Alice didn't ask what he had meant by what he had forsaken as she got up. She followed closely behind him as they searched for hatches.
Being a ship of war, there were no passageways marked "Fire Escape", but it didn't take long for them to find a hatch that lead off this level. The hatch fit the bill for what Eric was looking for. Without the help of someone hacking the security systems, it wasn't long before the pair were approached by a security officer.
"You are not to leave this level, by order of the Sho Sho." the security officer said in broken English.
Eric noticed that the man was only armed with a tonfa
(OOC:See Side-handle baton). He was protected by a simple security armor and helmet. A small mic dropped down from his helmet and stopped just short of his mouth. However it was what the man wasn't carrying that was surprising. He had no fire arms on him.