RE: Act Two, Scene Two
Stardate: 53832.8
Just outside of the system: UIH-0351
USS Thunderchild, NCC-63549
Exiting the transporter room
The situation clearly was a rare one. During the past hours, Admiral Tate had a lot to consider. Taking Command was one option, but not one that he wanted to take in this moment. He shook his head, "No Jack. The ship is yours to command. But I will be commanding the efforts of the 4th Fleet from here" he explained and gave a moment to allow the statement to sink in.
"The Repulse is fifty percent faster than other ships of her class. But she lacks the flexibility of your fighter wings," he started to explain. "I need Commander Bonham to take command of your fighter wings and prepare to head out. By morning we are going to start to herd the Susquehanna out of that system and capture her." His voice drew down almost in disappointment as he added this part, "Or destroy her if the fugitive will not surrender."
He came to a stop and turned to face Captain Campbell, "Listen Jack, I can't tell you how important it is that we stop the Susquehanna. What remains of Cardassia wont be able to survive a terrorist strike like this. Starfleet Command has ordered that we do not allow the Susquehanna to carry out her plans. There are already factions brewing all over Cardassia that would use something like this to attempt to gain control. It could spark a civil war with Starfleet caught in the middle."
As the Admiral turned to continue to walk down the hall, Captain Vakath, commander of the Repulse lagged behind the group. His face was blank but to another Vulcan, it was clear that he was in deep thought.