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Jedi & Sith 1/16/2022
03-13-2022, 07:11 PM,
Jedi & Sith 1/16/2022
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/16/2022
Having finished and cleaned up after breakfast and dressed for the day (instead of workout clothes), Durro goes to find Astra. Not finding her at her quarters, he approaches her near the boarding ramp, presumably waiting for Hadaza and the Professor.
TheTraveler — 01/16/2022
Ashanti stood by the door waiting for the Professor and Hadaz to show up. She hadn't been waiting long, but for Ashanti patience wasn't really her thing. Still, she did her best. She had to, she had to be on her best behavior less she fails at her mission.

She finally heard footsteps and was excited until she saw who rounded the corner, "Master Thel-Tanis" she said with the excitement and thrill of a midager who had been told to eat their vegetables.

She willed the force around her to soft, the movements of her cloak and add just enough light to ensure the right shadows were cast as she desired them. She didn't care if he sensed her use of the force around herself.

She wanted to say something fun, something pointed and nasty, but she held her tongue. It was strange, she found herself thinking of Saba and how shocked her old Jedi Friend would be of her current actions.

Well maybe not, Saba seemed to always know what Ashanti was plotting. So maybe she wouldn't had been shocked at Ashanti's control.

"I am pleased that you have decided to see me off on my first mission with the party," she said softly.

@Durro Thel-Tanis
(OOC: She is not holding a lightsaber lol She is only armed with a simple kitchen knife in her belt. and ignore the background lol I need to fix that image lol)
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/16/2022
(((I thought the planet was irradiated and you need suits? Or will the Dark Side sustain her? Or the power of looking sexy?)))

"You look... different, Astra." Durro says, hand on his chin. After a moment's contemplation he asks; "Did you do something different with your hair?"
TheTraveler — 01/16/2022
Ashanti frowned, "you know Astra is, well, busy Master." She stops her words just as they had form in her throat. She tilts her head to the side and blinks innocently, "Master, you don't approve of your Padawan's new look."

The words nearly causing vomit in her mouth. Once more Durro could feel her manipulating the Force around her, though this time he didn't see any obvious affect.

Enhanced by the force, Ashanti watched Durro closely as a predator would watch another dangerous predator. "Master," she tried and failed in her most sweet of Astra voices, "I am Ashanti," her eyes tried to sparkle with joy, trust and happiness the way Astra's would. And again, she failed to summon up that sweetness that Astra could command at will.

@Durro Thel-Tanis
TheTraveler — 01/16/2022
((OOC: Remember that no one was allowed to land until the radiation had subsided to a non-lethal level))
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/16/2022
(((I seemed to remember suits being a big deal last session. Does not matter; physics/science do not apply to Star Wars (unless convenient to the plot).)))

"The Astra we know may be 'busy' but you're still Astra. Just as Saba is still Astra, and Naked Cleaning Man is still Astra. Unless you're denying that Kenobi was right about you lot being part of her, aspects of her personality."
Durro holds out her lightsaber to her.
"This isn't mine, and Astra's not really gone. She may've given in to her darker side for now; with all the effect of a rebellious teenager with daddy issues, but you're still Astra. Take your weapon, since The Professor doesn't want anyone traveling unarmed."
TheTraveler — 01/16/2022
Ashanti wanted so badly to fire back with her own cutting words, but knew better. "Professor Kenobi is unaware of other aspects of the situation," she said with a slight smile.

"Daddy issues," she said softly. "I will be sure to let Astra know that you feel she needs to address her daddy issues." A grin crossed her face, "maybe I will suggest that she speaks with Tesara. She appears to have overcome her own daddy issues."

She reached out once more with the force and took the weapon from him. She had to fight the urge to spin the weapon and cut the fake Jedi down, right here and right now. But that would cost her the war, just to win a single battle. She brought the weapon to her waiting hand.

"Thank you," she said flatly and hooked it to her belt.

@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/16/2022
"His medicine still works, by your own admission. That means he's right, even if there's a little more to it than that."
"There's many things you, Astra, need to address. These... personalities are all part of you; reflections of different sides of you. Sophant beings are complex, with different sides to them that come out and dominate at different times. You may recall I voiced apprehension with Professor's medication idea and suggested further analysis. However, I let you chose and trusted The Professor's judgement. I see now I should've followed my instincts, my own experience. Suppressing one's self never leads to good places; it's a mistake the Jedi from my universe made and because it's so normal for me I let them do it to you."
"What I'd rather see, if I were 'in charge', is for you to accept who you are; all aspects of your personality. Don't hide any, don't suppress any, you are who are and learning to control the 'less desirable' parts of ourselves is a normal and healthy struggle. I don't know what happened to split your personality to the point of being separate people, but suppressing the good part of yourself is just as wrong as suppressing your darker, more angry part. Or the scared part, or any other part. Every part has its place and they should all work together to make you, Astra, a whole person. Anyway, that's what I should've said at breakfast but didn't."
He turns to leave, pausing only to add;
"You're wrong, by the way; I prefer Astra the Jedi who has learned confidence in herself and the Force to... this. This looks like you're trying too hard."
As he starts to walk away he chuckles and says;
"Though I suppose now you're definitely the edgiest Edgelord."
TheTraveler — 01/16/2022
Ashanti smiled deeply at the statements, "those are lovely words Master." She moved to block his departure, unwilling to let this be the end of it. She needed to put him in the position where he was required.

"Master, there is but one problem. You are acting under the belief that Astra can hear you. She can't. She isn't here, despite my invitation for her to be here and watch her friends fail her."

She moved a cold hand to the side of his face. She moved slowly and ensure that he could see her other hand and know that this wasn't some kind of sneak attack. "All those lovely words are not for my ears," she said softly touching his face. "I have confidence in all that I am and all that I do. Astra is the one that lacks this. She lacks confidence in herself, in who and what she is."

She pulled her hand back and frowned, "Master, I know you refuse to see me for who I am. Just like you refuse to see Astra for who she is. And here, I thought that you liked blonds over red heads." She blinked playfully, "but the truth is, I am not Astra. Not in the concepts you are aware of."

She paused once more as she touched her bottom limp with her middle finger as she allowed her eyes to drift downward. She fell silent for a long while before finally saying, "I know when and where it happened." She slowly she brought her eyes back to his, "but that is a secret between only Astra and I."

@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/16/2022
"I don't believe you." Durro says simply. "Even if the good part of Astra can't hear me, and I have not reason to believe she can't, you're still her. To believe you're some long-dead Sith Warrior is to live a delusion. The biggest difference between Astra as she normally is and you is confidence; as your current outfit proves. Because if you are Sith, then you're certainly not stronger than she is. It takes strength to resist the Dark Side; only the weak embrace it."
TheTraveler — 01/16/2022
Ashanti took a step back and laughed, "Master," she said trying to catch her breath. "You praise me. Ashanti Khai is the name I have chosen for myself when we became what we are now." Her smile slightly faded but not the lightness of her voice, "the lie we told Astra was wrong. I see that now, and have made my amends to her."

She turned to the side, "unfortunately, this was while her friends had tricked her in to trying to poison us." She shrugged her shoulders as she moved completely from his path. "Yes, you are right. It was delusional to pretend to being a long-dead Sith Warrior," she said as her eyes met his. "I suppose as delusional as it is to pretend to be a Jedi Master." Her lips curled in to a smile.

She waved her hand, "please be safe, Master. I don't want anything to happen to you before Astra can see your true colors," she said walking back to her place next to the hatch.

@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/16/2022
Durro just shakes his head and returns to the interior of the ship; to determine how long before Tesara is ready to go.
TheTraveler — 01/16/2022
(( @Players of New Horizons I am going to keep this thread going. Durro as you walk away, you spot the Professor slightly down the hall listening to the entire conversation. You can stop and speak with him or continue past him. @Professor Kenobi @Hadaza @Durro Thel-Tanis ))
Professor Kenobi — 01/16/2022
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/16/2022
"Entertained, Professor?" Durro says darkly as he passes. "Or are you more focused on the experiment?"
(Durro does not stop walking, but he is not running or anything)
@Professor Kenobi
Professor Kenobi — 01/16/2022
commented. "Always interesting to see people foster blame in others. The only person responsible for Astra's aspects clinging so tightly was her neglect in speaking to them. That's being rectified."
does not stop Durro.
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/16/2022
Durro stops just before turning the corner. He turns and asks;
"So you still think this is Astra? Or is 'Ashanti' her own person, separate from Astra? I believe the former; the woman at the ramp believes the latter. What do you think?"
@Professor Kenobi
Professor Kenobi — 01/16/2022
steps up and grins. "I am a scientist. Here is the facts. She has an advantage with the medicine. The voices have stopped haunting her and only Ashanti was standing forward. Now comes the test of will. I bet Astra will come on top in the end, no matter how little you believe in her." turns and walks down to greet Ashati.
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/16/2022
"I do believe in her, Professor." Durro says, not stopping him leaving. Adding under his breath; "Why doesn't anybody see that?"
He goes to find Tesara.
Hadaza — 01/16/2022
Hadaza passes Durro on her way to meet the rest of her team for today's excursion. "Master Thel-Tanis! I didn't expect to see you here. Will you be joining us??

Not only has she found time to change out of her usual outfit and into the one she wore on Priloc, minus the lost veil, there is now a blaster hanging from her hip. A curious addition, as she has eschewed wearing a weapon during her time on board.
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/16/2022
Durro smiles in reply.
"No, plans haven't changed. I'll be taking Astra's place paying our debt since Astra..."
He gestures back towards where the others wait.
"I'm glad you found a weapon, more than the kitchen knife anyway. I understand the Professor wants all team members armed while exploring."
Hadaza — 01/16/2022
She places her hand casually on the butt of the weapon, a position that looks as though she has done it hundreds of times. and smiles. "it's Tesara's." She looks towards the open hatch. "She said much the same thing to me this morning when she gave it to me."

A more serious expression falls on her features. "Please take care of her today, Durro. I think recent developments have disturbed her more than she will admit. We spoke this morning, briefly, about it. She and I see things ... very differently." She looks again to where she will meet Ashanti and the Professor. "And I think the conversation brought more things out of the dark than today's companion. I believe for all her resilience, she may need a bit of gentle support as she works."

She gestures and bows her head slightly as she asks the request of the master to look after her friend.
@Durro Thel-Tanis
TheTraveler — 01/16/2022!ApBU9z34c6a63j13B_vmuxBeC-DX
Ashanti 3.jpg
Ashanti 3.jpg
Durro Thel-Tanis — 01/16/2022
"Of course." Durro says. "Stay safe out there, Hadaza, and may the Force be with you."
He continues on down the hall.
TheTraveler — 01/16/2022
Ashanti is still waiting by the hatch listening to the conversation down the hall. Her lips in a soft curled smile. She made sure her hood concealed her smile.

The Fake Jedi was an easy predictable target to prove her point to Astra.

Now she waited for her next one. She listened carefully for the sounds of footsteps approaching
Professor Kenobi — 01/16/2022
gave Ashanti a straight eye'd stare as he approached. Shoulders were back, his outfit one cut for exploration with a wide brimmed cap. "Oi trouble maker. I see you are ready to go. While we have a moment, is there any questions or things you wish to know of me?" He figured an open forum would broker a little more understanding of where they stand. A lot had happened in a short while after all.
TheTraveler — 01/16/2022
Ashanti let her smile grow as she saw Professor Kenobi, "trouble maker," she said with a half laugh in her voice. "You're mistaken Professor," she allowed her smile shifted in to a grin, "I am the one with daddy issues." She loved the chance to take Durro's words and twist them for her own pleasure.

She gave a playful smile and nod, "the mission is clear. Extract information from the locals and do not do anything that would bring the wrath of our hosts upon us." She blinked, "am I correct in that?"

She paused as Hadaza walked up and the predator within Ashanti smelled blood once more. She just smiled softly and gave the older woman a nod. "if you have any questions of me, I will happily answer them," she said softly taking her attention back to the Professor.

@Professor Kenobi @Hadaza
Hadaza — 01/16/2022
Hadaza stops at the top of the ramp, stunned by the new look on the familiar frame. She remembers the words she spoke to Tesara just a few moments ago, "Who are we to judge?" That was before she laid eyes on the truth of Ashanti and thought about how Astra was going to lose whatever was left of herself when she saw it. Or has she already?, she thinks.

Surprise is quickly replaced by a covertly mischievous smile and a return of Ashanti's nod. She can hear the woman speaking, and approaches the two in silence so as not to interrupt.

She stands with them, shoulders and arms bare, hands behind her back, and a blaster on her hip, waiting for the Professor to give them the go ahead, as this will be her first time on the surface and she hasn't the slightest idea what she's getting into.
@Professor Kenobi @TheTraveler
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
((OOC: I am holding for @Professor Kenobi to reply))
Professor Kenobi — 01/17/2022
clears his throat as both girls approach. "Good morning Song. Today's mission is Forensics and Archeology. The target is anything written or places that survived destruction such as a museum or cave system. Our tools are diplomacy with a frank appreciation of how desperate the local population is. Your job is to watch my back and back my play. I chose you two specifically for this task. @tr@TheTraveler Ashanti you wish for a chance to stake your claim as a team mate. Play openly and honestly, and hold yourself just to the edge of action unless we are attacked cleanly. @Hadaza  This mission you will have two fold purposes. One to learn forensics and see if you have an aptatitude. Two. Provide a battle buddy for Ashanti and back her play. In public I will be focused on solving the puzzle, you both make up my eyes and ears. Your mistrusting nature's and curiosity suit me. Any questions?"
(Will be slow, working)
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Ashanti gave a slight nod as she answered, "pretty simple. Professor. Lead the way."

She turned to Hadaza with a soft smile, "I love your outfit. It suites you well."

@Hadaza @Professor Kenobi
(OOC: no worries, Hadaz and Ashanti can chat it up)
Hadaza — 01/17/2022
Haj glances over at Ashanti as the Professor speaks to gauge her reaction. She puts her hand on her blaster and responds to him with a smile, "Understood, Professor."

Hadaza blushes at Ashanti's compliment. "Thank you. I could say the same of yours."

"Shall we?", she says as she walks out in front of the pair, taking point, eager to not only begin her adventure but to feel the elements on her skin. Being cooped up in the ship has made her antsy for new experiences.
@TheTraveler @Professor Kenobi
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
As Hadaza moved to take point, Ashanti reached up and rested a gentle, though cold hand on Hadaza bare shoulder, "that is not the best place for you."

She withdrew the hand and motioned at the blaster on Hadaza's hip, "you are a range attacker. Meaning having you on point means you will be the first to enter combat at reduced ranges."

She then motioned to the Professor, "as well you will not be able to watch over him which is our fundamental mission." She smiled softly allowing the Professor to take lead, "all that, and I suspect he enjoys being the lead."

She then shrugged her shoulders, "but its up to you."

@Hadaza @Professor Kenobi
Hadaza — 01/17/2022
Chagrined, but not deflated at the gentle admonishment, she capitulates to the more experienced warrior. With conspiratorial deference to her comment about the Professor enjoying being the lead, she steps back to keep pace with Ashanti.

"You're quite right", she says as she shakes her head and rolls her shoulders, as though to center and focus her energies back to the task at hand. Ashanti can see the shift from enthusiastic puppy to body guard as a potency and depth roll down Hadaza's backbone with each motion.

Spotting the knife and the lightsaber at Ashanti's side, she says, "Should you not be taking point instead? With your weapons, you can fend of a frontal attack. The Professor has not displayed any sort of aptitude to defend himself, at least not in my presence."

With a lingering look at Ashanti's outfit, she comments cheekily "Besides, I think he would prefer the view to taking the lead in this particular circumstance."
@TheTraveler @Professor Kenobi
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Ashanti motioned around at the locals, "do you see the females of this strange race. Do you see how they move about behind their males."

She then motioned to an older female moving in front of an older man. "I suspect that age plays an important role within this society. The Professor would be seen as our father or care giver," she explained.

She grinned, "there is that observation as well as. And like you," she draws upon the force, and Hadaza can feel a coldness move around her as Ashanti lifts the knife from her belt and spins it over her opened hand. "I am a ranged fighter," she stated softly then used the Force to return the blade to her belt.

@Professor Kenobi @Hadaza
Hadaza — 01/17/2022
Haj's eyes narrow quickly in self-admonishment. She had missed the obvious at a distance, being distracted by what was right in front of her. How was she to be his "eyes and ears" if her attention was only on her target? Lesson learned, she thinks as she expands her awareness ... and touches Ashanti's cold energy.

"You feel different than the others," Curiosity making her words blunt as her eyes continuously scan the area, senses heightened. "You're Sith. Does that account for it?"

@TheTraveler @Professor Kenobi
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Ashanti continues to move a few paces behind the Professor as she listens to Hadaza.

"I embrace the dark side like a lover," she said softly and silently. "For me, the anger, rage and pure hatred of all those around me fuels my power and unlocks my potential."

She frowns slightly, "Astra tries so hard to see the good in others. I know better. There is only betrayal in them. If not today, tomorrow, or the next. It is not a if, but a when."

"Being Sith," she said shifting her eyes slightly to Hadaza, "is only part of it. The Sith don't control the Dark Side, but are servants of its will. No different than the Jedi are slaves to the light."
@Hadaza @Professor Kenobi
Professor Kenobi — 01/17/2022
gave them both an appraising look as he stepped forward out of the ship. He immediately hooked outside of the circle of ships to head to the greatest mass of already healed natives at a spry step. "A man tends to hide his claws and fangs if he's wizened. Too easy is it to get into contests of power. Both the light and dark sides have advantages and disadvantages @had@Hadaza . The light side tends towards controlling empathy. The dark side tends to ruling passion. To those of us that remain unblessed by design we tend to appreciate actions more than philosophy. For example a Jedi is more likely to try mind manipulative techniques to gain favorable deals."
Hadaza — 01/17/2022
Forehanded, with senses scanning the area for the smallest details, she says, "It seems that neither Light nor Dark offers its practitioners free will. Nor do those same practitioners give free will to others, if it suits their purpose. As I told Tesara earlier today, I believe the Force, as I understand it, to be natural, impartial. It's how you use it, or is it how it uses you," she glances at Ashanti, "since you are its slave, that gives it the moral distinction of Light or Dark."

Assured that for the moment they are secure, her posture relaxes some, though not her awareness. She continues, "I've been told I have some sensitivity and potential, though untrained. I find the prospect of being a slave to anything distasteful ...", she looks back at the ship and then at the Sith beside her, "though I do see the advantages."

She walks a bit closer to the Professor to murmur in his ear. "Hiding claws and fangs, @Professor Kenobi? I presume that is part of the 'diplomacy' you spoke of this morning?" He can hear the wicked smile on her face as she says it.

Stepping back once again to keep pace with Ashanti, she says, with genuine interest and concern, "Finding myself entering into a life fully lived without context or history, I'm curious - how old were you when you first came to learn that yours was the path of the Dark Side, Ashanti?"
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Ashanti listens to what the older woman said expecting some kind of wisdom. She was disappointed by her clear misunderstanding of the Force and its two aspects.

She choose not to correct the woman, as she walked along side her.

Lost in her own thoughts, Ashanti was caught slightly off guard by the question.

She smiled, "I was in fifth year, of general education, when I knew the call of the dark side was for me. Since then, I was but a lover lost in its cold embrace."
@Hadaza @Professor Kenobi
Hadaza — 01/17/2022
"So young," Haj murmurs to herself wistfully with a tinge of regret ... and envy. "What could have happened that you felt it's pull so completely so early in life?"

She holds her hands at her middle, fingers in the familiar position of respect, as if to convey peace to the volatile woman at her side, despite the intrusiveness of the question.
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Ashanti lowered her eyes to the ground as she spoke softly. She knew deeply her actions gave off another impression than she truthfully felt, and that was the point.

"I have always heard the call of the Dark Side. From the earliest moments of my existence till today, the Dark Side whispers to me," she said softly. Her voice barely audible.

"Its no different for you," she added from left field. It was pure will that kept the smile from her lips as she continued. "I sensed the blood on your hands the first moment you approached me in the ship. Like me, you are a cold blooded killer." Her eyes finally finding Hadaza. Those redish yellow eyes gazed deep in to Hadaza's as she continued. "Though you have me in years, I feel I am up to the challenge to catch up your body count."

She turned her head back and continued walking.

@Hadaza @Professor Kenobi
Hadaza — 01/17/2022
Hiding how deeply the effect of Ashanti's gut-punch hit her, the Zabrak responds frostily, though the air around her shimmers. "It seems you know me better than I know myself. As I have only just joined this company, and without any memory of my past, I find it curious that you have this insight, or any other, into the woman was that previously wore this integument. Because Astra doesn't and I assume that anything you know about me you learned through your shared connection"

The last words are said lightly, but the barb about Ashanti existing at Astra's mercy is unquestionable.  So the fencing continues, she thinks to herself as she awaits the Sith's response. I will need to be most careful.
@TheTraveler @Professor Kenobi
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Drawing upon her willpower, Ashanti let the barb drift off her back like the rain as she walked. She soaked in the statement and learned just a bit more. Her senses still fueled by the Force from her previous encounter with the Fake Jedi, Ashanti allowed her query to continue to dance about the field.

A slight frown crossed her lips as she had expected more from the creature next to her.

"I know fear," she said softly. "Anger," her voice trailed off once more as she continued to allow her senses to soak in the Zabrak's out going behavior, "hatred."

She didn't turn as she finally said, "but most of all, I can sense a killer, a murderer, in my mists." She allowed herself a moment to savor the feeling as her lips curled again in to a smile. "Like kindred spirits," she then glanced at Hadaza. "Wouldn't you agree," she asked softly.
@Hadaza @Professor Kenobi
Hadaza — 01/17/2022
Things low in Hadaza's body tighten at Ashanti's purring comment. The air around her heats. She told Tesara that Darkness is not her true nature. The woman beside her is telling her something different. Here is where the hull meets hyperspace, as the old saying goes.

Tinkling laughter erupts from Haj's whole body. "I would indeed!" she remarks with joyful abandon as she leans in quickly, throwing her free arm over Ashanti's shoulder to give the startled Sith a resounding kiss on the cheek before peeling back to assume a friendly saunter by her side.
@TheTraveler @Professor Kenobi
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Ashanti didn't move. Didn't tense at the Zabrak's sudden move to kiss her. The direct, willing contact and the pervious force enhanced power gave Ashanti a clear glimpse in to Hadaza's soul.

(OOC: Will Power Check please DC 15)

Ashanti and Hadaza continued to walk side by side as they ventured further away from the ship and deeper in to the refugee camp.

Ashanti started to sense something. While she expected fear, she didn't expect nearly this much. Something was wrong. She reached out and rested a soft hand on Hadaza's arm, "something is wrong."

@Professor Kenobi @Hadaza
Hadaza — 01/17/2022
((Will save = 19))
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
((OOC: hadaza is aware that her little kiss nearly left her open to a probing of her deeper emotions))
Hadaza — 01/17/2022
((OOC: noted)))
Hadaza — 01/17/2022
Haj stops beside Ashanti, turning slightly, senses on alert, to locate the threat that she alluded to while simultaneously removing the other woman's touch on her skin.  (((Search = 22))) She places a hand on her blaster, prepared to draw.

@TheTraveler @Professor Kenobi
Professor Kenobi — 01/17/2022
(Home from work, give me a few)
alerted to the dangers by the two capable women, moreso impressed not only that Ashanti noticed but also drew their attention. First Hurdle he supposed, the crucible would come later. He paused mid step and drew himself up, calling out into the nothingness that one finds themselves. "Show yourself." In perfect trade language, awaiting his pleasure. He was keyed up but did not draw a weapon himself, preferring to see how things played out with an extension of Diplomacy at first."
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Ashanti let out a long sigh, before speaking again. She drew Hadaza closer to the Professor, "it's not like that."

She turned slowly taking in all that there was to see, "these people live in fear. Its not the destruction that laid their world to ruin." Her voice soft and clear as she spoke just to the two of them.

She turned her head as if to try to catch a sign that she could point out to the two mundane creatures next to her. She half thought to ask her current quarry standing next to her. She shrugged off the idea as the older woman was clearly past her prime and not up to the task. Or else she would have sensed it first.

The Professor, his mind was sharp. The edge clearly able to cut, but the tip was dulled by his lack of connection.

Finally she shook her head, "there should be hope." The word felt like rotted flesh in her mouth, causing her next words to drip with the bad taste left behind, "they should be grateful."

She finally turned back to the two of them, "but they are afraid of something. Something more terrifying to them, than what ruined this world."

@Professor Kenobi @Hadaza
Professor Kenobi — 01/17/2022
canted his head slyly over at Ashanti. "Please continue. What do you believe was the Catalyst?"
Hadaza — 01/17/2022
(((OOC - what did my search get me, @TheTraveler )))
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
((OOC: While search is Hadaza physically searching {as one would search a room for a missing razor, don't ask} for something, I believe you were going for Spot. Here is what she see. The local population is close to their tents. few travel between the tents. There are three times of off worlders.

There is your group.

The Paccosh, armed peace keepers and aide workers

Sisters of the Angel (dressed in white robes and outfits)

A band of beings called the Isk (Armed aid workers, no standard uniforms)

This is what your spot gives you))
Hadaza — 01/17/2022
Haj stands silent guard beside Ashanti and the Professor. Vigilance requires focus ... and not playing your hand.
@TheTraveler @Professor Kenobi
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Ashanti moved her head as she felt the Force flowing around Hadaza. It was as she had suspected, past her prime. She shook her head, "I do." she paused trying to search through the feelings around her. "not know."

She looked up to them and frowned, "I am sorry, I wish I can give you more, but I can't." she said softly with a feeling that she wasn't used to. Failure!

The furnish in her heart kicked up filling her with that so familiar sensation of anger. She would find the source of these people's fear.

What she would do with it then, well, that was a different question for another time.

For now she lowered her head once more while uttering the words, "I'm sorry."
@Professor Kenobi @Hadaza
Professor Kenobi — 01/17/2022
gave Ashanti something she might not be used to. He swept a strong, calloused hand to her chin and gently raised her head upwards. "No apologies. Continue to perform your duty." A twinkle in his crimson eyes. "Mmmm. We need to find the native people and discover the location of an untouched cache of knowledge. They seem almost too skittish to be believed. Perhaps we would find a better amount of luck following those that have been healed." He mused to himself, strolling to the Isk to get a better measure of them.
@TheTraveler @Hadaza
Hadaza — 01/17/2022
Hadaza maintains her silence. All frivolity gone from her demeanour, though a twinge of envy strikes her gut at the Professor's praise of Ashanti.

The time for playful banter and casual conversation is passed. Time to get to work. She takes her hand from her blaster and follows the Professor, senses sharp for any and all details, knowing that anything the other Force users on board has taught her has been fruitless so far. A thought flits her mind. I wonder ...? She glances at Ashanti for a brief moment before the idea is gone faster that it formed.

@Professor Kenobi @TheTraveler
TheTraveler — 01/17/2022
Ashanti nodded as Professor Kenobi spoke to her. She slipped in to place as they continued to walk.

It didn't take them long to reach a tent belonging to the Grand Vassar, the current leader of these poor people.

After a short conversation, an audience was granted for the Professor and his companions.

"Welcome Professor of the Kenobi, grand leader of the Edgelings" the short four legged alien said as he greeted them.

@Professor Kenobi @Hadaza
Hadaza — 01/18/2022
(((OOC - waiting on @Professor Kenobi
Sidenote - not sure how we can do this, but Tesara wants to take Hadaza out to show her the Sisters and the Angel while we are still on planet. It was supposed to be an IB, so that we didn't take up IRL Game Time. I know PK and tT are working days. - Thoughts?)))
TheTraveler — 01/18/2022
(OOC: @Hadaza We play the game as fast or as slow as need be to ensure that everyone has a chance to enjoy the agency of their Character.

That would be my suggestion on how to do this smiles fondly)
Professor Kenobi — 01/18/2022
stepped into the audience chamber. Four legs? Fascinating. IT meant they sat a lot less than they roamed around. "May I ask who greets me?" He usually expected the flip side to start. Now he could wager a guess that this was the Grand Vassar, yet it would be insulting to wrongly assume. Either way, He offered a cupcake in a black gloved hand. It was wrapped beautifully in red flower paper. "Cupcake?"
TheTraveler — 01/18/2022
The creature moved in a half sideways half direct motion, "I am the Grand Vassar, of the Vissac people."

He looked with a curious expression at the same little sweet, "I have heard of this thing, you call..Cup....Cake"

@Hadaza @Professor Kenobi
Professor Kenobi — 01/18/2022
gave it a little twirl as he remained holding it outwards. "Mmmmhm. This one has a little droid picture. I was practicing my imagery on cupcakes." He said with a note of pride. Eyes twinkled with mirth. "Do you know the reason I come to you today Grand Vassar?"
TheTraveler — 01/18/2022
The smaller creature gazed at the strange thing before him, "a metal thing," he said with a hint of confusion.

He turned his eyes back to the Professor, "I do not."

@Professor Kenobi @Hadaza
Professor Kenobi — 01/18/2022
gestures out towards the greater destruction of the land. "I am here to find any archeological information that may have been spared the destruction of your world here. Do you know of such a Cache?" He declared his intent while taking a second cupcake and chewing on it thoughtfully. Appreciating the rich flavour while watching him with cool curious eyes to see how he would respond.
Hadaza — 01/18/2022
Haj's ears perk up as her inner monologue reminds her her that the conversation progresses. Let Ashanti take protective detail, she thinks. This is why I am here, to back the Professor and learn what I can about this place and what it may tell us about the Swarm. She turns her full attention to the Grand Vassar, smiling subtly at his reaction to the cupcake.
TheTraveler — 01/18/2022
Reaching, Ashanti let her anger and hatred fuel her power. She half closed her eyes as she searched the people around her. Trying to sense any possible thought or action that might clue her to who will be the one betray first.

Hadaza could feel the tendrils around her, slithering outward from Ashanti. They were cold and felt, twisted, somehow. Glancing at Ashanti, was like looking in to the eyes of a poisonous serpent ready to strike at a moment's notice.

The Grand Vassar frowned, "such places would be in the capital." He motioned behind and towards the south east, "that was the hardest hit area."

He thought for a moment, "I have heard rumors that there are large settlements to the far south that survived. But no one has seen or heard of such things directly."

@Professor Kenobi @Hadaza
Hadaza — 01/18/2022
Those places that were tight in her got even tighter in the unnatural chill coming from Ashanti. This time, it was ice, rather than heat, that made her shudder to her core. She found herself thinking about Durro, Tesara and Astra once more, wrapping herself in their warmth, as if to ward off gelid savagery emanating from the young lady next to her.  Her gaze went to the Professor's comely form before her. Yes, even he, in his way, showed her more civility than this predator in beautiful skin, though she believed that Ashanti may, ultimately, have been kinder. Damn the man anyway, she thought lightly.

She almost opened her mouth to ask, "How far south?", thinking that any distance between her and Ashanti would still be too little. But she held her tongue. She was here to listen and learn, not speak. Let @Professor Kenobi do the talking. She would learn more in silence.

Professor Kenobi — 01/18/2022
opens his free palm. He did not feel as though there was a lot of valuable information to be gained waxing poetic. "Would you kindly provide a map of your communities? Or to locations of dig sites." His gaze traced to the hardest hit with a bemused expression. "And lastly, what specifically happened on this world?"
TheTraveler — 01/19/2022
The Grand Vassar laughed, "map of our communities!" He motioned around, "I have such a map." He hobbled over to a large chest and opened it up. Removing items covered in dust and dirt he pulled out what could only be some kind of scroll case.

Laughing he returned to Kenobi, "I have such a map." He handed the case over, "here is your map of the area. Complete with names and even route ID's."

Indeed, the map was complete with names of places, lakes and roads. All well and good enough, it was the map of how this world had once looked before the war that destroyed it.

Standing next to Hadaza, Ashanti stood like a sentinel. The Zabrak could feel the dark being searching through the Force. Outwardly, she just stood there with her eyes showing a disinterest in the events going on. But to a Force Welder like Hadaza, that couldn't be further from the truth.

Hadaza felt the tendrils of Ashanti's efforts focus on something beyond the tent. Not a moment later, Hadaza saw the younger human female tense up as if preparing for battle as weaves of dark energy spun around the younger woman.

@Professor Kenobi @Hadaza
Hadaza — 01/19/2022
(((Empathy skill = Nat20+ Total = 25)))

Hadaza  turns slightly and reaches out with the Force to find out what Ashanti knows before the other woman can act rashly and derail what @Professor Kenobi is trying to accomplish with an agitated undertaking, however well intentioned.  That Haj can feel nothing but pure anger, hatred and rage from Ashanti means that whatever has her attention has driven her past rational thought ... and made her extraordinarily powerful and dangerous. The energy coming off other woman is so cold that it burns white hot.

In counterpoint to Ashanti, Haj is calm, detached,  and vigilant, She knows instinctively that to tense before a fight slows the body's ability to react fluidly to the situation.  She places her hands by her holster, not on her weapon, trusting that she can react quickly when she has to, but is not inclined to escalate what may be an otherwise ordinary incident. That said, she also takes a few steps closer to the Professor and the Grand Vassar, under the pretext of looking at the map. Being able to draw him out of the line of fire quickly is infinitely better than being in Ashanti's way. After all, accidents happen during combat.
Professor Kenobi — 01/19/2022
felt the tension crackling in the air. It was a tingling sensation that caused his eyes to flicker to @ha@Hadaza feeling her draw closer. A desirable outcome that likely implies danger for him. He accepted the map and placed it inside of his coat with a deft movement. "Thank you Grand Vassar. I shall investigate further.  May your people enjoy our Healing Hands, and know a fresh start. If you should need to see me, look to the Gugnir and knock thrice. " straightened himself upwards and turned to depart towards the entrance unless stopped. @t@TheTraveler
TheTraveler — 01/19/2022
"You are most welcome," The Grand Vassar said smiling. He then nodded, "I would wish you safe travels." He said giving the party the opportunity to depart.

As the three turned to leave the next people to visit the Grand Vassar were just coming in. Two armed men dressed in travelers clothes. Though one of them wore light armor under his jacket.

The third, a female, dressed in normal clothes with a heavy blaster strapped to her hip and a rifle on her back walked slight behind them.

While the two men moved a bit from the path of Kenobi and Hadaza, the woman didn't.

Ashanti locked eyes with the woman in back as she walked past. Like a pair of predators sizing each other up, the two females locked gazes till they finally passed.

@Professor Kenobi @Hadaza
Hadaza — 01/19/2022
((OOC - @TheTraveler,  clarification of scene- Haj and the Prof are being blocked from leaving by the woman, but Ashanti has left the tent past her? Also - spot check 14 for a more detailed description of the woman)))
TheTraveler — 01/19/2022
((OOC: @Hadaza  no, as the two groups walked past each other, the two men made no change as they moved past you and the professor. When they approached Ashanti they moved away from her.

The female didn't.

She is a green skinned alien with small ridges on her head and down her neck. She is has a scare from under her light armor up her neck.))
Hadaza — 01/19/2022
Hadaza's first priority is to make sure the Professor leaves unmolested. She heard him say that they were headed back to Gungnir, and so is familiar with the path that they just walked. From slightly behind him, conscious of the local custom, she asks quietly, her breath ruffling the hair at his neck, "Did you get what you wanted, @Professor Kenobi?"

When she has an answer from him, she will drift back into step with Ashanti. "Who was she and what was that all about?"
Professor Kenobi — 01/19/2022
would walk forward regardless of if the woman would stand there. If she remained standing in front of him he would stop and look her in the eyes. No words as of yet, just a patient look of are you fucking retarded and what reason does this trash stand in front of me? With a squeeze of mild amusement. If she did not impede him, he would depart with his retinue in tow back to the ship. "Yes @had@Hadaza . " @th@TheTraveler
TheTraveler — 01/19/2022
Ashanti glanced at Hadaza from the corner of her eyes. Her mind wondered what had happened to the once proud predator that had once occupied the body beside her. Now in this husk was a weak and pathic being that barely understood the world around her.

"she was a predator, like me," Ashanti said coldly. Leaving out the words, unlike you. "I believe she is the source of the fear these people suffer. I don't believe that she is a threat to us."

Ashanti was going to leave it at that, considering the other part was pretty clear. But one glance at the older woman next to her gave her doubts. "If we were a threat to her, or her us, she would have attacked when I challenged her."

While Ashanti was talking to Hadaza, a medium sized green skinned alien turned and saw the group. The Professor saw the man's face turned to anger as he crossed the distance rapidly.

He drew a large knife and uttered hatful words. The Professor noticed that the man's eyes were focused on Hadaza who was distracted by Ashanti to be aware of the coming attack.

(Per Player Request)

Without thinking of himself, Professor Kenobi stepped in to the path of the angry attack and took the knife attack to his gut. The sound of ripping and tearing flesh drew Hadaza and Ashanti back to the situation at hand. With the knife being pulled from his gut, Professor Kenobi dropped to the ground bleeding out.

(OOC: Hadaza and Ashanti roll Initiative)
@Professor Kenobi @Hadaza
Hadaza — 01/19/2022
((((Initiative = 8)))
Hadaza — 01/19/2022
Hadaza watches the Professor drop before her, taking the strike meant for her; his precious lifeblood soaking the ground in crimson waves. Acting on instinct, she fires at the attacker. No sooner than the blast leaves the pistol, she will have to remember to thank Tesara for its use, she rushes to the Professor's side and applies pressure to the wound, trusting that she has hit her mark and that Ashanti will have her back

(your attack on target is a 14, dealt 5 points of damage)
Professor Kenobi — 01/19/2022
is doing the time warbly damaged moment thing. Quite peaceful really, though someone keeps turning down the temperature by degrees. "Take them alive." he'd sputter out if concious. If unconcious, well, not much talking.
TheTraveler — 01/19/2022
Sensing the attack unfold, Ashanti wondered what the Has Been would do. Would she sense the attack coming and move to defend herself? Did she even have the ability to defend herself? Ashanti choose to allow the Force to decide if this husk was worth saving or not.

To Ashanti's surprise, it was their companion, Professor Kenobi who saved the Had Been Husk. She watched with morbid fascination as the ran deep in to his gut and nearly out the other side. She frowned at his surprising action. Clearly this Husk wasn't worth saving, so why did he?

This unanswered question fueled Ashanti's anger. Clearly the Professor had resources and knowledge.  From what she seen from Astra, he had value. Far more than this Husk next to her. So why!?

Then again he had been the architect of her own poisoning. Maybe letting him die was just after his attempted murder of her and her friends.

no, she needed him alive if she was to prove to that naive little Astra that these people are not her friends. No, she needed them all alive if she was to convince Astra of the truth!

Lost in her thoughts, Hadaza drew her blaster and fired. It wasn't a great shot, but it was good enough to badly wound the man. The battle was clearly over, but a point needed to be made to these people. That they were not someone to fuck with.

Ashanti's rage grew as she reached out through the Force and caught the man as he was falling backward. She heard the Professor saying something but she was lost to the rage. She barely thought about it, and his head spun on its thick neck. She could feel every bone breaking and crushing. His fear, his suffering, brought a cold and slight smile to her lips.

She let the body drop like one would discard a napkin in to the trash.

@Hadaza @Professor Kenobi
Hadaza — 01/19/2022
Her head whips around to assess the situation. She needs to know where the next threat is coming from. Pistol raised for another shot, she sees the bastard who stabbed Kenobi. She watches with horror as his head spins around to face the wrong direction.

The next words out of her mouth would surprise her later, "Ashanti, get his friend.", she growls "And we need that one alive. You can torture him for answers later."

Hadaza calls into her commlink, "@Durro Thel-Tanis  @Tesara Anerin - the Professor's been stabbed! I think he's dying! You need to come right away!" She gives them their location.

Removing her thin top to use as makeshift bandage, pressing hard on his wound, Haj leans over the Professor. "Ikke dø på meg, Ben", she whispers. "Du skylder meg middag."
@TheTraveler @Professor Kenobi
TheTraveler — 01/19/2022
((OOC: I will post my reaction for Ashanti tomorrow morning. consider what is going on between Kenobi and Hadaza as separate))
Professor Kenobi — 01/19/2022
(well that fucked my next post)
TheTraveler — 01/19/2022
((OOC: sorry been drinking and need to pass out lol))
Hadaza — 01/19/2022
(Need me to alter something?)
Professor Kenobi — 01/19/2022
(nah, he kinda ballsed my plan to call out Ashanti to see if she was willing to be a team player)
(me am post tomorrow, tired meow)
TheTraveler — 01/20/2022
She heard the growling of the Has Been and released her senses had been dulled beyond usefulness. She didn't need them alive!

Ashanti whipped the knife from her belt at her first target. The pair were as sluggish as the Has Been, which made her attack that much easier.

Drawing on the Dark Side, Ashanti guided the blade like a seamstress threading two pieces of cloth together. The blade sliced through the unsuspecting man sending a spray of blood outward.

The other man, finally catching up to what was happening around him. Clearly caught by surprise from his first companion who had triggered this combat and now the murder of his other companion. These events finally set the man to action.

While Hadaza was pulling her comlink and speaking to Durro and Tesara, he drew his blaster and turned to return fire at their attacker. His aim was solely on Ashanti who was clearly the aggressor in this situation.

The blaster fire rang out and nearly caught Ashanti in the side. Luckily, she slipped to the side just in time to avoid the hit (-17 Vitality).

It wasn't enough to stop her as she moved the blade through the Force. Once more, the cold touch of the Dark Side could be felt as the blade sliced the man's throat open.

With combat over, Ashanti walked up behind Hadaza and gazed down at the Professor as life was slipping from his eyes. "There was no information worthy of their lives. You were their target, not him," she said coldly.

@Hadaza @Professor Kenobi
(OOC: Hadaza make your final post then end the In-between. We will pick up at the game tonight)
Hadaza — 01/20/2022
Frustration at her own feeble attempts at first aid being unable to staunch the bleeding from the deadly wound now doubled by Ashanti’s blatant disregard for her request to take one of them alive for questioning, Hadaza is ineluctable. Her own fear, rage, and hatred for everything, and everyone, around her careens into her feelings of helplessness, creating a volatile cocktail. She vents her spleen on the blonde monster before her.

Without moving from the Professor’s side, she snarls low and deep at Ashanti. “You. Feckless. Brat! What information they did or didn’t have is now irrelevant, thanks to your procacious need to satisfy your lover. She spits the last word with contempt. Only Astra has seen this level of fury from Hadaza. The air around her susurrates.

“If he dies because you stand there in your sanctimony and do nothing, helvete”, she says venomously, her eyes pure hellfire, “I’ll add one more that body count you mentioned.”

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