Swarm Meeting 12/7/2021
Tesara Anerin — 12/07/2021
(((To be started when all players are once again available and Mishka has arrived with the suit)))
(Princess) Astra Korraay — 12/08/2021
((( Qustion how do we know this will not be on hold anymore)))
Tesara Anerin — 12/08/2021
(((Waiting on Mishka to arrive with the suit so we can watch the videos-also so that Durro can participate)))
Mishka Winlat — 12/08/2021
Mishka finally returned to Professor Kenobi's ship with the suit in hand. Going over to the group, she set it down for Durro and gave Ava a slight smile, a silent thanks for the advice. Heading over to a spot out of the way, she sat down again. "I don't know how it works." She admitted.
Tesara Anerin — 12/09/2021
((Thread is officially UNfrozen and ready for play - likely either @Professor Kenobi @Durro Thel-Tanis would be the ones to react to the appearance of MIshka with the suit)))
(Princess) Astra Korraay — 12/11/2021
Astra waghted for a few minutes. " Professor, Master. Ether of you have any idea how to access the videos on that thing that Mishka was kind enough to go get " Astra asked.
@Professor Kenobi @Durro Thel-Tanis
Professor Kenobi — 12/11/2021
shook his head. "My speciality lies elsewhere."Admitted with a curiousity of the new equipment and suit. "Does anyone have computer speciality?"