09-07-2013, 05:42 AM,
Auro Syrdash
Vurk Jedi | Star Wars: New Horizons
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Led to the Slaughter
Requiring the willing suspension of her disbelief though it did, Austin watched through her rear-view mirror as the Nowhere Bar & Grill vanished from the very clearing they were now speeding away from. Moments ago, she had felt magickal energy from the car surging through her as it drove itself. Now, she had full control of the wheel, the gas, and therefore their destination. There seemed little choice but to return to Priest Brothers’ Meat Packing. After all, Erica Fisher's company car remained in the parking lot, and Austin knew her employer would be very cross if she abandoned it.
In the front passenger seat, Melissa sulked. She hadn't exactly been on board with the plan to ditch Henry Atlas at the Nowhere Bar & Grill, but who could blame her? It's not like anyone had asked for her opinion. Sure, she had left the bar to wait at the car when she heard the word “magick” one too many times, but was it necessary to ditch their strongest, most capable ally on some half-baked whim? Was she the only one sane here? She knew that answer, and she didn't like it one bit. She had no interest in some magickal joyride, she was there for Kira. She didn't have to remind herself.
Seated in the middle of the backseat and thus sandwiched between Al and Kira, Marla turned around and craned her neck to stare at the night sky through the broad rear window. Being on the outskirts of L.A. afforded her the opportunity to see far more stars than usual. There was something both comforting and heart-wrenching about that, but Marla couldn't look away; she didn't want to. Pain wasn't the worst thing one could experience. Seeing the bright pinpricks dotting the firmament gave her hope that all was not lost. Maybe she would finally find what she was looking for.
As they sped down the dark road, Kira couldn't help but feel her heart still racing. The others couldn't have ditched Henry Atlas without her. She had distracted him long enough for Marla to create a diversion. She had every right to be proud of herself, and she knew it. The others needed her. Tobin Meyers had told her she was special, and now she knew what he had meant. Still, she couldn't shake the visions from her head. There was the golden calf beneath a shady tree, the bleeding Hollywood sign, and two giant angels singing about "special orders." What did it all mean?
Also in the backseat, Al had wedged himself into his corner behind the passenger seat. In one of his fingerless-gloved hands, he held his little Coke bottle filled with whiskey. It had been his idea to boost Fido, and despite his apparent intoxication, he’d managed to explain why. None of the four ladies he accompanied could help but wonder what was really up with Al. True, he was nice enough (for an alcoholic). And he knew his stuff. And he had a cat, a nice cat. He couldn’t be too evil or dangerous if he had such a great cat. Mr. Kitty purred in his lap as Al stared vacantly into space.
"I am a servant of the light and of the life which infuses it."
09-08-2013, 01:39 AM,
RE: Led to the Slaughter
Austin sighed heavily as she drove back to the slaughterhouse. If she knew Erica, and she did, she needed to get that company car back. She looked at the passengers in the back through the rear view mirror, before turning to Melissa. "I suppose you have some catching up to do. I do apologize for all the excitement, it really is not my style at all.", she remarked, gauging her response carefully. Calling back to Al a little louder, she adds, "This may make more sense coming from you."
((I know its not a long post, but I figure everyone needs to get on board with the interlude.))
09-08-2013, 02:05 AM,
Auro Syrdash
Vurk Jedi | Star Wars: New Horizons
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RE: Led to the Slaughter
"Sense?" Al said, gulping back a hiccup. "Until she frees her mind, nothing I say to her is going to make any real sense." Leaning forward, Al whispered into Melissa's ear with alcohol-soaked breath. "Probably for the best, eh?"
"I am a servant of the light and of the life which infuses it."
09-12-2013, 06:25 PM,
Narrator: Dark Tides
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RE: Led to the Slaughter
Melissa entered the password on her journal app on her phone as the drove down the dark desert highway. There was pain in her heart over what had happened and anger in her eyes over who had done it. Still Melissa kept to herself as she typed up her journal on her phone. The trip from The No where filth and sin was a sad moment for her. The party had not only betrayed one of their own, they abandoned him in the middle of nowhere. It was completely unnecessary to leave Henry behind and there was no reason behind it. Henry had been there from the beginning and was someone that she knew. The cowardly act carried out by the two newest members of the party was clearly an attempt to divide the group. She didn't trust these two new MacAttack employees that had joined the group. But still she knew if didn't play nice for now, that she too would be left to fend for herself in the middle of no where. That and she had to look out for Kira. No, Melissa knew that she had to bide her time well. But this betrayal would not be forgotten.
'Some catching up to you' Melissa heard the latest member of the party commenting to her. Melissa only gave a short nod as she rolled her eyes. She didn't bother to even look up from her phone as she continued to type on her phone. She knew that the party was no longer a group that she could trust. She downloaded a new app on her phone. Kaspersky Phone Security, she set up a new password and locked her phone to ensure that no one would be able to hack it easily.
"I don't know why you are feeling like this such a loss" said the cat's head floating just above the dashboard. Melissa thought to herself as she glanced up to the cat as it took its full form. "Its not like they will ever truly trust you. You saw how even Kira was so eager to betray Henry." Every since the murders of her entire family and close friends that she was raised with, the cat had made regular visits to her. She knew that she was broken but there was just not enough time for her to address that. Now more importantly than ever. Kira crossed her mind and wondered who would protect poor innocent Kira if she wasn't around. "You are going to have to cleans them all with fire Melissa. Brimstone and Fire Melissa, this is the way of the Lord's vengeance."
Melissa once more didn't look up from her phone as she finished setting up her new phone security app. She also noticed that the cat's words were true and revealed events of yet to come. She didn't like the idea of this. "Maybe we can still save" she mumbled in a half hushed half whispered voice. Her comment was more directed towards saving Kira, as she saw her friend more as a sister and the only family Melissa had right now. She knew that there was a chance of being over heard but she still tried. She felt Al's hot breath on her neck and smelled the alcohol on his breath. It repulsed her as she heard him speak to her.
"He smells like a filthy bar" the cat said calmly as he looked past Melissa's shoulder and at Al.
Melissa half nodded in response to the fragmentary cat of her imagination. Though it could just as easily been taken as a response to the other two who were talking to Melissa. She was actively ignoring everyone in the car while she started to type on her phone. Her words were simple and true to her heart and state of her mind.
09-13-2013, 02:54 PM,
Unna Hi Chaanu
Zeison Sha Warrior
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RE: Led to the Slaughter
Marla giggled as Al spoke of trying to free Melissa's mind. She thought of one of her favorite films, The Matrix. The tension in the car seemed as if it could be cut with a butter knife. If Marla didn't feel awkward before, she certainly did now. In an attempt to lighten the mood, she decided to quote the movie, "I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it."
09-14-2013, 12:49 PM,
Unna Hi Chaanu
Zeison Sha Warrior
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RE: Led to the Slaughter
Nobody seemed to be amused by Marla's recitation of movie lines. She tilted her head back to once again look out of Fido's rear window, then remembered that someone had recently pulled part of her secret from her. "So, Austin," she spoke up, "have you recently been acquainted with some woman named Abigail?"
09-14-2013, 09:33 PM,
Auro Syrdash
Vurk Jedi | Star Wars: New Horizons
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RE: Led to the Slaughter
Suddenly, Al's eyes widened and he sat bolt upright up in his seat. Marla's reference to The Matrix had finally seeped its way into his alcohol besotted psyche. "Of course!" he interrupted. "I am your Morpheus," Al intoned somberly, with an air of grave importance.
"I am a servant of the light and of the life which infuses it."
09-15-2013, 01:04 AM,
RE: Led to the Slaughter
Austin concentrates on driving back to the slaughter house. As she drives, she explores the feel of Fido. She checks out the controls and the meters and dials. Finally, after a bit of silence she decides to turn the radio on. When she reaches for the radio dials she feels an odd sensation, not dissimilar to the use of Magik. She decides to use a minor charge on the radio...
09-15-2013, 08:35 AM,
(This post was last modified: 09-17-2013, 03:35 AM by Auro Syrdash.)
Auro Syrdash
Vurk Jedi | Star Wars: New Horizons
Posts: 62
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Joined: May 2013
RE: Led to the Slaughter
No sooner had Austin touched Fido's radio dial, infusing the stereo with her magick, small arcs of brilliant pink light danced from her fingertips and across the Cadillac's console. With a slight burst of energy felt by everyone in the car, the stereo crackled to life and began to play the following song:
As the song reached its conclusion, Austin swung into the parking lot, claiming a space beside Erica Fisher's personal company car. Striking union workers had already started to form a picket line. There, they stood with signs mounted on two by fours and jeered the scabs brave or desperate enough to pass and subject themselves to a barrage of insults.
After listening to the song that just played, there seemed little doubt as to what the ultimate fate of the Golden Calf they sought would be. In the end, it was Al who broke the silence. Loudly gulping down whatever was in his Coke bottle, he let out a belch and opened his car door.
After stretching in Al's lap with a huge yawn, Mr. Kitty sprang out of the car and began strutting toward the picket line. "Follow that feline!" Al said with a chuckle. It was going to be a long day.
"I am a servant of the light and of the life which infuses it."