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Tesara meeting with Durro 5/17/22
07-17-2022, 11:30 AM,
Tesara meeting with Durro 5/17/22
Tesara Anerin — 05/17/2022
Tesara had finished imbuing her kyber crystal on Origin and the Gungnir had departed almost immediately.  Once in space she spent three days doing her normal routine until she decided it was time to speak to Durro about the lightsaber.  She waited until she knew he was alone (a rarity these days) and waited for him to answer.
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/17/2022
Durro was waiting for her, it seems. In his quarters the food prep area has become a makeshift tool bench. His tool-kit rests to the side of a spread of loose lightsaber parts, enough to make several lightsabers.

Durro is sitting on the bed, a cup of tea in his hands and the pot staying warm on the burner.

"Hello there." He says cheerfully. "Please, grab something to drink. I have some juices and powdered mixes if you don't want tea."
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 05/17/2022
Tesara laughs a little.  "Thank you, Master Thel-Tanis.  I appreciate the offer of other options."  She pours herself some juice and turns to look at all the items.  "It seems you were prepared for me to arrive before I even knew today would be the day I'd seek you out."
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/17/2022
"You imbued your crystal, the next step is obvious." He sips his tea.

"First let's talk. What did you want to discuss?"
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 05/17/2022
Tesara sits on the opposite side from him and looks directly at him.  "I am still unsure of what I want to do in regards to the fact that I am still not returning to the Jedi path.  So before we do anything else, I need to know if you are comfortable with me returning to using a lightsaber if I am not a Jedi."  Her words are direct but calm.  She looks prepared for whatever answer he gives.
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/17/2022
Durro smiles slightly, he has anticipated the question and is ready with a response.

"I've given it a lot of thought since we last discussed it." He says. "I stand by what I said, the Lightsaber is a Jedi's weapon, it marks the one wielding it as a Jedi whether they want it to or not. That said, I trained you to build and wield one and it would be a shame to let that go to waste."

He gestures to the work area.

"Everything you need is here, you need only to assemble the weapon. I will not only stand aside, I would be delighted that you prove your skills are complete and your training with me truly finished."

He sips his tea, letting the moment hang suspended.

"There is one question you must answer and answer completely and honestly before you can continue." He adds in a serious tone. "This weapon, being of your own creation, will mark you as a Jedi whether you call yourself one or not. Are you ready, even willing to walk that path? Because my own struggles have taught me that what you are is often different than the lie we tell ourselves. Assembling and wielding this lightsaber will be the final step in your Jedi training. Can you accept that?"
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 05/17/2022
Tesara thinks for a moment, her answer at the ready but aware of the depth of what he is asking.
"It matters not what others think, only what I think and how I act.  If my words and actions are true for me and I do my very best to do what is right, then I AM walking the Jedi path, but as the Jedi of old did.  Not the Jedi orders of this universe.  I believe they lost their way.  Whether I call myself one or not, I agree with their beliefs in as much as you have taught them to me.  I understand that completing my training with you does not equate to being knighted into an order, yours or anyone else's."  She says.  "So yes, I accept that."
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/17/2022
"Very well then." Durro says simply. "As long as you are honest with yourself and acknowledge that you are a Jedi, then I encourage you to craft your weapon. Your final test."

He rises to pour himself more tea.

"A dishonest spirit is a spirit divided. A spirit divided is unbalanced. An unbalanced spirit cannot effectively touch the Force, and certainly cannot hear its guidance. For your own sake, be honest about what you are, even if it destroys what you see in yourself. It took me several broken droids and a destroyed cargo bay to learn that lesson."

He returns with his cup.

"I respect your disavowal of any order, and will not try to perform some ceremony. I will also try not to be offended that you lumped my ideal Jedi Sect in with the rest." He smiles slyly around his cup as he sips.
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 05/17/2022
Tesara chuckles a little.  "Your order isn't going to be anything like the Coruscant or Olavan orders.  "Likely it will be more close to what they were at their beginnings."  She muses, looking over the parts.  "And you yourself are in love with a woman who does not want to be a Jedi but will likely take part in the shaping of your Jedi order.  So you have those things going for you."  She smiles.  "Have you come up with a name yet?"  She runs her fingers along one of the parts, trying to decide which ones to use.

((OOC are there more than one pieces to choose from or is there two or more of some pieces but only one of others?  And how do I go about crafting it - do I need to roll?  If I am right she has to do it only using the Force, correct?  No touching the actual pieces-only forming it by levitating all the pieces in front of her?)))

@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/17/2022
(((Think Savi's workshop at Galaxy's Edge. 4 sets of lightsaber parts. Lots of variety. You need to make a Craft: Lightsaber check (DC 10) with a -4 penalty if you do not have that skill. She may need adjust it with the tools, but assembly is via the Force.)))
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 05/17/2022
((OK I am going to hold off and wait for Mike because he may put the kibosh on this as Tesara has not leveled up to any kind of Jedi class.  She is still Force Adept so I am going to wait on his ruling before rolling anything.  @TheTraveler - Let me know if Tesara can do this or if she has to make a SOLID choice to return to claiming herself a Jedi and leveling up into a Jedi class to use this lightsaber or if she can craft lightsaber without being a Jedi class.  So holding off on doing anything until you make a ruling))
((@Durro Thel-Tanis I am going to have Tesara continue perusing the pieces while you two chat as there is something else she wants to ask you before doing this which gives us time for Mike to make a ruling)))
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/17/2022
(((Your action, then.)))
Tesara Anerin — 05/17/2022
((You didn't answer her about the name tho))
Tesara Anerin — 05/17/2022
(((OK @TheTraveler I think Wanderer and I have sussed this out - I do not get a new feat until 12th level which will likely be at least 8 months from now.  So Tesara may have imbued her crystal but it all stops there as I need "Exotic Weapons Proficiency: Lightsabers" in order to build and use one.  AND I would have to declare myself into a Jedi class at my next level up, which may come sometime in July.  So all of this is on hold for quite a while)))
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/17/2022
Durro observes her appraisal of the parts assembled.

"We're Jedi." He answers her question simply. "Apparently the Jedi, especially here, have philosophers and renegades splinter off to form their own sects or cults as 'part of' but away from the mainline Jedi Order. The Olivan Sect is the only one to survive more than a generation or two. Perhaps we will be the second."
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 05/17/2022
Tesara nods, then looks at him.  "I have another question, but this time directed at Captain Thel Tanis of the Gungnir."  She grins a little.  "We're on our way to Warklines to restock supplies, yes?  Then you wanted to head to Priloc to return the compass, which is very important.  However, the Yoggoy system where the Light of Elisium is located is in the exact opposite direction.  It will take months to reach Priloc and then quadruple that to get back to Elisium.  Why are we not going to Elisium first after Warklines, then on to Priloc?"
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/17/2022
"Because the Professor and I promised Master Drease that we would make the return of the compass our priority. The first stop we make after Origin. A stop by Warklines to resupply cannot be avoided, but after we get what we need we will keep our word."

"Besides, we cannot do what we need to at Elysium without the Professor. This will give him time to process things and rejoin us."
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 05/17/2022
"I do understand the promise we made as I hold it very dear to me.  But I was looking at the star charts and from what I can tell, Elisium is three weeks from Warklines.  Priloc is a little over 3 months.  I understand the professor may need time but...."  She frowns.  "Malora and the swarm aren't waiting for us.  If there are answers at Elisium, we need them sooner rather than later.  Then we can head to Priloc to return the compass.  The professor himself understands the urgency of the situation."  She says.  "If we go to Priloc first then to Elisium then back to the Outer Rim will take another year.  What will we find when we arrive there?  Will there be anything left at all?"  She looks sad.  "It's your decision but I wanted to voice my opinion.  We have no need to USE the compass.  Can't we hold it in safekeeping for another month and return it as soon as we leave Elisium?"
@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/17/2022
Durro looks thoughtful.

"I'll have to meditate on that; consult the charts myself. There is more for us out here, but you're right. Malora and the Swarm are not going to wait for us to finish playing around."
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 05/17/2022
She looks a little relieved.  "You know, what happened on Origin was a mess but I did learn from it.  I stood up and addressed the Valfolk elders all on my own, with no one at my side.  A woman, addressing a council of men.  I was proud of myself, Durro.  I think I did really well.  I've been feeling a little..."  She frowns, trying to come up with the right phrasing.  "Pushed aside by the Professor whenever I speak up or offer information or a possible solution to something.  It is akin to being patted on the head and told to run along."  She makes a face.  "It has made me hesitant to suggest things recently.  I learned that the Valfolk elders decided to not listen to me as well, but the outcomes of choosing to ignore me turned out so differently, it almost didn't matter.  But I spoke up.  So thank you for considering my words instead of merely listening and brushing them off.  I feel more a part of this crew and my place in it than I have in a while."  She admits.

@Durro Thel-Tanis
(((FYI the info on the distances was given to me by Mike)))
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/17/2022
"I think the Professor excels at making everyone feel that way." He smiles.

He rises and sets down his cup, moving to the door.

"I'm going to have a look at those charts, while it's on my mind. You're free to stay here and begin construction of your lightsaber, or you can select the parts you'd like and set them aside, and I'll put away the rest. Either way, I'll be back."

He pauses at the now open door.

"I've always valued your input. Masters learn as much from their students as their students learn from them. I'm pleased you consulted the maps and ran the numbers; using what I taught you on Lanus despite not having proper resources."
@Tesara Anerin
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/17/2022
(((I assumed so.)))
Tesara Anerin — 05/17/2022
Tesara smiles brightly.  "I've been studying the maps as well as learning the girls' native language.  I would like to learn more wherever I can.  And thank you, that means a lot.  I will gather what parts I want to take to my room and leave the rest.  Thank you, Master Thel Tanis."

@Durro Thel-Tanis
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/17/2022
Durro smiles warmly at her and leaves the room, the door hissing shut behind him.
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 05/17/2022
Tesara runs her fingers along each piece, feeling the crystal within its little pouch singing gently.  Whenever it seems to increase in volume, she picks that piece.  Once done, she returns the other pieces she did not choose to his tool kit and leaves the room to return to her own.  Once there, she stows the pieces in a small box near her bed.

TheTraveler — 05/17/2022
(OOC: you don't need the feat to build a lightsaber. Nor do you need a Jedi Class to do it. Using the weapon will come with a -4 on your To Hit rolls. Though using/training with it would make sense how you got the feat (in game lore only). Nor do you have to have a Jedi class to use it. Though again, this would make Tesara more whole in her story.)
Durro Thel-Tanis — 05/17/2022
*Obi-Wan --> Traveler
@Tesara Anerin
Tesara Anerin — 05/17/2022
Ok thanks!

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Tesara meeting with Durro 5/17/22 - by Anatketani - 07-17-2022, 11:30 AM

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