
Jahdai could feel his heart pounding in his chest. An night time air assault to a remote location in the Himalya mountain chain for the Company was mean to be nothing more than securing and establishing an LP/OP to support follow on operations deeper into the mountains. But the three platoons took contact the moment they touched down from nearly all sides. Bullets peppered the side of the mountain they landed on. Fortunately enemy contact was too far out for small arms laser fire. Nothing short of an armored vehicle laser would reach across mountain tops like this. But that didn't stop machine-guns or rocket propelled munitions from trying.
"All Cougar elements, this is Cougar 6, prepare to move to defensive positions as planned over." Came the Company Commander over the radio. Jahdai keyed his mic to respond. "Cougar 6, this is Renegade 6, good copy over." The other platoon leaders started sending in their confirmations to the Commander but Jahdai was already on the move. One look in the Platoon Sergeant's eyes told him he heard the Commander's orders and was on board. "We're getting ready to move, suppress enemy positions to the South and West only." They were only suppressing the South and West because they were moving from South to North. The last thing they needed was Soldiers running into friendly fire. The rest of the Company was to the East of them. "Gun team one will bound first with first squad, Shelton will set the team. Once he's set, second squad will begin bounding forward. Third squad and gun team two will only bound forward after gun team one opens fire. Liv will set gun team two!"
The NCOs gave various thumbs ups across the line from their fighting positions and Jahdai keyed in the Commander. "Cougar 6, this is Renegade 6, ready to move on your command over." There was a brief pause before the commander responded. "Renegade 6, this is Cougar 6, stand by over." That meant second platoon was in the process of bounding forward with the headquarters element while first and third platoon were providing them with cover fire. Meaning there would be a bit of down time. So he grabbed his fire support officer. "Senn, start plotting a target on that machine-gun nest. I want that machine-gun suppressed in 60 seconds!" The Soldier quickly pulled out a laser range finder and began making his calculations to call in over the fires net. "Novick, mark our location with the IR strobe every time we stop. I want to make sure we don't get murked by Jester if he's flying today!"
Novick's response was drowned out for Jahdai as the mic was keyed in. "Renegade 6, this is Cougar 6, move forward." A flick of the wrist and Jahdai was responding. "Cougar 6, this is Renegade 6, good copy over." He let go of the mic and threw his hand up in the air in a circular motion. "Shelton, bound forward!" Shelton immediately responded. "Roger, gun team one, on me!" The triage picked up and started sprinting forward to the next covered and concealed location. Jahdai himself exploded forward to move with them to the next position one hundred meters away. It seemed like an impossibly long distance however, it was one hundred meters practically straight up. Jahdai's legs were on fire by ten meters. How could he expect to make it to his defensive position in time...?
"Phuuuhhh!!!" Jahdai gasped as he violently awoke from his deep slumber. It was the kind of violent awakening that turned all your senses on to one hundred and ten percent and left your heart pounding. Something was out there, in the pitch black darkness that Jahdai's vision could not pierce. He could feel its presence some how. Moments later he would hear faint noises outside that sounded like footsteps and no less than two people interacting with the guard posted outside of solitary confinement. Two of the voices were familiar while the third was not. Moments later the room was flooded blinding light that caused Jahdai to recoil in pain. He instinctively jerked his head away but was unable to shield his eyes with his hands. They were pinned behind his back with handcuffs that were one click to tight around his wrist. Just enough to cause him to lose feeling in his fingers.
"Good morning Jedi..." A familiar voice sneered as his figure moved in front of the cell. Jedi was the nickname he had been given by his captors. They originally mistook him for a Jedi because someone misheard his comrades say his name, on multiple occasions actually, to the point where it finally stuck. That was a pleasant month before things finally 'cleared up'. "17 attempts, isn't it?" The voice baited in reference to his escape attempts. Jahdai responded to the question with a devilish grin and a simple reply. "18."