RE: IN GAME CHARACTER CHAT (In parts) 12/15/2020
After meditating for a couple of hours, once the streets were calm and the ship quiet, Durro rises to go get some tea. As he gathers what he needs, he sees the holo-feed Nova is watching and he feels a tug at his spirit.
Stopping just short of boiling water, he instead goes to Tesara's quarters and knocks softly. When the door hisses open he does not enter but says;
"I'm going to the Cathedral to see if I can of any help. This would be a good lesson about what it truly means to be a Jedi. Would you like to come?"
Tesara Anerin — 01/16/2021
Tesara doesn’t hesitate. She’s been pacing for hours, feeling unsettled and useless. Helping those in need is exactly what she needs. “Yes!” She says quickly.
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/16/2021
The two Jedi take the speeder from the yacht, unsure if public transit will be running where they need it to. The trip is solemn, hardly a word exchanged. When they arrive, Durro leads the two of them to whoever looks to be in charge and says:
"We're here to volunteer, how can we help?"
TheTraveler — 01/24/2021
@Durro Thel-Tanis
The night had passed without event as the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital was slowly packed up. Very few stirred as the party enjoyed a relaxing moment of rest.
A lone shadow moved through the darkened corridors of the Jupiter One. The shadow reached out a small hand and gently touched a closed door.
Then without warning the hand pulled back and knocked softly on the door of Durro's cabin.
A hooded Lysire waited silently for Durro to open the door.
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/24/2021
Durro, meditating, bids her enter.
TheTraveler — 01/24/2021
Lysire softly opens the door and slips inside.
Her hooded head hung low as she stopped just within the door way.
"Master," she said after clearing her throat and clearly trying to work up the courage to speak freely.
"About our conversation before," she said as her nerves slipper in to her words. "I ask a favor of you. My Mentor always taught be to be honest. But even she understood the difficulties I faced."
She frowned deeply, "I was never accepted by those children in the Villages. Often the target of abuse and ridicule."
She paused to drew in a deep breath. "It is after such an unfortunate encounter when my Mentor pulled the necessary strings to allow me to have access to the Library."
She laughed slightly, "I ended up spending nearly all my time there. Sometimes, the librarians would find me sleeping in one of the study alcoves."
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/24/2021
Durro motions for her to come in, and make herself comfortable fully inside the quarters. He smiles at her and asks.
"I understand you have had an interesting past. What is the favor you ask?"
TheTraveler — 01/24/2021
Her short lived smile faded, "yeah,"
She fidgeting with her hands slightly as she fell silent for a moment. "Please Master," she finally.
"Kaleb believes me to be a Jedi," she said softly. "And I have trained and studied very hard," the concern and pleas echoed in her voice.
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/24/2021
"But you were never formally inducted into the Order."
TheTraveler — 01/24/2021
She drew in a deep breath once more. Her tears became clearly visible.
"It's worse than that Master," she said softly. "As you have to know, its far worse than that."
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/24/2021
Durro gives her a smile of encouragement and tries to project a sense of peace and confidence in the Force.
"Go on, you can tell me. You'll get no judgement here."
TheTraveler — 01/24/2021
She reached up with her right hand and pulled up her left sleeve. "Master, please don't tell Kaleb."
She sniffles slightly, "he doesn't know," she said coiling her hand over her left forearm. "He doesn't know, I was an inmate."
As she squeezed her arm, a sixteen alpha numeric code light up and became visible on the underside of her forearm.
"Please Master," she pleaded.
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/24/2021
Durro nods
"Of course, this is between you and Kaleb."
He gestures for her to have a seat.
"Why don't you tell me everything? I'm here to help."
He offers her some tea, waiting for when he is done meditating.
TheTraveler — 01/24/2021
As she removes her hand from her left forearm the illuminated code vanishes from sight. She moves and takes her seat as directed.
She blinks softly at him then brushes off her tears, "I didn't withhold anything from you Master."
She nods to the tea, "thank you."
"But what do you think I withheld from you," she asked. A sudden sense of panic edging in to her voice.
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/24/2021
Durro sips his own tea.
"Assuming what you told me of your parents is true, why were you an inmate? What did you do?"
TheTraveler — 01/24/2021
She frowned deeply as her head tilted slightly to the right, "Master," her voice now in a panic. Her heart started to race at the thoughts of such an accusation. "I have been honest with you," she said softly.
She closed her eyes and fought back the fears that threatened to overwhelm her.
"You have to know my crime, Master," she said softly.
"I," she drew in a deep breath then continued with renewed confidence. "Being born to Star Light Prison, and touched as I have been. I was given eighteen years, with a chance of petitioning the Order to have my freedom restored when I turn eighteen," she explained.
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/24/2021
"So you were imprisoned for the heinous crime of... being born to prisoners in a prison?"
TheTraveler — 01/24/2021
She nodded, "as you have to be aware of."
"Any and all children born within the Villages of Star Light Prison are tested." She sighed heavily, "those like me. Are issued a sentence. No sentence is greater then the moment any child reaches adulthood. Each child has a chance to petition the Order for their freedom."
She suddenly felt foolish explaining all if this to a Master of the Order.
"Master, I mean no disrespect," she suddenly foolish that she felt necessary in explaining that.
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/24/2021
Durro smiles reassuringly at her.
"How long until you turn 18? Or have you already?"
TheTraveler — 01/24/2021
She frowns, "before all this," she said softly, "I was putting my paperwork together. With the recommendation of my Mentor I was able to submit my petition two years early."
She sighed softly, "I had a year to get my paperwork together."
"But now," she sighed heavily. "I fear I will be seen as an escaped prisoner."
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/24/2021
"So you are what, sixteen?"
TheTraveler — 01/24/2021
She shook her head, "fifteen," she said softly.
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/24/2021
"I see."
Durro finishes his tea and sets down his cup.
"So, what do you want from me? What favor are you asking?"
"I understand you have trained and studied hard, but what is it you need from me?"
TheTraveler — 01/24/2021
She nearly whimpered before she spoke her next words, "please Master, don't tell the others....most of all Kaleb." Her lower lip quivered slightly, "I don't want him to know me like that. He thinks me a Jedi as your Padawan is. They all do."
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/24/2021
Durro places a hand on her shoulder, projecting peace and calm through the Force.
"You have my word, young one. I'm here to help you but I can't do that if I don't know what you need."
TheTraveler — 01/24/2021
Her mind raced as he spoke. It was as if he was toying with her at this point.
There was the whisper in the back of her mind tempting her anger. To lash out at him for not listening to her. To not respecting her fears and concerns.
She suddenly felt as if he was making a joke out of her fears.
Then a sense of calm washed over her. He had to be testing her. Testing her control and ability to confront her fears.
She took a deep breath and calmed her mind.
"Master," she tried to hold on to that calm in her mind. "Please keep my past a secret and let them all believe I am a Padawan no different than Tesara."
Her eyes begged him for understanding and his compassion.
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/24/2021
Durro nods
"I see. You did not have to tell me, so I thought your story led into the favor. If all you want is my silence, then I can assure you I will say nothing."
Durro looks thoughtful for a moment before continuing.
"Normally it's forbidden for a Jedi to train multiple students at a time. However, in the ancient times, Jedi were taught in groups; one master training several young students to Knighthood at the same time. These groups of colleagues taught and learned from each other, just as much as from the Master."
"So, along with my silence, I'm willing to begin training you in the Jedi Arts. To help you learn control of your fear, and your anger. To feel compassion for others and above all, to hear the whispers of the Force. To know its will and to selflessly follow it. You will join Tesara in learning all you can from me. If you so desire."
Durro raises his hand before she can answer.
"First, I'll be completely honest with you. I am not a member of the Jedi Order. Tesara and I are from... the best I can figure, another timeline. Where we're from, history is different than it is here. I was a Jedi in our timeline, but I had just left Lanus after 19 years of isolation; in our timeline it was never discovered by the Republic. I truly did not know your situation or your story. However, if you are willing to learn from someone who can never officially give you freedom or a Jedi rank, then I will teach you."
"In my opinion, the knowledge and experience you gain on the journey is far more valuable than what the Jedi say you are or are not."
Durro sits back for her answer.
TheTraveler — 01/24/2021
She leans back and gazes at him thoughtfully. The weight of the situation becoming even more serious for her.
Sure there was the chance that she might be considered an escapee. But her hopes had relied on the fact that this person was a Master of the Order. His word could wash away such accusations. Her freedom would be assured as her assistance to him and his cause would be considered time served.
Her panic threatening to consume her once more. Instead of letting it take hold, she took a deep breath and held on to it. She closed her eyes and recited the ancient words.
Returning her calm to the foremost of her mind. "I will never find freedom. One day the Hunters will catch up with me."
There was a solemn to her voice that spoke of her acceptance of her fate.
"I will serve loyally, and I will accept what training you wish to offer me," she said lowering her head.
Ahe opened her mouth again to speak but nothing came forth. She simply didn't know what to say. Her choice appeared to have doomed her to a one way ticket back to Star Light. And there was no changing that fate.
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/24/2021
Durro sees the fear in her eyes and guess why it and the hesitation is there.
"Do not give up on yourself, young one. The Force is freedom; whether we are roaming the stars with no responsibility, or whether we are imprisoned with no say in our life. If the Force is with us, then who can stop us? The Force is the ultimate freedom. I'm offering you that freedom, and you must trust that no matter what happens to you, all is as the Force wills it."
"If you wish to train with us, to become a Jedi; or at least as much of one as I can make you, then be at the base of landing ramp at sunrise. Regardless of what you decide, you should get some rest."
Durro rises and begins to put away the tea things.
"Remember, the Force will always be with you."
TheTraveler — 01/24/2021
She listened to him and fosuced on his words. There was truth to them. But at the same time she also knew what she wanted.
There was conflict, but she would do her best.
He had promised his silence and that is what she had asked for.
She knew to keep such silence, she would have to make some sacrifices.
She rose from her chair, "thank you, Master." She softly bowed her head.
he will find out what you did the soft voice whispered. he can't and won't protect you from going back.
She shifted uncomfortably as she rose back up. and when they finally find out what you did....
"Thank you Master," she said softly forcing her mind to silence the whispers. "I will be there in the morning," she added as she turned to leave to leave Durro's room.
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/24/2021
Durro watches her leave. He can feel the conflict in her, but how much of it is truly the Dark Side, and how much is just normal teenage angst? He glances at his chrono; the hour is late. He wonders if she is still awake?
TheTraveler — 01/24/2021
Lysire pulls up hood and then pulls her robe tightly around as she departs the Jupiter One. She crossed the space between the two ships and finds her bunk on the X-175 waiting for her.
they will all find out what you did the voice whispered in her mind. She closed her eyes as the tears slipped down her cheeks.
She reached down and gripped the lightsaber and held it tightly. 'It wasn't my fault,' she desperately reminded herself.