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Unna Hi Chaanu
05-22-2017, 07:26 PM,
RE: Unna Hi Chaanu
Unna was always a tall child, eventually growing to nearly 6 feet tall in her early teens. Her height would make her look older than she was, because not too many 14 year old girls were as tall, or taller than many grown men. Despite her towering height and wisdom beyond her years, she was emotionally stunted in many ways. She was socially awkward from having traveled with adults for her first eight years of life. She had been separated from her only childhood friend, Ashla, by the age of three and it would be many years before she saw her again. By the last of the eight years Unna had with her family, Baby Auro had been born, but infants didn't make great conversationalists, although she bonded to him quickly and thought of him as her baby brother.

Further stunting Unna's emotional development was witnessing the explosion that engulfed her mother and godparents, immediately followed by watching her father bleed to death just before crashing near the mountain enclave where she would spend the next 8 years of her life. She had been numbed by what happened to her family, which was the only way she could cope, although her attachments to Auro and Ashla were already formed prior to the loss of her family. Master Nontho and Night Passik did all they they could to coax her out of her shell and she would eventually find her way out to fit in as best she could with the other younglings. Unna was always different though. Her mother was a Zeison Sha Warrior who traveled among Jedi as a liaison who sought to study and create connections between the different force using factions. Unlike most Jedi, Nontho and Passik did not attempt to convert Unna. They helped Her to study the scrolls her mother had passed down to her and hone the skills of her maternal ancestors. Passik even helped Unna to create her first diskblade. Unna grew to adore her teachers, only to see them die as well, along with all of the other younglings, with exception for Ashla, Gadeon, and Auro. Unna was not only a child who survived as all of the influential adults around her died, she also saw the moments that their bodies lost the lives that inhabited them. Attachments were hard to come by.

Once arrived in this new universe, Unna was taken to the Jedi academy on Fray by Master Chun, where she learned to fine tune her Force skills. It was on a mission where she had the opportunity to save a life, rather than watch it be taken. That life belonged to Lady Baku, who she continued to protect until the Lady was stripped of her title and Unna was sent elsewhere in the galaxy. The death of Lady Baku had delayed effect for Unna, which would hit her fully to mourn upon her return to the city, where she would no longer be able to ignore the sad reality. Unna stayed attached to the life she had one saved, although that life had ended. She took a very odd comfort in speaking into the fountains that were constructed as a monument to the former Lady. Unna hoped that somehow her dear friend would hear her through the veil of life and death, so she could know how Unna was doing and how much she was missed.

It was on the third day of Unna's leave in Baku that she would be approached by a new friend, Ni. Something about the Zeltron would make Unna open up to the possibility of a new attachment. Unna would go on what was seeming like a dream date with such a mismatched companion. Unna had planned to save her virginity for someone she connected with on a deep spiritual level, but Ni believed in opening her body to pleasurable experiences and experiencing many people. The differences were more than the two women could withstand in a relationship.

Returning to the Jedi Temple of Baku, Unna was met with the support of Ashla and Master Stephen. Master Stephen would counsel her on attachments, which was one of the ways of the Jedi that Unna had always thought made sense, but for different reasons. Attachments cause pain and losing those you care for is painful. Unna eventually reconciled that her quickly growing attachment to Ni must have had something to do with those Zeltronian pheromones mixing with Unna's empathic abilities.

Unna focused the rest of her stay at the Temple of Baku focusing on what she came to achieve. She came to learn from Master Stephen, who was a Jedi Scholar. What impressed Unna the most about Master Stephen was how he chose to maintain a Jedi Temple that was neither affiliated with the Republic or the OPA. Unna did not agree with the ways of either organization, so she never entertained the idea of taking a master to show her the ways of the Jedi.

Master Stephen, on the other hand, was inspiring to Unna. He was a scholar, he encouraged Unna to never give up her quest for knowledge, and most importantly, he wasn't aligning his temple with either warring faction. After many conversations, Unna began to ask him about the Zeison Sha and other Force traditions, which he seemed knowledgeable of without condemnation. After building trust, Unna confided that she had purchased a diskblade that was made by her own family and showed him the crystal she had found inside. It contained a map with no beginning, but ended in an unrecognized nebula. After two weeks of tinkering with the crystal and a light saber hilt Unna had leftover from the destroyed academy, they were able to activate it to reveal a yellow light whip! Master Stephen did what he could in this time to teach Unna to wield the whip, as well as discuss leads to other crystals like hers. 30 days unfortunately wasn't enough time to counsel Unna in the ways of the Jedi. Unna sorely wanted to have Master Stephen as her teacher, to help her learn to compliment her Zeison Sha technique with that of the Jedi, but Unna's path was not to stay in Baku. Unna would have to settle for the next best thing, which she knew would come to a shock to all. At the end of her leave, Unna would return to The Vengence to unite with her new master.

Messages In This Thread
Unna Hi Chaanu - by Unna Hi Chaanu - 07-08-2016, 11:11 PM
RE: Unna Hi Chaanu - by Unna Hi Chaanu - 07-17-2016, 03:34 PM
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RE: Unna Hi Chaanu - by Unna Hi Chaanu - 08-13-2016, 11:23 PM
RE: Unna Hi Chaanu - by Unna Hi Chaanu - 08-21-2016, 07:48 PM
RE: Unna Hi Chaanu - by Unna Hi Chaanu - 05-03-2017, 08:45 PM
RE: Unna Hi Chaanu - by Unna Hi Chaanu - 05-10-2017, 04:50 PM
RE: Unna Hi Chaanu - by Unna Hi Chaanu - 05-22-2017, 07:26 PM

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