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Duncan Starchaser
06-22-2017, 11:07 AM,
RE: Duncan Starchaser
Outer Rim
Republic Venator-Class: The Vengeance
Date: 2920 AOK
Nineteen days ago, the 10th division was tasked with overseeing the transfer of control of the temple on Bothila 3 from the Jedi Order over to a group of schismatic Jedi. I will not go into details on the negotiation process that enable this to occur since that would take up far too much time. Everything appeared to be going as planned and although there was pressure to make the agreed upon time table, we were on schedule, that is until day fourteen. With less than a day remaining progress had slowed dramatically. Master Osha had informed me that she would need more time. After some mediation, I was able to secure four more days for her, even though I sensed that some deception. Instead of bringing up my concerns to the future masters of the temple I went to Master Osha herself and asked her in person why suddenly there was such a delay. She did her best to reassure me that it was just some unforeseen delays, which later turned out to be true from a certain point of view. What I did not know at this time, Master Osha had discovered some information about some Sith artifacts that supposedly belonged to Revan secured in the vault and had begun an operation to secure those artifacts.

My team and I had continued to do our duties as inspectors over the next 24 hours when we noticed unusual things. Crates weren’t being filled completely. Items that weren’t supposed to be shipped out were all of a sudden being put in crates as if they were to be sent back to Coruscant. A member of my team Ni was the first to come into conflict with one of the Jedi. I am not totally aware how she found herself some two hours (on foot) away from the temple. But from what I was told she found the shack and when she went to investigate it, she was confronted by one of the temple guards. The two had some sort of an altercation that resulted in Ni’s being slightly injured and eventually restrained and tied to a nearby tree.

During this time, an incident occurred in the temple where a prized replica statue had been destroyed. Apparently, Jedi Knight Jayden Starchaser had believed that the reason for the slowdown was due someone trying to smuggle items not on the approved list off world. Believing the statue to have been a fake he smashed it only to discover his assumption was incorrect. Because of his actions. Jedi Starchaser was removed from inspection duty.

During this time Jedi Gadeon had become worried about Ni’s disappearance and attempted to use the resources of the Vengeance to locate her. At first that wasn’t possible, however eventually her locator beacon had been activated and we were able to locate her. My personal team along with a few arc troopers went to Ni’s location.

Upon our arrival, we rescued Ni from her situation, and then proceeded to investigate what had happened to her. As we went to the shack, Jedi Padawan Ashla Marr noticed a powerful force illusion had been activated. Once it was dispelled we uncovered what appeared to be a cavern that had been dug several hundred feet straight down. I left three Arc Trooper above ground to monitor things and proceeded with my team down the shaft. When we reached the bottom, we discovered a man-made tunnel heading in the direction of the temple. When we arrived at the end of the tunnel we found three Jedi conducting drilling operations. We stunned and secured them. I attempted to gather information from one of them, however he refused to tell me anything and instead referred to me as a traitor. It had become obvious to me by this point that this had to be the real reason Master Osha had requested the extra time. I reached out through the Force and asked her to meet me.

What I didn’t know is that Master Osha had already arrived. When we reached the surface she and twenty-nine other Jedi had killed the three Arc troopers that had remained behind to guard the entrance, and captured my team as we exited the shaft. Master Osha ordered my surrender and as I complied I asked her to tell me why she couldn’t have told me about this when I first came to her with my suspicions that something was wrong as I could have assisted her in keeping things quiet. This was when Master Osha informed me of what she had discovered in the master’s archives. She then continued to inform me that I did not need to know what was going on, and even if I did she wouldn’t have shared the information with a traitor to the Jedi Order such as myself.

It was at this point that Jedi Starchaser, who had continued to feel that something wasn’t right, had arrived with several arc troopers to our last known location. Even though I had the upper hand at this point I urged Master Osha to allow us to help her that we could have figured out a way to handle this. I had even suggested we enlist the aid of some of the schismatic Jedi that we knew for a fact have issues with the Church of Heaven and wouldn’t want them and specifically Graff to come into possession of any of Revan’s artifacts. She refused my offer. As such I felt as if I had no choice but to remove her and her twenty-nine compatriots to the Vengeance and hold them in custody until the transfer was over.

I did see the Master’s point however and didn’t want Graff to come into possession of anything that might have been in that vault. So, I ordered a couple of teams to continue the drilling. Upon breaching the vault, we found the chamber that was supposed to contain the items. We opened it and discovered that it was empty. Using the Force, Unna Hi Chaanu, could see into the past and discovered that there was only one item, that appeared to be a holocron of some sort, and had been taken by a tall male that she didn’t recognize. I’m attaching the description she gave me at the bottom of this report.

In the end, we were able to leave the planet without the schismatic Jedi learning what we had done, at least for now, as well as concealing the break in to the best of our ability.  I am turning Master Osha and her people over to the High Council. I hold no ill will towards her or any of the other Jedi. In their position, I might have done the same thing. I fear however that it will not be long before the schismatic Jedi and through them the OPA will discover what happened and at least some of this will need to be revealed. I’m including in this report a copy of my official report to the Chancellor. It contains much of the same information as I have detailed her, however there is no mention of the possible Sith artifacts and instead states that Master Osha and her people were attempting to take items from the vault in violation the signed agreement and that they were then apprehended and turned over to the High Council. Hopefully the Council will be able to see that proper justice is done with these individuals and not have them undergo a mock trial for political expedience.
End of Report

Duncan Starchaser
Jedi Knight, 10th Division Commander

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RE: Duncan Starchaser - by Duncan_Starchaser - 06-22-2017, 11:07 AM
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RE: Duncan Starchaser - by Duncan_Starchaser - 08-24-2017, 11:10 AM
RE: Duncan Starchaser - by Duncan_Starchaser - 08-28-2017, 01:09 PM
RE: Duncan Starchaser - by Duncan_Starchaser - 09-05-2017, 07:00 AM
RE: Duncan Starchaser - by Duncan_Starchaser - 09-28-2017, 10:41 PM

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