RE: Duncan Starchaser
The long voyages in to the unknown often takes its toll on both mind and body of lone pilots. Despite what efforts were taken to ease the discomfort, it never truly vanishes. The body demands to be allowed to stretch out and the cockpit of a small fighter simply doesn’t allow for that. This voyage had already started to take its toll on Duncan
Duncan Starchaser had been locked in his fighter for what appeared like a life time. While there were refueling stops, and short breaks along the way it didn't change the discomfort he now felt in his legs. His body was already starting to scream at the discomfort.
In hopes of getting his mind off such things, he reached out through the Force and opened himself to the currents of the Force. Almost immediately he felt the powerful currents drawing him down the path that the party was already on.
As he slipped deeper in to meditation, he felt the space around him slip away. The vibrations of his engines became softer and softer until he could no longer feel the cockpit that he was sitting in. Instead he felt warmth wash over him.
As if someone had slowly turned up the lights, Duncan saw himself standing on deck of a large ship. This strange ship had large vast outrigging that appeared to catch energy. Across the ship were these tall humanoids. They were slender in build with larger than normal eyes and pointed ears. They were dressed in simple, yet elegant clothing. He could see a group of these creatures controlling this ship.
To Duncan’s amazement they were navigating the vastness of space without technology. Instead, they could feel their way across the stars through the webs of the Cosmic Force. It was then that Duncan realized that they were all force sensitive. But not like him. Duncan had felt the Force in others before. He could feel the light or dark within them. But in these creatures, he only sensed what could be pure Cosmic Force. Beyond the ship he was standing on, were a dozen other ships of similar design. The fantastic ships glimmered as they moved through space.
Across the open deck, Duncan saw children running across the deck as they ran for the other side of the ship. It was then at that moment that Duncan realized what the children were so excited about. A massive Neebray manta sailing through space with all the majesty that Duncan had read about. As he followed the children, he watched the Neebray join a massive pod of other Neebray.
The children waved with excitement to the creatures as they continued to move away from the ship. Duncan had never seen a Neebray before, as they were very rare. But right before him, he saw tens of thousands of these massive creatures. Duncan couldn’t help himself as he watched the pod move past them. Watching these graceful and beautiful creatures almost brought a tear to Duncan’s eye.
A commotion on the deck forced his attention to a large world. Islands dotted the strange world of blue and green. The ships started to slow down as they approached the world. Duncan could see many ships like his also moving towards the world. Duncan could sense something very important was the draw on these ships. Moving with all the grace of a starfighter a fraction of the size, the ships moved as they approached a massive island.
The ships started to land on a field near a great Temple. For some reason, Duncan wasn’t surprised when he saw that this massive Temple was nearly identical to the Temple on Coruscant. The only difference was that it was three times larger. The massive structure appeared to be a great central place to these people. Perhaps even a seat of their government. These strange beings started to move towards the Temple. Duncan could sense that they were called upon for some great task.
As they walked closer, Duncan took in the Temple. Its massive spires reached up into the heavens. The tops of the spires were obscured by clouds. Though through the clouds, he could see a bright glowing Nexus of energy. The Nexus appeared to be centered over the center spire and Duncan could feel the energy from the Nexus flowing around him. His body surged with its power. So much so that he could feel the darkside growing stronger within him.
Lines of those creatures were forming around the main entrances of the Temple. Most entered the Temple from two large main entrances on either side of the middle of the Temple. But it was the entrances on the sides that drew his attention. The entrance to the north, one caught his attention. As his gaze guided him, he could sense the darkside from these creatures. They calmly walked through the entrance as Duncan followed. Just within the entrance, Duncan saw a large wading pool. Its waters were blue and inviting.
Ten creatures lined either side of the pool. Duncan could sense that they were manipulating the waters but couldn’t figure out how. He felt the Cosmic Force flowing for the first time. All his life, he had been attuned to the Force, but never had he ever felt so connected to it. In that moment as the waters washed over him and the creatures did their thing, Duncan knew what each one of them knew. Why today was so special. It was the day that they had decided to kill one of their own.
Feeling their thoughts, Duncan understood that this decision was not made lightly. One of their own, Abeloth, had turned her powers to praying upon the child races of the Galaxy. She had created two monsters known as The Daughter and The Son. Together, the three caused chaos and terror across the galaxy, forcing the entire race to capture their wayward member. Never had they had to deal with anything like Abeloth. After thirty thousand years of debate, they finally decided to kill one of their own.
Rising from the waters, he felt renewed. He couldn’t explain it, but he knew that there was a similar pool on the south side of the Temple. Walking past the pool, he could see things completly different. This wasn’t a temple at all. For them, this was one of many. A center of commerce, a place of study, a place learning. It was also a place of transit.
As he explored he found a large room with hundreds of those “Eyes” like he had seen on that Azgardian world. But instead of looking through them. People were coming and going through them. It was a massive hub of transit. But to Duncan’s surprise, he saw very little in terms of military or even security presence. Not even weapon positions. Only a handful of guards that were lightly armed.
He moved through the chambers of the building and found a library. Here he watched these young creatures learn how to use the Force. Duncan was surprised to see that some of their youngest children were as powerful as any Jedi or Sith Master he had read about. He could see that removing the tainting of both light and dark was central to their culture. What he did see was one of their scrolls. Their language was very strange and complex. While they were technology advanced, it appeared that they only focused on expanding their understanding of the force.
As he moved higher in to the Temple, he saw a great council chamber. Hundreds of these creatures have come to witness the first execution in their recorded history. The top of the chamber was opened for this purpose. It was here that Abeloth was brought from her prison to face her execution. It was a somber moment as it rested heavy on each member here. High above, Duncan could see the massive power used to contain Abeloth. It was the sum of this entire culture’s resources that created that Nexus which brought her from her prison to this place and held her here.
As he gazed in to it, he could hear her voice. That same voice that he heard back on Geonosis. She mocked them and laughed, “release me, and I will spare you with a quick death….”
That was when Duncan awoke from his vision. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before. It was as if he had touched the source of all knowledge and for an instant knew everything. And yet it was more than that he had felt contected to everything in away he had never felt before. But now all that was gone, except for the memory of it. He thought about telling the others about it but how could he explain this... explain what he felt... It was too vibrant for words, at least any he could think of. He needed time to reflect on this, to try and decern the hidden truths of it all. Fortunately he still had several days before they reached their final destination. Maybe by then he'll have figured out how to tell the others of this.