(09-01-13) AAR
(AAR for Unknown Armies)
Led to the Slaughter? More like Lambs to the Slaughter
Melissa Scott
0400, Saturday July 10th, 2013
The more I spend time with these people the more I am sure that they are cursed by God. LOL where am I to even begin. Well okay so we meet this woman, I wish I could tell you here name but I cant even remember it. I would ask her but to be truthful, I really don't trust her. She kind of smells like meat and old sex. She acts such like a monkey bouncing around and all. Great another notch in the short evidence to support evaluation. Either way, I don't trust the little monkey girl. Only someone in league with the Devil would act in such a way. Then there is this other woman named Austin. Another one that I simply don't trust. So they work for this MacAttack place that we had been warned was completely evil. I think that they have hexed Al, cause now he is acting so different. Even Kira is acting strange. Let me explain to you way I say this. Hold on, I am going to tell you. So Kira and Al used be like, MacAttack is bad, right? Nope not any more. Now its like "MacAttack is good. MacAttack is our friend, we all love MacAttack!" What in the name of our loving Father is going on?
So anyway, we are just going through this slaughter house looking for the 'golden rib eye' or something like that. Everything is going SO boring like. Then enter the Illegal Mop Crew with hands out waiting for a traditional hand out. That is what is wrong with this liberal nation now a days. You know, when my mom and dad were growing up, illegals knew better than to ask for hand outs. I tell you what, ungodly people, the lot of them. Anyway, so Ms, I am Monkey decides to pays them off with some pocket change. For them, thats like a million dollars right. This is the reason why those filthy people are such a problem here. If they had half a sense, they would return home and demand that their own taco money would be worth something rather than working for pennies here. After all, why should we support them. You know two out of three are crossing the boarder carrying drugs or some other sexual transmitted disease. The third one is only coming here to have a baby and get welfare. God Bless Mit Romney and his plan to self deport those dirty filthy.... oh sorry I got side tracked.
Anyway, so we were confronted by those wet backs, and had to pay them off. IF only shotting them was legal. It is in Texas you know. But sadly we are not in Texas. Back to searching. So many sinner work here. The filth I found was horrible. I had to wash myself off, or at least wanted to. But that will come later. Didn't find any golden rib eye, but found some good weed. Oh my Lord did it smell like the expensive stuff mom and dad had given us when I was younger. I had planned to commune with God later on but God had other intentions for me and my newly found weed. Al, Mr. Cant Stay Sober had to make a bunch of noise down in the break room. It looked like he and monkey girl got in to a fight and some how he locked her in the walk in cooler. If I had known about that, I would have made sure she didn't walk out. One more devil worshiper sent to meet the dark one himself. But I didn't know. She slipped out and once more evaluation's victory. She can open a door. Then again, what does it say about evaluation girl that she says she hid in the walk cooler. Didn't she realize that was the worst place to hide? Then again, creationism one! hahaha
Well some poor guard walks in and starts asking questions. And you know what, this guys a vet! True blue American blood in him. No filthy immigrant there. Nearly broke my heart crushing that chair over his head like that. But he was asking too many questions. I gave a short prayer for his health after the fact. Then set him up to take the fall for the mess Al had made. Just to make sure that he was found guilty of it, I planted that weed on him. Such a shame too, I was going to enjoy God's gift to me. Oh well, it was for a higher purpose. After all God hates fagots and ever since the US Military accepted fagots they stopped being the Army of the Light. One more reason why that damn Muslim in office needs to go. Well with the mess Al created fixed we decided to head out after finding no Golden Rib Eye, Thanks Kira, Thanks Al, hungry and no weed! Can this day get any worse? Oh how the Lord had his plans for me. So not only do we keep Ms failed evaluation haha Monkey Girl, we pick up this other bimbo that is so stupid! She really things the car is a dog. What a bimbo!
I want to take her to the Magic Kingdom and show her all the living people on the rides. God why I am surrounded by such stupid people. I know Lord you are testing me. I shall have patience and help bring these ungodly people back to you. Anyway, we get back to this hole in the wall bar that seems more like a din of sinners, great selection Al. Al gets this "world is coming to an end" tone and starts talking that crap that he loves to talk about. So you know me, exit stage left. Didn't want to hear that sinner talk anyway.
I needed to use the little girl's room. I can truthfully tell you that my heart and mind were both worried. I was actually starting to see things well walking to the little girl's room. I dawned on me as to why I was so worried. Could you imagine, just for a moment, I said just imagine. Stop being like that, I am trying to tell a story. Fine, I will wait....
Okay you done now? good. So anyway, could you imagine what kind of STD the whores in this place have? I ran out of there faster than Jesus walked on water. Well not that fast because, well its Jesus. And he is the only prefect man on this world. If only I could meet someone like that. Then I wouldn't need to hang out with these sinner. Could you image a world with Jesus as president? those filthy Muslims would all be burning in hell. And Jesus would get all those little sinner whores who are seeking abortion line them up and give them a stern talking to them. After all, Jesus wouldn't hurt them, their expecting mothers. Anyway their souls would be burning in hell for having premarital sex. hahaha
So I go outside and start chatting with the only normal person, well aside from me, I said that. Didn't just read it? I just wrote it. FINE, ASIDE FROM ME! Did you see it now? So I go talking with Henry. Sometimes I really do enjoy talking with him. So normal and well, powerful, in his words. I didn't notice them leaving the bar but the two bimbos walk out and end our conversation. You can tell they had sin on the minds. That is if, they had a mind between the two of them. Just by the way that they are acting, you knew something was amiss. It all happened really fast. One minute monkey girl leaps up on to the car and starts acting like a stupid monkey. Thats why I named her monkey girl. I know I used that name when I started righting this. Cause I started writing this after it all happened. So what if I am writing about something that happened before...what? you are just confusing. I am going to ignore you. Any way, so then she takes off in to the sinner's bar and Henry follows. There was some loud banging and next thing I know we are speeding away with Henry being left behind. Poor Henry, don't worry buddy, I will be coming back for you someday.
Look at her driving Henry's car over there acting like nothing is wrong. Its okay sinner, think that you won. Think that everything will be fine. Just think that I am sulking. Just wait, the Lord's vengeance will be mine. You'll see. Vengeance is like a soup that should be served cold. And it will be cold, very cold..... I know that's a Star Trek reference. But it is also in the Bible. No I am not going to show you right now, I am plotting the Lord's work. Stop it, you're just being rude. I need to plot the Lords work. Anyway, agents of Satan might have won this one. But don't worry, the Lord's faithful will win in the end. We always do.