06-06-2013, 08:50 AM,
Narrator: Dark Tides
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Joined: May 2013
(7.1) Into the Inferno
(7.1) Into the Inferno
Memorial of Fallen Warriors
Orbital Memorial Station 'The Fallen'
Expansion Rim World of Azgard
November 3rd, 1937
Warlord Ansfrid smiled as he examined the Warhammer of Azgard. He set at his desk smiling as he held the heavy weapon. He could even make out old and fresher bits of dried blood around the edges of carved areas. The weapon was well used and equally well cared for. It was the weapon of the most powerful leader of the Azgardian people. This was more than just a symbol for him. It represent a moment that he would go down in history as the one to change Azgard for ever. Just like this weapon, he would be known throughout the history of his people. There is not a written history of when the hammer was created. It has always been the weapon of the leader of Azgard. For as long as Warlord Ansfrid could remember the Hammer hung in the Great Hall of Fallen Warriors. He recalled during his annual visits looking up at it. The legend of the hammer was well known to the members of the Council of Warlords.
During the Great Fall of the Republic, Warlord Brea Heartman saw that Azgard could not continue as they were. She saw that the Republic was finished and that Azgard would not be able to continue to carry the torch of the Republic alone. One of her land mark orders was issued based from a dream she had. That in time, a legend of old would return to free Azgard from the tyranny that had gripped it. Warlord Brea Ordered that in preparation for the return of this legendary hero, that Azgard would rearm itself. For this hero would return to Azgard that which was lost. Only then will Azgard be able the rescue of the Republic from the abyss. Warlord Brea ordered that ships, warriors and all equipment needed to wage this war of salvation would be made ready. She over saw these preparations personally during the last years of her life. The writings of many Azgardian historians during this time lead researchers to believe that everyone thought that at any moment this hero would return Azgard. There were even ships sent out to look for this hero. Few returned and none gave news of a legendary hero. The days following Warlord Brea's announcement, Azgard was filled with hope and promise of this glorious return. Warlord Brea warned her fellow warriors not to become too hooked on the timing of the return. That they must instead train, and work hard to ensure that not only the Warrior Caste but all Castes are ready for the return. As months turned to years, this excitement turned to disappointment and later despair.
In some of Warlord Brea's personal diaries, it was clear that she felt that the hero would return when Azgard needed this hero the most. It was clear that she felt that this hero would only return when the time was right, not before. In her own words, 'There will be a time of darkness, not only within the Galaxy but within heart of Azgard herself. The fires of war will test even the most tempered of steel. What would be seen as hope will only turn to a deeper darkness and the fate of the Galaxy will be held in the balance. During this time, the very faith of the Council of Warlords will be tested. For my deepest fears, this hero to return to us, Azgard herself will be dragged to the Urðarbrunnr. There under Yggdrasill, Azgard will be judged. How far will we fall before the hero returns to us? I can only hope that I will never live to see the events which will cause Azgard to be brought before the Urðarbrunnr by the Far Wonder, himself.' It was clear that Warlord Brea had kept her personal diaries and thoughts from the Council of Warlords. The diaries were only discovered, centuries after her death by a Priest and researcher as they were exploring the ruins of the Temple on High.
Warlord Ansfrid made studying the writings of Warlord Brea a priority as he was attending Upper Education. Now thanks to Warlord Fiolla and other events, he was able to complete his work. By the end of the week, the rest of the Council of Warlords will have no will to oppose his dream of bringing a final end to the Casts system. He knew that they were waiting to see what Warrior Senni and Warrior Birgr would do next. The Council of Warlords issued the order for the Black Dragons to return to the Memorial and report to the Council for Decommissioning. The Council placed their hopes in Warlord Fiolla. Now those hopes have been crushed. Warlord Ansfrid had Chancellor Murl to thanks for trusting him with Fiolla's secret. It didn't take much effort to turn the Council against her. Once they were willing to move against the Warlord of Azgard, he was able to remove her.
He remembered his speech to them the day before Warlord Fiolla's arrest. 'Brothers and Sisters of the Council. I know that fear runs deep. Never before has the Council of Warlords ever moved in secret against our own Warlord of Azgard. However, never before has an outside power attempted to use our own legends and faith against us. This Fiolla Heartman is not the warrior that has been foretold in our legends. She but a preprogrammed copy of a long lost hero. This copy, has been programmed to murder the Chancellor of the Republic and only the Far Wonder himself knows what else this, thing is capable of. We can not trust her to lead us. We not not allow our own faith and laws bind us to following a copy to destruction. I know your fears. Do not fear what must be done. I will do what must be done. All I ask of this body is your promise to not oppose me. The Black Dragon's recent losses fighting the Reich over Jagga Two has made them vulnerable. I can remove her and her threat. All you must do is set aside your loyalties and give your words to remain on the side lines.' He knew that there were fears over the changes that Warlord Fiolla wanted to bring to Azgard. She wanted to push back the clock on so many changes, that even the most conservatives within the Council couldn't stomach them. Once he had their promises, he was able to act. He ordered his troops to the Memorial with orders to capture Warlord Fiolla. He added, that if she resisted ensure that she would not live to see the light of morning.
He actually was disappointed that she didn't put up a fight. In fact, she had managed to stage the arrest before a large gathering of warriors. Without reason to murder Fiolla Heartman, he was forced to actually arrest her. With his forces focused on arresting Fiolla Heartman, Warrior Senni was able to escape with most of the Black Dragons. He was able to find out that it was a simple Priest that had some how figured out the plan and tipped Fiolla Heartman off. While Fiolla might be in the light of the public and Senni Heartman was on the run, this young Priest was nothing more than a pawn. A pawn that Warlord Ansfrid enjoyed removing from the game board. The Religious Caste showed their anger over the murder of the Priest, but soon their voice will be silenced. In fact, in just a few short hours, the voice of the Warrior Caste will be silenced once and for all. Warlord Ansfrid hated the idea of a Caste System. And now, the Council of Warlords didn't dare stand up to him or oppose his leadership. Not now, they all had agreed to stand by and do nothing while their leader was removed from power. He had them right where he wanted them. He had been planning this move all his life but never thought it was possible till Fiolla returned from the after-life. Still that wasn't enough for him. He needed something to distract the current warriors while he brought about the end of the Caste system. It was Chancellor Murl's plan that gave the last part to make his life long dream possible.
His comlink went of, “Speak” he ordered as he set down the hammer.
“Warlord, we have detected the Odin's Pride. She apparently slipped out of hyperspace on the far side of Azgard and slipped closer using the sensor shadows of the world and this station. We have reports that a Assault Shuttle has hard docked with the station. What are your orders?”
Warlord Ansfrid knew that Senni would attempt to rescue their leader, Fiolla. Having a ally like the Chancellor has proven to be very rewarding. Nothing of what the report issued to him was surprising. He knew already that Senni would meet with the rest of their friends and that they would all return together. This was proven by the communication from Master Visst. Once more, that had been foretold by the Chancellor. The Chancellor explained to Warlord Ansfrid how the Council of Warlords could be turned and how the Coup can be done with minimal risk. However the Chancellor warned that Senni was to be considered the most dangerous of all the threats. The Chancellor also explained that it was vitally important not to under estimate Master Visst and his followers. It was clear to Warlord Ansfrid that Master Visst was by and large a greater threat to his plans than even Warlord Fiolla or the entire Religious Caste. Taking Master Visst had to be a priority if the Coup was to succeed.
The Chancellor's words were very clear on this. 'Master Visst is not leave Azgard space alive. If you fail at anything during your Coup, this shall not be it. Angel Heartman is to be returned to me, unharmed. The rest, are yours to do with as you wish Warlord.' Thanks to the Chancellor's warnings and vision of what was to come, Warlord Ansfrid already knew all of the details of their foolish rescue attempt. It was the very reason why he positioned his troops where they could not be detected. He knew that Senni would want to lead the rescue but from what the Chancellor said, Master Visst would surely take point. The Chancellor told Warlord Ansfrid more than enough details regarding Master Visst. The Chancellor told him that Master Visst was unbeatable in melee combat or with energy based ranged attacks. Killing Master Visst would have to be done by allowing Master Visst to sacrifice his own life for what he thought was a greater cause.
Warlord Ansfrid had at first planned to use Angel Heartman as beat, but the Chancellor outwardly refused to allow such a plan. The Chancellor went as far as threatening to ensure the Warlords own fall from power if Angel was placed in harms way intentionally. The two leaders came up with a more workable plan that didn't require Angel being used as beat. The Chancellor would ensure that Master Visst would not be able to see the trap unfolding until it was too late. Once both leaders were sure of the plan, it was given the Chancellor's personal seal of approval. Warlord Ansfrid recalled the Chancellor's words, 'Since the moment I first met Master Visst. He had made it, his personal mission to undermine me. Now, I will undermine his future, and his destiny.' There was much Warlord Ansfrid liked about this Chancellor Murl. There was much that the two had in common. It was going to be a beautiful alliance between the Republic and Azgard. More importantly, it will be on his terms and not Warlord Fiolla's.
Warlord Ansfrid smiled as he took a drink from his glass. He was starting to get tired of waiting for Master Visst and their foolish rescue attempt. Keeping a very edgy Council of Warlords at bay was hard enough during the Coup. While Fiolla's personal body guards were still at large, the other Warlords were nearly consumed with fear of their own assassinations. They had been easy enough to turn, but as time passed they were becoming more and more difficult. Maybe Chancellor Murl was right, they would have to be removed from power as well. Still he had to address what was coming first. And only he was aware of what was yet to come. He owed all of this to Chancellor Murl. “Do we have any conformations of their locations?”
“No Warlord, they have hacked our systems and have blacked out decks ten and eleven. We have secured the decks above and below. We also have cut all nodes that services those deck. They are cut of from the rest of the station. Prior to this, we had attempted to contact them and relay the Council of Warlords orders. They refused to orders which led to our current actions.”
Warlord Anfrid nodded as he started to rise from his chair, “My brother, you will find that the Black Dragons are no longer loyal to the Council of Warlords or Azgard. They have become corrupted by the Copy and her Master, the creature known as Master Visst. Inform the fleet to remain in Hyperspace until my orders. We must locate this Creature, Master Visst. He must be stopped before he can free the Copy. We must ensure that she remains a prisoner. The Council has finally ruled, she is to be execute in the morning. We must ensure that this happens.” He informed the commander of the defense force. It was all a lie and he knew that the Commander would not question it. The truth was, that Warlord Ansfrid had been fighting hard to keep the Council from acting too fast. They wanted to execute the Copy the night she was arrested. But she was needed as bait to kill Master Visst. Without the Copy there would have been no rescue attempt made. No rescue meant that Master Visst would not have come. Warlord Ansfrid would prove his worth to the Chancellor and shed the blood of this creature.
His thoughts were broken by the officer's reply, “Sir! We have a report Deck Six. In the Hall of Fallen Warriors, there is a weaponised energy source detected. Would they blow up the station?”
“No you fool, they want to rescue their leader. Send a team down there and find out what is going on.” This was not part of what they were suppose to be doing. No where did the vision include the Hall of Fallen Warriors. Warlord Ansfrid didn't like this change. He picked up the hammer and headed for the door while talking in to his communicator, “I will be leading my personal guards down there. Make sure that we keep our eyes open for the Creature known as Master Visst. He will be the one that will attempt to free the prisoner. We must hold our actions till we have located him! That is your order Commander. Find Master Visst at all costs!” Warlord Ansfrid rushed out the door as his body guard unit fell in behind him.
Half way down to deck six, he received the report that the recon team he sent had been killed by Warrior Senni Heartman. “Warlord, she...she killed the entire team!” The Odin's Pride slipped back in to hyperspace. This was actually good news. With Odin's Pride off the game board, there would be no reinforcements. The size of the shuttle meant that there was only at most forty five warriors conducting this raid. This also included Master Visst and his followers. He had two thousand warriors on the station and another ten thousand waiting in hyperspace. This was going to be over very soon, and that was something that Warlord Ansfrid was actually happy for. He hated this place and once the Copy was dead, he would leave this place once and for all. This was a place that only reminded him of what Azgard had been in the past. Not the bright future that he held for Azgard. A past that should be forgotten, like the dead world below this station. No place on the station held that past glory like the Hall of Fallen Warriors.
Begin Hacked Transmission: Galactic Net. (Editors Notes:This transmission follows the next scene completely via video and audio. Any Character can, at their choice become aware of these events. The language spoken is Azgardian, translation via a data pad is possible)
The Hall of Fallen Warriors is mile long central hallway protected by two large statues of their Gods Odin and wife, Frigg. The five meter tall wooden doors were all hand carved by the best in Azgard. One the door was the Great Ash tree, Yggdrasill. To the religious caste, Yggdrasill is the all that there is, was and will be. The statues watch the doors and are looking to a well under the tree. From this well, known as well Urðarbrunnr, the fate of men and gods are decided and judged by Odin and his wife. Warlord Ansfrid noticed that the doors were left open as they approached, He also noted a bloody hand print at the base of the statues of Odin. He dismissed it as he ordered his troops to move forward. He placed ten in front and had them spread out. He ordered the rest to fan out to ensure that they would not be flanked. They walked down the dark corridor with their weapons at the ready while Warlord Ansfrid activated his comlink, “Why is the power off in the Hall of Fallen Warriors?”
“Sir, we have not cut the power. It must have been deactivated locally” the Commander reported. He then added, “The sensor systems within the Hall have been hacked, we do not have eyes on you or your men. Use extreme caution Warlord.”
Warlord Ansfrid nodded, “Understood Commander. Have you located Master Visst and his group yet?”
“We are still searching for them, Warlord” the Commander informed.
Warlord Ansfrid knew that Master Visst and his followers would be four decks above them as they worked towards freeing the Copy. “Make sure that your men are deployed throughout deck two. The prisoner must not be freed. My warriors and I will have this lone rogue dealt with soon enough. Focus your troops on finding Master Visst and his team. They are the real threat.”
“Yes Sir, we have already increased the number of troops across deck two. The deck is secured. However, we are getting reports of bodies being discovered across the station. It makes no sense. There is not one report on deck two. It is as if they are avoiding their own goal.”
“This Master Visst is extremely clever. Be on your guard. Luckily for us, we know what they are after and more importantly, we know how they will be doing it. We also know that Master Visst will be the one to attempt to free the prisoner. Keep to the plan Commander, no mater what.” Warlord Ansfrid finished the conversation. The main hallway of the Hall the ran the entire length of the station and had very large statues of Powerfully appearing women on winged horses. They were all dressed in armor and bore large melee weapons. Breaking off of the main Hallway are large alcoves with statues of Fallen Azgardian Heroes. These alcoves were connected to the main hallway by narrow hallways that displayed images of battle and war. Within the alcoves were man size statues of fallen Azgardian heroes posed in some form of combat stance. The art work on the statues was of the finest in the entire galaxy. At the entrance to the Alcoves stood larger statues of Gods which protected the Warriors as they made there way to Valhalla. One of Warlord Ansfrid's warriors pointed to a soft glow down the main hall.
The desire to end this ran deep in Warlord Ansfrid as he gave the signal to move forward. The group of thirty warriors and the Warlord moved carefully forward towards the source of the light. Warlord Ansfrid noticed that the God that protected this alcove was Thor himself. The son of Odin, Thor was known for his strength and power. But his most important role was serving as protector to the Azgardian race. A narrow hall that ran almost ten meters had images of a great battle fought in the dead of night. Fires from buildings can be seen across the ravaged city as fighters and other craft race through the sky. At the end of the hallway there stood a lone statue illuminated by a number of candles. The statue was of a long haired woman welding two blades as her long pony tail trailed behind her. She was forever trapped in mid swing as the expression on her face showed her determination to win this moment. With one blade crossing her back, her right blade seems to be crossing her body from right to left. Like the rest of the statues of heroes, the craftsmanship on this statue is the finest in the galaxy. Even her body armor seems to be worn by the statue instead of craved in to it. Her face obscured by the shadows that danced across the statue.
At the feet of the statue knelled a woman in prayer. Her whispers could barely be understood as the group worked their way down the narrow corridor. There was a small metal offering tray over a open fire just in front of her. As she lowered her body in prayer the tray and fire became visible only to be hidden behind her body as she rose once more once. Within the tray were drops of blood and flowers mixed in with a clear liquid. A small glass of what appears to be water sits beside the tray. The woman's hands seems to be wet and clean. On her right is a large Azgardian Sword that is finally crafted and carried runes along its long blade. On the other side of the woman was a white towel covered in blood and also appeared wet. It was clear by her cloak and long blond hair that this was Senni Heartman. Her personal body armor showed through the cloak and marked her for who she was. Warlord Ansfrid knew better than to move forward, this was clearly what she wanted. Still, he motioned some of his warriors forward and in to the narrow hallway. A mistake that he would later regret. She didn't look up from her actions but spoke clearly, “Warlord Ansfrid, were you not warned already about watching where you tread? You have stumbled in to a place where legends live. You and your troops are not welcomed here.”
He and the rest of his troops remained at the mouth of the narrow hallway. “Warrior Senni Heartman...”
She cut him off without regard for his station or position. “I am her, and so much more.” Senni said softly as she continued to bow before the metal tray. It was clear that she was completing some prayer or ritual.
“I am here to inform you that the Council of Warlords has ordered you and your troops to report for decommissioning. You have served Azgard with honor and pride. It is time for your long journey to come to an end.” Warlord Ansfrid said hoping that he could talk his way out of an arm conflict with Senni. He knew that she was dangerous and most likely the best sword fighter he has ever seen.
“Warlord, do you know what sets us apart?” Senni asked Warlord Ansfrid. His troops were just reaching the end of the narrow corridor. As Senni bowed in her prayers, she also noticed their positions behind her. It was clear that Senni was waiting for the right moment to act.
“Nothing sets us apart Senni Heartman. We are the same. But please educate us in your views, what sets us apart?” The Warlord said as he sent a text to the Command deck. He was starting to realize that maybe Chancellor Murl's vision could have been wrong. He cursed himself for placing too much faith in the Chancellor. A lesson he would not make again.
“Oh, Warlord, we are different. Your mother and father, they were no one of special or of gifts. They were normal. Just like their mothers and fathers before them. Throughout your entire blood line, there is nothing special about your family. This means you are no one special. How in the name of the Far Wander did you think you could rule Azgard, I will never know. I however, I am the daughter of Thor himself. Granddaughter to the Far Wander, Odin. Within me flows the blood of the Gods” She explained softly. The insult to his family only bothered him. The fact that her voice showed that she truly believed what she was saying about being the daughter of a God, scared him. He knew that she was crazy by the way she would always talk to that Twi'lek skull. Her voice now showed something far more terrorizing. A depth of insanity that he knew she would never escape. For this moment he actually pitied her and saw her coming death as a act of mercy.
“I, like my sleeping bothers and sisters, all have a special gift from the Gods themselves. We can see past any conflict and turn that battle with just a whip of our swords. We have never been beaten in combat. We may have lost the field of battle, but we were never beaten. A fact and truth that escapes men like you. This is the reason why we, my brothers and sisters and I, are the children of the Gods. We are the chosen defenders of the Galaxy, not you and your non-special followers. This mission given to us not you by Frigg, the wife of Odin. Within our lungs carries the song of the Gods. Do you see why we are different? You and yours, you are all just normal. I know, I checked. None of you can hold a weapon to me, let alone my brothers and sisters. Tonight, The Warriors of Azgard will be tested. Tonight before the well Urðarbrunnr, Fates will be decided and actions judged. And this is what sets us apart. For I shall leave this hall alive and you will be dead, Warlord Ansfrid.”
There was absolutely no doubt in her voice regarding what she said. He laughed out at the statement, “Warrior, you are badly out numbered, and I do not see any modern weapons on you. Your sword is impressive, but we are armed with the latest pulse weapons Azgard has to offer. What makes you think that you will not be shot dead as you make your first move?” He motioned for his mean to ready their weapons. The sounds of their weapons coming up and safeties being clicked off echoed in the hall. There were sixteen warriors in the narrow hallway and all aimed their weapons at the back of her head. The rest of the warriors fanned out ready to rush in should the order be given.
Once more she didn't stop her bowing as she continued her silent pray to her father. She had to ensure that she cleared her thoughts and mind before attacking them. This had to be just right if Azgard was to become free from men like him. She had to send this message to everyone who would watch it, and beyond even them. This would become one of the most important moments in all of Azgardian history. A moment when the old and new would clash. Only one philosophy could survive this night. “Because Warlord, you and your soldiers are not children of the Gods. Can you not feel him moving around us? My father has come here to fight beside me. To fight beside his very own daughter. Not you, not those who would defy his Laws. He is here to aide my battle, not yours. Lay down your weapons and I shall not kill you.”
Once more the Warlord laughed, “I thought you said I would die here tonight. Now you offer me a chance to surrender?”
Senni laid some sage over the tray. The smoke rose up from the tray, her prayers were answered. 'It is time' she thought. “I was not speaking to you Warlord. I was speaking to your soldiers. They need not die tonight. Only you.”
Warlord Ansfrid was no longer laughing as his face changed. His anger was clearly seen across his face. He still didn't know where Master Visst was and she was clearly only a decoy. He had to trust in what the vision showed him. It had not been wrong so far. He had his doubts but he needed to know. He sent another text demanding that Master Visst be found at all costs. “I am finished here, arrest her!”
The warrior to Senni's right moved forward and carefully had his rifle trained on the back of her head. He carefully moved to push her weapon away from her. As his foot came in to contact with her sword, her hand shot over the hilt and gripped it. “Don't you think they got the resemblance accurately.” Senni said motioning to the statue. The warrior was slightly distracted by the words from the crazy lady. It would be his final mistake. In that moment she flipped the sword on its ends and drove it in to the chest of the warrior. There was screaming which drowned out the man's gurgling for air through the blood now filling his lungs. Senni didn't wait as she pulled her sword from it and rapidly rolled to the left while unhooking her swords. The warrior to her left attempted to open fire on her but she was too fast. His blast hit harmlessly across the floor. Even as the first warrior was falling to his knees, shots were being fired from the other warriors within the narrow hallway. Senni continued to tumble away from the blast marks and came up right in front of the second warrior who had enter this alcove. She drove her now separated swords in to his chest. She only needed one to kill him, but she needed two to complete her next action. Senni started to sing as she leaped up to her feet.
“Glory And Fame” she sang as she pulled with all her might and twisted her body flinging the dying warrior in to his comrades as they rushed the alcove. “Blood Is my Name” She moved forward bringing her right sword down serving the arms of her next target. “Soul Full Of Thunder, Heart Of Steel” she continued to sing as his weapon and arms fell harmlessly to the ground. His scream in agony was only answered by her left sword running through his throat as she attacked the soldier next to him. “Killer Of Men, A Warrior’s Friend” She pulled her blade from both soldiers as she stepped in to the narrow hallway. She spun to the side avoiding the next line of incoming fire. “Sworn To Avenge my Fallen Brothers” She sung as she lowered her body and rushed forward bringing both weapons up across the midsection's of the next two warriors in the hallway. There were screams for those in front to get down while those in front tried to withdraw from the next wave of attacks. “Daughter of the Gods! Today I shall Die!” echoed as she stepped between the last two warriors. She ducked as another round of incoming fire narrowly missed her. While she dropped she drove her blades in to the backs of the last two warriors she sliced. “Open Valhalla’s door” From her knees she sprang forward once more driving her blades in to the next two warriors who attempted to move forward on her. “Let the battle begin. With swords in the wind! HAIL GODS OF WAR!”
Within the first few seconds of this combat, half of the sixteen warriors who had entered in to the narrow hall either dead or dying on the floor. The rest were starting to back up as they were beginning to change their tactics. It was clear that this hallway gave her the advantage while forcing them to fight in tighter formations. The only problem was they couldn't just turn and retreat without giving her their backs. The chaos was still running high as those in the back of the hallway were still trying to get that one shot that would end this battle while those in front were attempting to get some distance from those lethal blades. Senni wasn't through as she continued to sing, “Another Is Born, Another Shall Fall” she spun once more and sank low slicing both of the next warriors just above the knee. Their armor split like it was made of straw. Their debt was paid by a price for not holding to traditions. Their armor was crafted in factories by the lowest bidder, while her armor was made by her own hands. She was still a Master Forger, her weapons and armor out classed theirs completely. Now they were paying the price for it, “This Day Men Will Die” She flipped her blades once more bringing them up along the entirety of their bodies. She leaped over the two warriors falling as she brought her blades down on the next two. She missed her left target, but the right warrior got it full force. The blade hit the top of his helmet as it split and her blade sank deep in to his skull. Blood shot up from the cut in the helmet as he fell to the ground. The warrior that she missed launched his own attack on her.
He leaped forward with his rifle and knocked her blade to the side. He continued forward ramming her midsection and knocking her back. Senni didn't bother to look down, she watched to next two warrior ready their weapons at her. Finally they had a clear shot on her. She spun her body as she kicked up over the bent over warrior. It was clear that her move surprised him. She hooked his arms in hers and kicked her legs downward at the same time she continued to spin. The warrior shot upward and saw his own comrades taking aim at him. With his arms locked by Senni he was trapped, he screamed for them to hold their fire. It was too late! Senni continued to sing, “Glory And Fame, Blood Is My Name” she stepped backward moving the trapped soldier closer to those firing at them. The blasts were true to their mark. The warrior was dead after the first shot. Still Senni held him up. Had they been using ballistic weapons this would not have been possible. The energy was dissipated by the body on her back. Senni pulled her arms in close and used the larger warrior as cover as she once more closed the gap on her enemies. “Soul Full Of Thunder, Heart Of Steel” she sang as she fought against the energy driving her backwards. “Killer Of Men, A Warrior’s Friend” she said as she got close enough. She could tell that she was getting close to her mark. The pictures on the wall told her where in the hallway she was. She leaned to the left and drove her sword in to the belly of the warrior who was trying to get a better angle on her. “Sworn To Avenge My Fallen Brothers” she sang as she let the dead warrior on her back go. At the same time she spun and hurled her second blade at a warrior attempting to reload. The blade drove through him and in to the wall behind him.“Daughter Of The Gods, Today I Shall Die!”
“Open Valhalla’s Door” she sang while rushing the next target while she pulled the blade from the warrior stuck to the wall. “Let The Battle Begin, With Swords In The Wind” She ran her blade through neck of the next warrior. The last of the original sixteen finished loading his weapon and brought it up to fire at her. All he saw was a spray of red mist and her deep blue eye. Her voice echoed in his mind, “Hail Gods OF War!” His head rolled slowly backwards till it fell off the body. Senni looked up to see four more warriors at the mouth of the narrow hallway. They had a clean shot on her, and behind them Warlord Ansfrid smiled. There was a popping sound as smoke started to fill the hallway. Warlord Ansfrid yelled his order to fire. Within seconds, eight warriors were firing their weapons down the hallway. Bright red flashes could be seen passing in to the thick smoke. Slowly the smoke continued to spread till it was only a short distance from the first four warriors standing before Warlords Ansfrid. They continued to fire rapidly as something echoed from the hallway. It was a recording of some kind. The rest of the warriors joined in aimlessly firing down the hallway. Each only hoping to hit the devil that had killed their brothers. No one aimed, they just fired over and over again.
The voice of the speaker was deep and steady as music that had not been heard in these halls for nearly a thousand years played. The voice would later be identified as High Priest Oddr Fury. He was the last sitting High Priest before the fall of the Temple on High. His words echoed over the weapons' fire. “Onward Into The Heart Of The Battle, Fought The Children Of Odin. Outnumbered Many Times, Still They Fought On. Blood Poured Forth From Their Wounds, Deep Into The Earth. Vultures Waited For The Broken Shells, That Once Were Bodies. But Odin Alone Would Choose The Day, They Would Enter Valhalla. And In Their Hour Of Need, He Sent Forth Unto Them. The Berserker Rage!”
As the recording continues to weapons fire came to a stop. It was clear that they had fired their entire energy in to the smoke. None of them had the courage to move forward. They only stood there at the edge of the smoke. There was an eerie stillness as the recording continued, “Now Gods And Men,
They Rose Up From The Ground. Screaming Like Wild Animals” On that Senni broke through the smoke as if she had leaped up from the ground herself. She screamed out with her face covered in blood. Her blades ran through the first warrior as shock filled his face. “Such Is The Gift Of Absolute Power.” she spun and ran through the next warrior with her blades. “No Blade Or Weapon Could Harm Them.” she no longer attempted to dodge or deflect in coming fire. The other warriors attempted to reload as fast as possible as Senni caught her next victim as he tried to turn and run. She pulled her blades across his neck sending blood spraying over the next warrior. “They Killed Men And Beast Alike” The next warrior was back stepping as fast as he could while using his own rifle to block her attacks. It worked only once, her second blade found its mark through his heart. “And All Who Stood Before Them Died That Day”
Senni easily dodged Warlord Ansfrid's attack with the Warhammer of Azgard. She spun to the left as she easily ducked his second attack. Raising her blade as fast as lighting could cross the sky, she held the edges even and level as she ran it right up in to his chest. In that moment a strange moment of pause occurred as if time itself stopped. Everyone eye in the Main Hallway stared deeply in to Senni's eyes. Her bangs dripped down over the tops of her eyes. Blood splatters crossed her face, hair and body. Slowly time resumed as her long blond pony tail flung as a reaction to her last radical movement. The recording and her voice both rang out in unison, “Hail Gods Of War.” It was over. Her blade had ran right below his heart, cutting the arteries that fed the blacken organ. The sound of the Warhammer of Azgard hitting the metal floor echoed as Warlord Ansfrid's own bodyguards seemed lost in shock and terror. They never noticed the rest of Senni's five man team stepping in to the Main Hallway with their weapons at ready. Their eyes were locked on Senni's in disbelief. Each were frozen by what they saw as they attempted to explain how she was still alive.
Senni stood there holding up the Warlord by her blade. Blood dripped from her wounds and the marks across her armor showed that she had not escaped the conflict unscathed. “Your brothers and sisters all died with honor. Your dishonorable leader is no more. All I need do is remove my blade and his life is over. Look past me and gaze upon your fallen bothers and sisters. You can choose to join them and a company your leader in the after life. Or surrender, and live. The choose is yours.” she said looking to the shocked faces of Warlord Ansfrid's bodyguards.
“Uh....” Warlord Ansfrid tried to get out, “I may go to my death. But I will rest knowing that you can not awaken your bothers and sisters.”
Senni stepped forward holding the blade still, “Go in to the darkness, knowing that your name will never be spoken again.” She said slowly twisting her blade causing him unspeakable pain, “As for my bothers and sisters. We already know what we need to do to awaken them. Thanks to Master Visst!” His eyes widened at her statement. He never had a chance to consider all of what she said as she stepped back drawing back both her blades. In a mighty upward single swing, she removed both of his arms. Warlord Ansfrid fell to the floor as his arms landed beside him. Not one warrior even tried to do anything for him as his life blood was pumped from his body by his own beating heart. Senni looked around at his bodyguards, who now looked at her with a sense of fear and awe.
06-06-2013, 05:39 PM,
Narrator: Dark Tides
Posts: 1,362
Threads: 14
Joined: May 2013
(7.2) Through the Inferno
(7.2) Through the Inferno
Memorial of Fallen Warriors
Orbital Memorial Station 'The Fallen'
Expansion Rim World of Azgard
November 3rd, 1937
Senni's plan was already well underway. Odin's Pride jumped in and dropped off the assault team, then jumped back out. Senni didn't trust Warlord Ansfrid to have a plan B should his Coup start to fall apart. She felt it was better to hold back the mighty warship as her own plan B. The Assault shuttle, swept in and dropped of the ten five man teams. Senni hand picked each team and their primary and secondary goals. She took the role of decoy for Warlord Ansfrid and his bodyguards. Her reasoning behind that choice was two fold. She felt that Birgr more than deserved the honor of capturing the traitorous Council of Warlords and rescuing Talon from her imprisonment. Secondly, Senni wanted to make sure that all Azgardians and the rest of the Galaxy knew the true strength of the Azgardian Warriors had returned. The rest of the targets for the team were each important to the over all goal of capturing the Council of Warlords and freeing Talon. Senni's plan didn't call for the entire station to be taken. Just those parts needed to secure Talon's freedom and the capture of the Council members. Though her plan called for the death of Warlord Ansfrid, the rest of the Council would depend on what the group learned for their allies.
Senni had laid out her plan in detail to the Black Dragons, Birgr and the remaining Immortals. Afterwards, Birgr laid out his plan. Both addressed the top to key goals with reasonable chances of success. Only Senni's dealt with delivering a message to the rest of the Azgardians. Her plan had a more surgical aspect, others within their group referred to this aspect like a sword slice. His plan was more straight forward and used all of the Black Dragons to seize the entire station in one rapid raid. The same group referred to Birgr's plan like the cutting effect of a battle ax. Because everyone could see equal chancing in both plans of being successful, it came down to a Duel over which plan to use and who would lead the over all mission. The two warriors squared off once more as they had many years ago. Birgr with his beloved ax and Senni with her twin blades. The two dueled for nearly an hour before Senni got the upper hand. In victory, she secured both respect and honor by asking Birgr to lead the mission using her plan. In defeat, Birgr too secured his own honor and respect by pledging to ensure victory under her plan.
Birgr's team was the third to make the space born jump as the Assault shuttle made its pass. The first two teams were heading to the communication tower and the hanger bay. These would ensure that the station would be unable to call for help. If all worked well, according to Senni, the remaining soldiers aboard the station would see the right of authority of the Warrior Caste and accept the outcome without further conflict. Birgr's team was to move on the Council chambers first, then move on to free Talon. By the time Birgr is done with the Warlords, Senni should have Warlord Ansfrid completely pinned down and unable to react to the growing situation. According to Religious Caste spies within the Station, the Council of Warlords had been called in to emergency meetings by Warlord Ansfrid. He had instructed the Council to act quickly to name him as rightful leader of Azgard before the power vacuum would stir unrest within the masses. The spy's last transmission informed Birgr that the Council was unable to name Warlord Ansfrid as leader. Many feared him but none were strong enough to stand up to him. The report troubled Birgr because, they all knew of the Coup before hand and did nothing to stop it. The spy also believes that before morning they will each finally accept Warlord Ansfrid as Leader of Azgard out of political fear. 'These Warlords do not deserve to lead Azgard let alone sit on the Council' Birgr thought of the traitors.
The spy gave one bit of information that Birgr found very helpful if not humorous. It delayed his teams arrival to the Council of Warlords gathering location by a few minutes. However Birgr felt that the delay was more than acceptable. Birgr walked in to the Great Hall of Heroes, used by the Council of Warlords. He didn't bother to request an audience which was required by anyone wishing to speak to the Council. Nor did he allow the soldiers outside a chance to stop him. Birgr left a path of death behind him as he made his way from the first place he entered the station, to the detour location, to the Great Hall of Heroes. He looked around at the shocked and surprised faces of the Warlords of Azgard. Each were supposed to be the greatest warriors of their own houses. Some are that, some seen under a different light, are nothing like that. His fire Immortals stood behind him with their weapons ready and between them a man bound and had a large sack over his head. Birgr looked at each of them with disdain, “Each of you are cowards!” he yelled out from his helmet. Before the senior of the Warlords could speak Birgr continued, “Each of you are standing here where Legends live! You are not welcomed here, drop your cloaks and leave your positions. You will not be harmed, I give you my word. If you force my hand, you will all pay the price.”
“Warrior Birgr, thank the gods you have returned. Warlord Ansfrid has us trapped on this station. Either we accept him as leader or he will kill us.” The Warlord of House Fury said.
Birgr shook his head, “That is a lie and we all know this. I know you knew of the Coup before hand. None of you stood by your Warlord as you pledged. None of you deserve to remain as Warlords of the Council.”
“No, thats not true. We did not know of the Coup. We were just as surprised as everyone else was.” Another Warlord said trying to convince Birgr of their innocents.
Birgr raised his hand and motioned for the man behind to be brought forward. Birgr reached over and ripped the sack of the head of Warlord Buckler from House Redick. The man standing next to Birgr was bound and gaged, though the look in his eyes tell the story of his pain. The Hall was in a state of panic because there were now two Warlord Bucklers. The one sitting silently at a desk stood up and smiled, “allow me to end the confusion” he said as he reached up to his arm and deactivated his cloaker. “I am Priest Addame Redick, Order of the Rose, and Faithful servant to the Warlord of Azgard”
The Warlords erupted in anger and started to scream at both the Priest and Birgr. Birgr only smiled at their outrage. There was no one coming to rescue them. None of them could stand up to his Immortals or him. Before when they first returned, he had thought that they were the best warriors of Azgard. It was only later that Talon told him that she doubted their strength. That she should not have been able to fight all of them in one day. That those kinds of Trails tended to last for weeks. He turned to one of his men still standing at the door and nodded. The man pulled out a chain and secured the door from the inside. The Warlords were still arguing and yelling among themselves as Birgr turned to face them. He slowly drew out his ax as did the rest of his men. It was time for the Council to be released from their duties. Priest Addame nodded his understanding and silently slipped back to allow the Warriors to tend to their tasks. It was clear that the Warlords didn't realize that death had entered the hall. The time of reckoning had come to the Council of Warlords for their betrayal of their leader. Birgr nodded to the rest of his team, each were readying their weapons. There was no guilt in his heart over what was about to happen. He gave them a chance to save their own lives, now they will pay for that last mistake.
The battle in the Great Hall of Heroes was hardly a battle. For Birgr and his Immortals, it was more of a bloody slaughter. At first the Warlords of the Council hardly even realized the change of situation. They stood and argued among themselves over who was the first to follow the traitor, Warlord Ansfrid. Once the doors were chained shut and their weapons were drawn did the Warlords of the Council realize what was coming. They tried to put up a good fight, but none of them could compare to the training and genetic improvements that came with an Azgardian First Class Warrior. Most of them had put up their best effort to avoid death while a few attempted to seek mercy and begged for their lives. Birgr felt a deep routed disgust for the later as he ordered no mercy to the cowards. All eight were cut down by Birgr and his men. Their headless bodies placed back at their desks to show the end of this mockery of a Council of Warlords.
Birgr and his team brought Priest Addame along as they moved for their last goal, freeing Talon. As they were making their way up the decks of the stations, Birgr received word that the Odin's Pride had engaged three warships which had slipped back in to real space. The ships had planned to destroy the station with everyone on board. The quick thinking of the Captain Yngvar, the captain of Odin's Pride, placed his massive ship between the station and the three attacking ships. Even though Odin's Pride had been sitting in storage for nearly two thousand years, her main weapons were still more than a match for the fire power of the three attacking cruises. Odin's Pride was built during the hight of the Republic and Azgard. She was one of three massive ships build in the Overlord Class. Designed as a combined arms ship, she carries over a thousand fighters, tens of thousands of troops and boasted an armament that would compare to five other ships. The two sister ships to Odin's Pride had all been lost in great battles. The flagship of the line, the Overlord, was lost during a hyperspace accident. The Odin's Pride is truly the last of an era. But this Old Lady still had plenty of fight left in her. The exchange between ships was short lived but no less violent. Captain Yngvar refused to allow the attacking ships to get a clear shot at the larger station. The blast marks across the Odin's Pride's haul bore wittiness to this act of bravery. In the end, Odin's Pride destroyed all three attacking ships and drove off two others that came to reinforced the traitor's ships. The space of Azgard and the station belonged to the Black Dragons.
While the battle for the space was won, the battle for the station was far from over. Birgr received reports that the other teams were reaching their goals but the resistance had stiffen greatly. Even Birgr's own team was finding it harder and harder to beat back the waves of defenders trying to block the path to Talon. The efforts of the defenders were of no importance. Birgr was driven and nothing would stand in his way. With the final doors in sight, Birgr and his team had to fight their way through a group of twenty soldiers. This was one of the final battles before they could free Talon. The defenders knew this and refused to give up this area easily. It was during this battle that Senni connected Birgr and informed him that Warlord Ansfrid's head was now in her possession. Birgr called out over the loud speaker in his helm, “The Beast is headless, its body has not yet realized that it is already dead!” He drove his ax in to the soldier he was fighting as cheers echoes from his men. Priest Addame proved to be a strong asset to Birgr's team. While Birgr didn't the Priest as a Warrior Priest like Senni was a Warrior Priestess, he did respect the Priest nonetheless. Birgr drove his ax in to the soldier once more for good measure. He saw from his surround visor in his helm, a soldier drawing his side arm. It didn't take Birgr long to realize that the soldier was going to shoot one Priest Addame in the back.
Birgr tossed his ax in to the air slightly and caught it with a stronger grip. The soldier had his side arm out and started to take aim at Priest Addame. Birgr pulled back his arm and flung his ax side ways at the soldier. It flung through the air so fast that it made a whooshing sound. The soldier backed up to the wall as he aimed at the back of Priest Addame's head. The ax passed right over the soldier's arms and hit the soldier across his neck. The ax man a loud clanging sound as it passed through the soldier's neck and cut in to the metal wall. The body of the soldier fell to the ground and the head remained balanced on the blade of the ax. The last of the other soldiers were cut down by Birgr's men. Each of his men turned to see the head looking back at them from its perch on the ax. The mouth and eyes of the head were open. For about a minute no one said anything as they all looked at the head. It was finally Birgr who broke the silence with a deep laughter. “Loki has gifted us with this” he said as others joined in with the laughter. Birgr stepped forward and bent over the body. He pulled out the knife from the soldier's belt and rose back up. He picked up the head by the hair, “Watch our backs and ensure no one sneaks up on us” he said driving the knife through the forehead and in to the metal wall. Birgr pulled the ax from the wall and motioned for his men to follow.
Birgr walked up to the door as Senni's voice came in over his helm communicator. “Birgr, Warlord Ansfrid's communicator had his last message sent. It read, 'Kill the prison.' Birgr!” It was clear by her voice that she was concerned.
“She is not dead. Don't you remember, Talon can't die. Don't ask me why, but she just can't die.” Birgr said as he prepared to open the door to the prison deck. He waited for his men to take up formation behind him. Then he activated the door. As the door opened Birgr saw eight men standing before him. They were standing one behind another in close formation. Birgr stepped forward with his men. Talon was still alive and Birgr knew it. It was something that Priest Addame told him that gave him that assurance. He couldn't tell Senni over a communication line, but he would later. He and his warriors walked through the door way and in to the prison deck. The first rank of soldiers fell face first toward the deck as the second rank had let them go.
“We do not hold weapons against the bodyguards of the Warlord of Azgard. She is still alive despite the wishes of Warlord Ansfrid and his followers.” The soldier in the middle said as he and the others dropped to a knee out of respect for Birgr and his team.
Birgr nodded, “What is your name soldier?” He motioned for his men to fan out. He was advised that Talon had many followers on the station that could and most likely would join her cause if given the chance. Still Birgr was not taking any chances.
“Aki Mercer, Warrior Birgr” Aki said softly. They knew that Birgr and his men were cutting a path of death right to this point. It was not a hard sell to the others to betray their fellow soldiers and protect Warlord Fiolla. Aki had seen her during the trail and found her to be the most amazing woman he had ever seen. When she was brought here, he almost died. He did everything possible to make her short stay as comfortable as he could. He even managed to sneak a few messages out to the Priest standing behind Birgr. There was simply no way he was going to allow anyone to kill her. Not while he was alive to prevent it. He started to turn the others the hour she was brought in. He knew that this moment would come. He trusted in those that followed her. Just like he hoped now they would trust in him.
“Free her Aki Mercer” Birgr commanded.
Aki nodded and motioned to a soldier who was closest to the door. Within seconds the door hissed open to show a Talon sitting in the middle of the cell calmly. Her eyes were closed and her body still. She slowly rose from the floor and dusted off her long cloak. She didn't say anything for the moment as she stepped forward. The remaining soldiers all moved away as she stepped out of the cell. She paused at Aki, who bowed to her. She knelled next to him, “I will not forget what you have done for me and the risks you took.” she said softly before raising back up. She turned to Birgr, “What do you have to report Warrior Birgr?”
Birgr smiled broadly as he motioned for the Priest to step forward as he said, “Behold Warlord.” Priest Addame brought the bag from his back and opened it up. He dumped out the contents of the bag on to the floor as Birgr continued, “The Council of Warlords would like to send you there most heartfelt apology for their betrayal.” The severed heads rolled along the floor before Talon's feet.
She smiled, “and Warlord Ansfrid?” she said pushing the heads around to get a better look at them.
Birgr nodded, “Senni took care of him.”
She nodded “I see” she said as she stepped over the heads, “I believe we have our brothers and sisters to awaken.”
Once more Birgr nodded, “Yes, Master Visst told us what we needed to know.” Birgr stepped off to the side, “This way Warlord” he said with a hint of pride.
“Um, Warlord Fiolla” Aki said almost unsure if he was allowed to speak. “I...we...were wondering if there was a place within the warriors for us once the other Warriors are woken up.”
Birgr turned to Talon. Birgr had traveled with Talon across the Galaxy and across time its self. He knew of her long before he ever met her. Her legend had long been song in the halls of heroes. He knew every bit of her being and her personality. She didn't have to say anything to him, he knew what she wanted. And more importantly he had long since earned her respect. She only nodded to allow him to handle this. Talon continued to walk forward from the area as Birgr stepped closer to Aki, “Sorry, once the True Borns are woken, Free Births like you will be pushed out of the Warrior caste till you can earn your place back.”
Aki and the others looked down. It wasn't what they had hoped for. There was sadness in their hearts but at least they were not dead. “Thank you Warrior Birgr. We understand” he said softly looking down at the ground. A sack dropped in front of him.
“I was not finished” Birgr said as each of them looked at the sacks before them and then back up to Birgr. “Go on, open them. Because you see, Regardless of origin, it is the leader of the Black Dragons who chooses which Warriors will protect the Warlord of Azgard.” He watched as the four House Mercer warriors opened up the sacks and saw the Black Dragon uniforms within them. “What you four have done here cleansed your House's Honor. Each of you and your House has a clean sleight. What you all do with it from this point on is up to you.” The four soldiers looked at each other and smiled as they found it hard to contain their emotions. Birgr turned to leave and motioned for everyone to follow. “Come on, this is not over yet” he said as the group followed him out.
Talon stood before a large stone table with her hand resting on it. A Priest was working to attach a large metal and stone gauntlet to her forearm and hand. The thick animal hide clock hung over her shoulders masking much of her frame. It was clear that there is much on Talon's mind as another Priest was walking around her talking to her. His words seemed to be distant echoes to her as her eyes were fixed on some point far in the shadows. There were sounds of other warriors and priests at work elsewhere in this large hall, but like the man standing right next to her, they too were only distant echoes in the back of her mind.
“Warlord?” the Priest said softly then repeated, “Warlord Fiolla?”
“Yes, I am sorry. My mind is else where right now.” Talon said making an attempt to refocus her mind on the task at hand.
“Fear not, Priest. Warlord Fiolla is not ignoring the moment.” Senni said walking up from the shadows, “She is merely observing Ragnarök.” Senni had a smile on her face and a bit of almost a hop in her step.
Talon turned to those around her, “Leave us!” she commanded and on that statement the two Priests and two Black Dragons quickly backed off in to the shadows. Talon turned to Senni and took a deep breath. “I was, I was considering what happened here last night. Who is to stop this from happening again. We have crushed our own Government because we feel it is best to do so. How will we prevent others from doing the same?”
Senni turned and half leaned and half set on the stone table. “Your leadership will prove to everyone that this is the right path for Azgard. You will return honor and pride to our realm.”
Before Senni could continue Talon raised her hand to stopped the young warrior. “On that note about leadership. I revisited the Prophecies of Warlord Brea. Senni, they were about you, not me.”
Senni nodded, “Yeah I kind of figured that too. I found out a few weeks ago”
Talon actually looked surprised, “You know, if this is true you have a legitimate claim to this.” Talon held up the Warhammer of Azgard.
Once more Senni nodded, “Yeah I know.”
Talon rested the Warhammer on the stone table, “There is a good chance you could beat me.”
“Maybe. You are a very cunning and able warrior. But I think I have a gift with the Twin Sisters that even your own skill can't over come.” Senni explained as she motioned to her favorite blades, which were on her back.
“But you wont challenge me?” Talon questioned.
Senni shook her head, “No”
“Why” Talon couldn't understand why Senni wouldn't at least try.
“Thor in many ways is more powerful than his father, Odin. Yet, he wont challenge his father. The reason is because Thor knows that he is not as wise as his father.” Senni explained, “Just like I am stronger than you in many ways, you are much more wise than I am. In time, I may or may not hold that hammer. But at one point, I will hold all that you are willing to teach me.” Senni leaped from the table and motioned around them, “look around Talon. A few hours ago, many of these soldiers fought against us. Now they have all sworn an oath to follow the old traditions. They have all shown a willingness to learn what it means to be an Azgardian Warrior once more. They did this for you. Not me, not Birgr, for you. I could only hope to have that kind of influence some day. You have had that your whole life. I remember reading of your exploits on Baklid VI and how you and your Immortals broke the back of the rebels. You were something of a legend back then, now you are even more.” Senni paused and looked around once more, then continued, “This is right where I want to be. By your side, Warlord Fiolla.” There was a smile on Senni's face as she turned to face Talon once more.
Galactic Wide Message
The chamber is filled with shadows that dance about by the torches that have been lit within the chamber. The first thing to come in to view is the pile of human heads that had been removed from their bodies. The image was meant to be clear and to the point. At the base of the pile of heads rested six heads that stood atop of swords which were decorated in Christian symbols. The heads show a varying means of death and rather the head was removed after death or the cause of that death. The faces all showed the signs of terror. Their deaths, regardless of method was brutal and swift. As the image pans upwards a row of hooded figures sits above the heads on some kind of stone table. The shadows prevented the identity of the figures to be discovered. This gave the cloaked figures an even more terrifying presence about themselves. It was clearly seen that they were all armed and wearing some kind of traditional outfits. There are no less than twenty figures that could be made out from the shadows, and most likely more hidden by them. The flames from the torches could easily be heard as the image pans to the center of the table, as the image came closer to the center, a loud sparking sound filled the hall as two heavy stones came together. The image pans up once more to show the center figure raising his or her left arm and striking the stone gauntlet down upon the stone table. Sparks shot out from the table with each new hit. The image centers on the hooded figure as the cloaked figured rested its right hand on the head of Warlord Ansfrid. The right hand was gloved with shaped tips tapping on his forehead as the stone hit one last time. Only parts of the face can be made out but it is clear that the face is of a female. The voice is easily identified by those who know her to be Warlord Fiolla.
“Look back through your history. You will find legends of a race of warriors who traveled the Galaxy keeping the peace and ensuring order. This race of warriors carried the banner of the Great Republic. That when the Republic called on heroes, that this race was the ones to answer that call. Some of you might even know that it was this race who had the military will and strength to bring even the mighty Republic to its knees once the corruption of the Republic grew too great. This race fought along side the Jedi of Old, the Great Republic and in some cases even stood against the night by themselves. This race throughout your combined history has only a few names, most notably, Guardians. Allow me to make a point of correction. We are called Azgardians! Months ago, I informed the galaxy that we had returned. Back then, we wished to keep the Galaxy at arm's length. This has since changed. We can no longer sit by and listen to the cries for help from across the Galaxy. The debates are over, Azgard officially declares war on the Reich and her allies. That is all....” The image goes dark.
06-07-2013, 06:25 PM,
Narrator: Dark Tides
Posts: 1,362
Threads: 14
Joined: May 2013
(7.3) At the Dinner Table
(7.3) At the Dinner Table
Estate of Freiherr von Richthofen
Core World of Jumus
Second Reich of Humanity
January 3rd, 1938
Family? I believe that it is family that helps shape us in to the people we are today. My mother and father loved me so much. The time I spent with my mother and father are some of my most treasured memories I hold. It was through the upbringing of my family which made me, the man I am today. But that is not all that shaped me. I recall one late spring, a human family moved in not far from my house. They were the only humans in our neighborhood and I knew it would be hard on them. The family had two girls and their parents were not as loving and caring as mine were. I recalled how the other kids used to pick on the two sisters all the time. They were younger than me so I felt that I had to help protect them from the bullies of the neighborhood. I was the first one to reach out and befriend them. That summer was filled with so much fun and adventures. The kind of fun and adventures that only kids can find. I showed these two human sisters a degree of kindness that they had never seen before. At the end of the summer they had to move away for reasons that I didn't know. But before they left, the oldest one, Amy asked me, “Why?” I could only reply with, this is how I was raised to treat everyone. To treat everyone with the same love and kindness that God offers me.
exert: I, Citizen Murl
Among all of the nobles within the Reich and most likely beyond, Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen is the oldest and of a class of men that will not walk the stars again. Born over a hundred years ago, Manfred's frame shows the signs of his age as he set at the table with a pleasant smile across his cheeks. His dress uniform still sort of fit him if not slightly larger due to the loss of mass from his advanced age. What was left of his near white hair was properly tended to and his military hat placed with all the care of a honored veteran on a table near the main entrance to the dinning room. He was the first to take his seat at the head of the table. Though not by choice, it was both his wife and daughter who demanded that he sit instead of assisting with the final preparations. Manfred's aptitude was of that of a simple man with a zeal for telling stories of battles long past. With little to do as large plates poured from the kitchen in the next room, Manfred smiled as he told his stories to the party.
Across the room his beloved wife, of nearly half his own life, was scolding their adoptive daughter, a light bluish Twi'lek by the name of Numa, for interrupting a story with commentary on the current state of politics within the Reich. Numa was a bit of a strange woman compared to her adoptive family. Just over a year ago, Numa was a simply server/slave at a local bar on the Reich world of Tra'is. She was the sad property of a rather hateful human named, Onjo. Numa was having a rather hard night at work when she finally made that last mistake that almost cost her her own life. Faced with death, Manfred stepped in and convinced Onjo to sell her to him. While Onjo claimed the “Old loon bought a broken slave for a rip off.” It was clear that Manfred had other ideas regarding the sell. By legal right Manfred owned the Twi'lek and had no other obligations for her care. Instead he took her in to his home and treated her as part of his family. Less then a year ago, Numa didn't speak any language other than human. Nor could she read or write. It was Manfred that insisted that she push herself to learn and become educated. She had a long road still to travel before she could be considered educated, but she was well on that path. At first Numa looked at Manfred as just another owner that she had no choice but to serve. Fast forward months, Numa now turned to her father and softly apologized. In her eyes, the truth was clear. She found in him something she never had before, a father that she could trust, respect, and most of all, love. Her love for them both was very clear in her eyes.
Vula von Richthofen was a sharp contrast to both Numa and Manfred. Born on Vandor III, she was born with a platinum spoon in hand. Being the first cousin to the former Emperor Meinrad Quee, she could have chosen any one to be her suitor. With encouragement from Emperor Quee, she choose a man whom she had early labeled to be brash, pig-headed and unwashed. Statements which Manfred enjoys still picking on her about to this very day. She still rebuttals with, “You are still pig-headed and brash. At least I was able to clean you up some.” Vula spent most of her time walking the halls of the Palace and enjoying life among the Imperial Court. As the Emperor and his wife took to the Stars, it was Vula who was asked to tooter the young Crown Princess Roswitha. The two became very close and formed a well known relationship throughout the Imperial Court. Vula tells such wonderful stories of a young bright and promising Roswitha. So full of thirst for knowledge and experience. “Teaching the young would be Empress while her mother and father were tending to state affairs was the highlight of my life.” Vula explained, “You would know when this child would come in to the room. The entire room would just light up and everyone would know she was there. How she would cause the Palace Guards so much hassle as they chased her up and down the halls. She would laugh the entire time while they gave pursuit.”
For most of their pleasant lives, the couple lived a very public life on Vandor III till the death of Emperor Meinred Quee. Roswitha had just turned seventeen and her older brother was nineteen when both their parents were killed in a tragic accident. What fallowed next was not uncommon for the Reich. A secret bloody fight for the right to rule the Reich. The deck, like in most cases were well stacked in Roswitha's favor but still her brother Ganner made that lunge for the Throne. The short but very violent conflict for the Reich thrown between bother and Crowned sister erupted around the von Richthofens. The morning that the Crown Princess surrendered the Crown to her brother showed in Vula's eyes as a memory filled with pain and anguish. What she refuses to speak about is written across her face, guilt. It is Manfred that relieves her of the spotlight during that painful story saying only, “It was a dark time for all in the galaxy. Choices were made in the heat of the moment that can not be undone. Dwelling on things of the past only keeps the pain alive today.” Still as Vula returns to the kitchen with Numa, the tears on her aged face were clear. Manfred concluded Vula's story of the family's history with, “After that night, we moved from Vandor III back to my families main estate on Tra'is. Vandor for us, in so many ways had changed.”
Manfred was not only the leader of the Emperor's personal bodyguards, he was a close and dear friend to the Emperor of the Reich of Humanity. Manfred told of how the Emperor before he was Emperor, loved to fly. That was how the two of them met, Manfred explains, “We were in combat over Caamas.” he said turning to Makaw Y'drit, “Back then, Caamas belonged to the Free Worlds Council. We meant to change that back then” he turned to the rest of the group, “But the Free Worlds Council had other ideas regarding the future ownership of Caamas. They had us out numbered and flanked and our transports were being forced to withdraw. My squadron were just given orders to pull back and cover the transports. Our invasion was floundering and at a point of failure. That was when I spotted this lone fighter with four enemy fighters on his tail. There was no other friendly fighters in the area expect for us. I radioed back to our support ships that I was breaking ranks and was going to save that fighter. We fought through the lines and rescued that pilot. I said we should turn back and return back to our lines. He than told me no, we had to break the enemy's lines or the invasion was over. I told him it was already over and he just said to trust him.” Manfred smiled as he looked around, “What was I do to? So many had been lost already, but there was something in his voice. I didn't know who this guy was, but the markings on his wing said he was a wing commander. So he outranked me, but there was more to it than that.”
Manfred nodded, “I told the pilot, that I would follow him in to hell if he could break these lines. So he led my group of nine fighters right in to the mouth of hell. The enemy didn't expect us to be able to slip past their lines and hit their support craft. There must have been some communication mix up, because after the battle we were told that the Council Admiral had been told that the ten attack fighters far to his rear were ten capital warships. Now he thought he was outflanked and knew that if his fleet was lost here, than that left Alderaan open for attack as well. The Council Admiral till the day he died would swear that the reason why he withdrew from Caamas was because the Reich outflanked him with ten or more warships. I tell you this, it was only us ten fighters with light weapons hitting his support craft, not warships. Sure there were allot of bright explosions but our bark was much worse than our bite. It was the very first time that fighters were used against any kind of ships. Before that day, you had spotters and dog fighters like ours. Mainly we were just used to hunt down the spotter planes” Manfred laughed, “If it wasn't for the fact that many of the support craft in the rear areas of the battle were much older, we wouldn't have been very successful.”
“After that battle did I learn who that pilot was. By this time I had already had two names for myself. The more common Red Baron which I am known by across the lines, and the not so common Red Waver.” Manfred laughed, “I would submit wavers for my squadron from their normal assignments to train on counter ship operations. See fighters are the future of naval warfare, and I knew it. Yes fighters are good craft but they were being under utilized. At least that is how I saw it. My superiors however saw things differently. The Red came from the large red 'denied' stamped across those wavers. The young Crown Prince knew me as the Red Baron, but soon learned of my not so common nickname. We joked and laughed about it in a small bar, um...by the name...um...ah.... Adventures' Tavern. Thats right, I remember the name now. Anyway, we joked about it and he asked me, if I really thought that a lone fighter could destroy a capital warship. I told the Crown Prince, with the right training, supporting doctrines, and fighter design, hell yes. We set out from that day forward working together building the Reich's Naval Air Arm. It was one thing to be the son of a nobleman and Naval Lieutenant, still no one would listen to you. But when you have the support of the Crown Prince, that is something completely different. I used small napkins to draw out my ideas of warships designed to carry fighters in to combat. Not fighter hitching rides on warships. I showed how much more flexible a large number of fighters are in handling a number of different situations over warships.”
“After three bottles of spirits and god knows how many napkins, I had laid out my entire idea of a Naval Aviation Arm to him. There on a round table in the center of this bar, the Crown Prince of the Reich and a naval lieutenant set looking down at the plans for the current Reich navy that is sweeping the Galaxy right now. Ship concepts, fighter ideas, tactics and even new ideas on different kind of weapons for the fighters. These plans were never meant to be used like this though. He and I shared another vision of the galaxy, that looked more like the Republic of old. These new plans were meant to help that vision come in to being by defending the concepts of democracy, not used to destroy them. A bar maid walked up and the Crown Prince waved her off as he lifted his eyes to mine” Manfred said drawing in the party to his story, “He said, we can do this. We can change the way wars are fought and force everyone to sit up and take notice. Then we can open up talks on the Republic. Once they started to realized the shift doctrine, the Republic would have to be born. And what is best of all, there doesn't even have to be any bloodshed. There in that bar, I knew I found the one man who very well could set the ground work for rebuilding the Republic. Which was the most important dream I have ever had.” Manfred ended his story, but not without explaining that while they did spend most of their lives working on setting the ground work for the Republic. Both realized that if the Republic was to be lasting, that it would take much longer than they realized. That was why both men made a secret pack to ensure that they would choose one from each of their families that would carry on their work after their deaths. He explained that secrets would be entrusted in both that they both would need to complete this work.
A pair of Zabraks who were also helping set the table came in. They are not members of the family, they are Alk and Zif Trop. Alk, would explain that he and his wife were attempting to flee the area as war was breaking out in the region. They were on world teaching at the local University, loaned from their own university back on Nubia. While Nubia is a Reich friendly world, they were not part of the Reich directly. Alk explains that as they were at the spaceport waiting for their transport home a few months ago when their bags were stolen by a pair of thieves. He tried to pursue them but they got away. Their bags and all of their travel documents and citizenship documents were gone. They tried to explain to the spaceport security, but because they lacked any identification, they were forced to leave the spaceport. Later that day while attempting to walk back to the University, they were stopped by a police patrol. When they couldn't provide any identifying documents and a touch of short temper from Alk, they were now faced with being arrested. It was then when Manfred came in to their lives. Alk said that they all were surprised when this crazy old man walked up to them yelling at the top of his lungs about where his underwear was and why Alk and his wife was not looking for them. Alk said with almost a hint of shock still left over from the moment, Manfred had the nerve to poke the officer in the chest with his cane and accused him of having his underwear.
It was then when Zif took over the story, explaining that Manfred had took her by the arm before anyone could even react to his first appearance. Telling the police officer that if it was true that the police officer did not have Manfred's underwear, then why was he holding up his two servants from locating the missing underwear. She drew laughs as she explained this frail old man who had clearly proven to everyone, including her that he was completely insane, stepped right in to the officer's face. She said that Manfred actually accused not only the officer but also his three partners of being in a conspiracy of denying Manfred of his underwear. Manfred went as far as threatening to disrobe and prove that the items were in fact missing. It was then that she took the old man by the arm gently as the police officers ordered both her and Alk to take their Master home. She almost blushed as she admitted that she found the situation as humorous looking back as everyone else did. She also added that Manfred had to have the last words saying, “I know the Emperor and I know you have my underwear! I want to see what you are wearing, drop those pants and show me which one of you is wearing my underwear!”
She waits to continue as the party enjoys the laugh as Manfred demonstrates the performance which rescued Alk and Zif from what could have been a very ugly situation. She explains that that was so long ago, and Manfred had arranged travel back home to Nubia. But a few weeks ago, they discovered that she was with child. Because of the large risks due to the conflicts, Alk felt it was safer for her to have the child here. Zif laughed as she doubted her beloved husband's motives, “I felt it was more because Manfred is a walking history book which my husband can't put down.” She explained that they were both teachers in history and even she admitted that being around Manfred excited her. “Some of the things that he saw were never recorded in history. I can not blame him” she said speaking of her husband. Still, she wishes they could leave and return home. She has no problems with the Reich in general, but ever since Emperor Ganner took the throne, the Reich has become a place she would rather avoid. Still, she is humbled by Manfred's hospitality, she explains as she helps Numa and Vula in bringing out the last of the dishes for dinner. She had never met a human more open and willing to give of himself so much to those in need.
With the last of the dishes comes the king and queen of the kitchen. The equally aged human female, Lara Baskalar and her middle aged son, Fynn. The Baskalar family had been loyal servants of the von Richthofen family back when they were just married back on Vandor III. Lara explains that her husband Jek and their youngest daughter Mar were off in the village picking up the weekly shopping list, and offers this as a reason as to why they will not be joining them for dinner. Lara is a soft spoken woman who remembers the family the way they were back on Vandor III. “You know, he is still something of a looker today. But back in his prime, you couldn't find a young woman or married woman that were not eying him. She would like to deny it, but even Lady Vula blushed when he walked in to the room. I recall that it was the Emperor who ensured that they found each other. Even with all of his looks, his heart belonged to her. He never once in all their years, strayed from her.” Lara would pleasantly explain the marriage between Manfred and Vula. She explained how the couple first met. The way she tells the story leads the listener to feel that Manfred was the Emperor of the entire Reich and she was to be his queen. Because he was head of the Royal Bodyguards, she explained, duty took him away from Vandor and her so many times and for so long. Still, Lady Vula had fallen in love as much as he had with her, their marriage was strong. Even during the harshest of times.
In private, she will tell of their darkest hours. They had a son named, Quinlan. Manfred was so proud of his son who joined the Naval Aviation Arm in his father's footsteps. One didn't see it, but Lara knew that Manfred had these feelings for his son. During the conflict between the Crown Princess and her brother, Quinlan was home on leave before his first assignment. Manfred was off world at the site where the Emperor had died. He was rushing home, knowing what was going to happen. He contacted Vula and warned her to keep away from the Palace. However it was too late, she was heading to see the Crown Princess for her daily lesson. The fighting hadn't broken out yet and word of the Emperor's death wasn't even released yet. There was no way Vula could have known what was about to happen. She had brought Quinlan with her at the last moment. Quinlan and the Crown Princess had grown close during the years. Lara doesn't know what happened that morning during the fighting, but she does know that Vula had been returned home by palace guards along with the body of Quinlan. Lara remembers the blood and things she would rather not consider all over the front of Vula's dress. Lara recalled that dark night Vula crying asking why she had to choose. It was a very long night for everyone in the von Richthofen household. Lara tells the story of holding Vula most of the night as the grown woman cried.
Manfred arrived in the mid evening back on Vandor III. By the time Manfred arrived on Vandor III it was over. Quinlan had been shot at point blank rage in the back of the head. The Crown Princess had surrendered and Emperor Ganner was crowned. He ordered that they were leaving Vandor III at once. It was a hasty departure as Manfred demanded that anything that they couldn't carry would be left behind. None of it was stolen, and they did get all of it back. The estate on Vandor still belongs to the family but Manfred refuses to return to Vandor. He says that Vandor is no longer a world that he would be able to call home. Lara explains that before Emperor Ganner came to power, there was so much life in the Reich. “Not many speaks about it anymore. But there was this sense of hope and promise. Now, most of the civilians walk around refusing to speak about it as if it was a someone who had passed.” She told of how the Emperor Meinred would give speeches of a broad and wonderful future. “Do you know of the Talasea Sector? Its the region of space between the Reich and the Shana'Duna.”
She explained how while they lived on Vandor, that it was Emperor Meinred who went to each of those worlds to talk to them. Not like past Emperors had done, he went to talk with them about their needs. Manfred always went with the Emperor on these trips. “He wont talk about them, but I think he was more of an influence on those talks than anything our Emperor had said.” Lara smiled with pride, “Emperor Ganner might have conquered hundreds of worlds in such a short time. Other Emperors have done that too. Emperor Meinred, he won the hearts and minds of hundreds of worlds with only a hand shake and listening skills. Now that is what a Real Emperor can do.” It is clear in her statements that her support for Ganner is only skin deep. More importantly, speaking as a commoner, she claims her views are not uncommon among the commoners either. Still the party felt it wise not to take Lara's story at face value till they could confirm some aspects of it. They needed some more information and Angel was selected to confirm parts of the story.
Angel slipped away from the dinner table just before everyone was to be seated. She made her way to the back deck of the house and contacted Xan back on the ship. She explained what Lara told them of the 'Talasea Sector' and of Emperor Meinred's actions there. Xan confirmed the reports, the Free Worlds Council had many trade treaties with those worlds for years prior to that. Than one by one they simply didn't renew the treaties. As more and more worlds seemed to switch their loyalties to the Reich, the Council found themselves losing in a war that they never thought that they would ever have to face. A war for the hearts and minds of worlds who knew just what the Reich was. The Council had did their best to protect their influence in the region with some success, but the tide was changing. Xan does confirm that the Reich had shown a change in their normal philosophies once Emperor Meinred took the throne and that that change was almost completely undone once Emperor Ganner succeeded Emperor Meinred. Xan looked deep in to his datapad and found something largely unknown. The week before his untimely death, Emperor Meinred was to make a historical trip to Jagga Two. The trip never happened due to the mine accident.
While Angel was outside speaking with Xan, Makaw was able to strike up a conversation with Manfred about his rescue of Alk and Zif. Makaw asked if Manfred was scared of his trick not working. Manfred smiled and shook his head, “No, I was not scared. It was not a trick. I was looking for my underwear.” he said with a laugh and brought laughter once more to the table. He held up his hand, “No, a long time ago. I saved the Crown Prince's life. For this act of bravery, the Emperor of the time marked me.” he said showing a large unmistakable tattoo of the seal of the Reich. “I could walk up to anyone and shot them dead and no one short of the Imperial Guards could do anything about it. That is why they keep bothering me. Because they know what I am doing here and there is nothing they can do to stop it.”
Makaw couldn't help but ask, “what are you doing here?”
Manfred smiled, “Helping those who want to flee to the Talasea Sector, get out.”
It was Zif who spoke next, “This is history in the making, my friends. No one could ever ask for a better seat.”
[i][b]Narrator's note: If anyone would like to host a conversation between any of the NPC's in this intermission, then please feel free. Here are the rules, you set the stage of when and where you would like to have this conversation. Rather it is taking place before dinner, during dinner (around everyone) or after dinner (more private). Please note where you would this conversation to take place, IE Dinning Room, Living Room, Study, Kitchen, ect, ect.
06-08-2013, 09:03 AM,
Narrator: Dark Tides
Posts: 1,362
Threads: 14
Joined: May 2013
(7.4) Meditations and Reflections
(7.4) Meditations and Reflections
Republic Cruiser Marauder
Republic Cloak Class Cruiser
Enroute Fra
January 9th, 1938
On Jumus, Master Visst found what he was looking for and than some. The host of their dinner was none other then Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen. To many citizens of the Reich Manfred von Richthofen was nothing short of a living legend. The sole father of Reich Naval Aviation. He was more commonly known as the Red Baron. The Red within his nickname was from to the blood red Falx fighter he still flew to this very day. While at the stick of this highly nimble and very able fighter, he racked up more confirmed kills than any other pilot in Galactic history. The Baron part of his name came from his official social rank within the Reich, Freiherr or in basic, Free Lord. Beyond all that everyone knew of this legendary hero of the Reich, Visst learned something much deeper about the man. Manfred was the Senior Grand Master of all of the Sabbat. A man so deep routed within the Force that Visst felt his presence long before they even made landfall. Though Visst was sure that no one else sensed it. It made Master Visst wonder if Manfred had been expected their visit. The ways of the Sabbat were so much like the ways of the old Jedi Order. The Sabbat motives and intentions were not directly clear until one took the time to meditate on that is known.
Master Visst set in his room aboard the Marauder meditating on the motives and intentions of Manfred. Master Visst reflected with a great sense of awe over the meeting. He had met so many Force tradition leaders in his life time. None ever left such an impression on him as Manfred did. On the surface, he was just a normal aged human. The emotions that Manfred showed were as prefect as Master Visst had ever seen. Still, the control and dedication to Manfred's tradition was at a level that Master Visst hoped he would reach within his own traditions. With his eyes closed, Master Visst could still sense the two holocrons on the floor in front of him. Their soft blue light lit up his face as his face remained calm and his mind still. It didn't take long for Master Visst to discover that the Sabbat Leadership had added two thousand years worth of their traditions to these two holocrns. Not only did Master Visst have a window in to the past of his own universe, he had a window in to the history of the Sabbat. There were some seventy new personalities within the two holocrons. Each promised to unlock the secrets of the Sabbat and their unique history starting with the personality of Grand Master Biggs Saar. Also known as the Tiger Prince, but more commonly known in history now as the Dragon of Blood or Prince of Pain. It was a venomous campaign by the Church to undermine and destroy the Sabbat. Still, these new findings would have to wait. Visst's mind was forced to deal with a conflict that he never realized till that long walk back from Manfred's estate.
The very current state of events within the Sesewenna Sector was playing a lead role in this conflict within Visst's mind. There was no more doubt in Master Visst's mind, darkness had returned to the galaxy. The kind of darkness that Master Visst last felt within his own universe. He felt its dark influence spreading across the Sesewenna Sector in the form violent protests against the governments friendly to the Reich. These protests have claimed hundreds of innocent lives and forced more and more armed conflicts between protesters and soldiers. Sometimes these soldiers were Reich Army and sometimes they were the soldiers of local governments. Looking beyond the Sesewenna Sector he could feel across both the Bajic and Quence Sectors joined the violent protests in full force. Mayagil Sector was starting to show signs of protests as well. For all of Master Visst's and the party's influence, the Reich Regional Commander, Admiral Werner Rahn, had did his best to keep his forces at bay. Master Visst knew that it was only a mater of time till the Admiral could no longer hold back. Against all of what the galaxy knows of the Reich, the Admiral took Master Visst's plan of dealing with the protest. But at times it simply was not enough. Master Visst knew that the group known as the RAH or Races Against Humanity were directly behind these protests. Master Visst also knew that Daz was somehow linked the the RAH. Either directly or somehow supporting and aiding them. The fact that Daz would knowingly assist or support, or even condone a terrorist group troubled Master Visst deeply.
Visst knew that the group was focused on spreading hatred and distrust of all humans across the galaxy. He had his concerns of what their next step would be. He didn't want to admit it to the others but his ability to sense the future was becoming more and more clouded. Once more, he knew this to be a direct affect of the darkside moving more freely within the Galaxy. It was because of this clouded sight, Master Visst was unable to foresee the assassination of Admiral Rahn and his staff. A bomb had been carried in to a meeting by one of the Admiral's aides and detonated right next to the Admiral. Master Visst knew all to well it was Naga Sadow that was behind the bombing. And within that event Master Visst was able to see in to an event that linked past and present. Master Visst saw Sadow standing like a tower over Daz demanding to know why he, the Lord of the Sith should serve Daz. When Daz spoke, Master Visst knew it was not Daz's voice, Daz clearly laid out that if the former Sith wanted to survive than he would do as he was told. Master Visst understood clearly the Sith language they were speaking as Daz explained that he was able to destroy Sadow in a way that would end him completely. More importantly, Master Visst knew without a doubt that Daz was a willing party within this conversation. Daz told Sadow that he needed a general that would lead his army against the forces of light and the Church. That if Sadow did his part, that Daz would ensure that Sadow would rule over one third of the Galaxy as his own.
With the death of their beloved Admiral, the Reich soldiers unleashed a violent retaliation against the RAH and anyone caught in the middle. The death toll shot up like a fighter taking flight. On some worlds this turn by the Reich helped silence the protests. But on other worlds, this only caused the protests to explode beyond any measure of control. The Reich reaction to the assassination gave the RAH the best motivation to recruit more new terrorists. Which drove up the violence and death. This in turn drove the need for more Reich soldiers being called in to the region. Before hundreds of ships were speeding their way to Reich space filled with war supplies while those same ships returned with goods and wealth for the region. Now, those same ships return with tens of millions of new soldiers that were destine to be used against the Varl or the unified front within Council space. This level of death was simply not necessary to win this region from the Reich. Admiral Rahn could have become a strong ally and a voice to reach other disheartened Reich Officers. This escalation was foolish and lacked any consideration for the innocent lives that now were being thrown away. It was something that Master Visst could not condone. And this turn of events was only part of what troubled Master Visst.
What was concerning Master Visst was a shape contrast to how he handled the issues of his former Padawa, the late Ubaah K'awil, and the way he was currently handling the raising crisis with Daz. When they first came to this time, Ubaah had already shown his eagerness to pursue the darkside. It came to a head when Ubaah had for some reason foolishly attempted to assassinate Talon. Master Visst confronted Ubaah and asked to understand what was going on. Ubaah had attempted to lie his way out of the situation and frame Talon for it. Once the true was revealed, Ubaah finally came forward and told Master Visst that he was not satisfied with the light side and desired to pursue the darkside of the Force. After the short conversation, Master Visst had no further doubts of Ubaah's intentions and had to give the order to hunt him down. There was no direct intent to kill Ubaah, but that was unavoidable. Visst had tried to speak to Ubaah but instead, Ubaah fled in to the woods in a desperate attempt to get away. Had Ubaah gotten away, he would have posed a very serious threat to the party. It was Ogon who dealt the final blow which took Ubaah's life. A moment that still pulls at Visst's harden wall that is his emotions. He sensed Ubaah's fall slowly coming but there had never seemed to be the time to address the issue. Not that Visst blamed himself completely. When time did present its self, Visst did attempt to speak with Ubaah. But it was Ubaah who had refused to address the issue.
This brought Visst's mind to think of Rose and Alaya. Both force users offer Visst a much deeper understanding of the darkside than he ever had before. 'Don't be fooled, the dark side IS a living breathing thing. It will hunt you down and place temptation along your life's path. I had tried over and over again to turn back. But I couldn't. No, I tried a number of times. But IT keeps finding me and luring me back with the things it knows I want.' The echoes of Alaya's voice filled his mind. The conversation took place as Visst was taking the fallen Jedi to Origin. It was the only place where Visst knew that the Dark side couldn't reach them and further corrupt them again. Rose had talked to them regarding her own experience with the Dark side. She described her sensations more like a hunger that never stops. 'Don't you think I knew that what I was doing was wrong? I did. I knew all too well that it was wrong. I just didn't care about that. I only cared about gaining more power. Feeding that hunger. The last thing I remember before being woken up by Xan was in my room. I was crying. Oh my god Visst I cried. I had murdered a Jedi padawan who only mistake was going to the library and seeing me leave the vault. I thought I had to kill him to protect what I was doing. I don't even remember what it was that was so damn important. But I had to do it. As I was choking the life from him, I looked in to his eyes and he begged me not to kill him. That night I looked in the mirror and knew it was time to leave the Order. I felt so horrible about what I had done, but I just didn't care.'
Rose had seemed to taken to her memories of who she was more emotional than Visst had wanted, but the result seemed to act as a much deeper moral compass for her to guide her life by. Now the clone of the Galaxy's most hated and evil Sith Queen was doing everything in her power to atone for actions that even Visst had a hard time linking to the clone. Visst had watched Rose push herself beyond her limits to help the group achieve their goals. He remembered seeing her for the first time, back then I didn't fully trust her. There were still strong doubts in his heart regarding any possible mysterious lines of code that the Crusade had left within her mind. But for now, Visst was sure that the party could trust her. She has done more than enough and gone far enough proven that point. He had talked to Lysire regarding her own fall in to darkness. Unlike Rose and Alaya, Lysire said that she never realized that she had slipped so far till it was far too late. For Lysire, it was her blind love for Biggs that drove her fall. While her fall might not provide Visst with more details, her atonement offered much deeper insight. 'It was like a never ending climb up an impossible cliff. No matter what you do, it didn't seem to work out. For us, because it was the two of us, we pushed each other. With each passing day, we could feel the warmth of the light returning to our lives. Those days on the run were some of my most found memories. Biggs and I, we actually lived our lives.' Lysire had told Visst when they were back on Fra. Once more, her experience reinforced the same line of thought. That the Dark side not only seeks out targets to corrupt, but does what it can to keep them corrupt. That gives the Dark side a will and mind of its own. This could very well change everything for Master Visst. It was starting to shed light on the coming battle for Daz. It would not be like any battle he had ever fought. Still, there was one more experience Master Visst wanted to hear from.
He activated the holocron and worked passed the gatekeeper. There were so many personalities stored within the holohcron. Some he knew very well, they were the former heroes and Masters of his own universe. Others he didn't recognize, they were most likely Sabbat elders who were now teaching new Sabbat. He didn't fully like the way they taught their younglings and padawan. The Sabbat much like the Sith of old in his universe had one Master and one student. The Sith did this to limit the grab for power and to remain hidden from the Jedi. The Sabbat did this solely to remain hidden from the Church. Still, it was a practice that Master Visst would like to see changed. Even though he completely understood the need for it. He would still change it. The practice allowed the possibility of a Master teaching a student wrong or worse yet leading them down a dark path. Master Visst was starting to get a complete picture of the temptations of the darkside and what it would do to keep those that it has corrupted. He needed to be sure of his information because Daz and the fate of the galaxy could very well rest in the balance.
Visst still had much hope that Daz would somehow turn back from the path that he was on. However the more Visst thought about it, the more Visst realized that maybe turning back was beyond what Daz wanted or was able to do. If Daz didn't see what he was doing, then the darkside had been able to cast an illusion over what Daz could see. If Daz did see what he was doing, then he no longer wished to walk within the light. Rose was much like this. She didn't care what she did as long as her personal goals were being met. Alaya on the other hand had tried a number of time to turn back, but found temptation much harder to resist. Lysire on the other hand never realized what had happened till it was far too late to do anything about it. Daz was not like Lysire, Angel and Visst had gone to him a number of times hoping to warn him of the dangers. 'No' Visst thought as he ruled out ignorance. Daz knows what is happening. Back before when Daz crossed that line with the Darkside, he fought hard to come back. After many failed attempts, Daz finally did cross back over to the light side. So Visst could see Alaya's personal experience within Daz's own experiences. Daz seemed to have done much better, but it was the attachment issues which finally led Daz once more down the path of darkness. Now he sees Rose's experiences within Daz's actions. Daz wanted to recreate the Great Republic do badly that it could be the hunger that could fit Rose's experience. Currently, Daz has done everything he could to feed that goal. Despite his pure intentions, Daz's hands are not without blood. It didn't seem to matter what was said could make Daz aware of this fact. Of the experiences that Visst has studied so far, those of Rose were the most dangerous and the most likely to be linked to Daz's current actions. Looking back at his encounter with Daz, Visst saw the same level of lack of care in Daz that Rose painfully described. Daz will have this Republic regardless of the cost.
That brought Master Visst to consider the situation with Daz more deeply. Unlike Ubaah, who had a hint of darkness in him, Daz was nearly dripping with it. Seeing Daz back on Korriban, Master Visst not only felt the darkness around Daz, he could see the effect across Daz's face. Ubaah had made a declaration that he had no intention of returning to the light. This gave Master Visst the reason needed to remove Ubaah as a threat to the party and most likely the Galaxy. Daz has not made such a declaration so far, so Master Visst still wanted to hold out for hope. Maybe, just maybe, like Lysire and Alaya, something might change in Daz's life and allow him a chance to come back to the light side. There was a chance, and Master Visst was going to hang on to it for as long as he can. For all the good that Daz had done in the past, and for adventures that they did share together, Visst felt that he owed Daz that much. Though this did cause much conflict in Visst. The rigid Jedi Master that Visst was demanded to uphold the Jedi Code in being the Guardian of the Galaxy. Daz could become the Emperor of this Universe and finish what the Church started. The mortal being that is Visst still holds to the strong bounds that is friendship and loyalty. While Visst doesn't wish to have his actions governed by these attachments, their influence is still there in his mind. He knew that whatever he did, he would not allow himself to be influenced by attachments. Part of his mind saw this situation as a true trail of his determination. He had not realized how deeply Daz's friendship was part of his life. Now the situation brought the bitter pain of reality.
There was no longer any doubt for Master Visst, Daz had willing turned from the light side and embraced darkness. Even though there was hope that Daz might turn back sometime in the future, the current situation is a matter of fact. There was also no doubt in Master Visst's mind that he couldn't trust anything that Daz said. There were simply too many times that Daz would say what Visst wanted to hear only to see Daz do what Daz wanted to do in the first place. Throughout their adventuring days Visst had more than enough examples of these half truths and bold face lies. Now with so much more at stake, Daz has tossed off the cloak of half truths and either lied out right or simply refused to answer the questions. Nothing of what Daz said back on Korriban convinced Master Visst. The village, the deaths in the prison, Master Visst knew that Daz was behind them. If Daz was not directly involved, than he had indirectly orchestrated them. Daz was willing to place innocent lives in harms way to further his own goals. Regardless of what those goals intended, it was the very worse thing anyone could do. When Master Visst confronted Daz about it, Daz only deflected the conversation around their own personal conflicts. There was more that Visst needed to know about the situation.
Visst thought of what the Hunter Lysire had said about the deaths within the prison. She had said that the inmates were taken from their carbonite and murdered. Lysire made a point to say that she caught one inmate and took her to rejoin with the Force. This statement felt odd to Visst. If a life is lost, then wouldn't rejoin with the force automatically? The question caused great concern in Visst as he remembered what she had said. “She was so confused and blind from her imprisonment. Still they dragged her to the wall and held her there. They murdered her. I felt that she had paid the price for her crimes and caught her before she fell and took her to rejoin the force.” Visst knew that Lysire couldn't interfere with what was going on. It was the whole reason why the Council of Me was created, to ensure that Lysire didn't break and other rules as she had in the passed. Hunter Lysire represented Law and Order. There was no way she would violate the rules of the Elders. Unless she felt that she had no choice but to interfere. What had Daz done at that prison and why kill the inmates? Daz could have allowed the inmate to remain as they were. And if he felt that they had to be killed, why wouldn't they rejoin with the Force? Visst thought long and hard about these questions.
Visst activated the holocron in front of him. The bluish image of Biggs Saar appeared as a life size man wearing traditional Jedi Robes. His hands were tucked across his body within the openings of his sleeves. The hood of his robes hung down across his back allowing Master Visst to see the much older Biggs for the experience Jedi Master he had become. Not the young hot headed Knight that fell to the dark side. “Master Visst” Biggs said softly with a bow. “I was under the impression that you died in the Hothe System.”
Visst returned the bow with a nod of his head, “Master Saar. It is a very long story. One that I would enjoy sharing with you. But I feel we need to talk about your fall to the Dark side and how you brought your way back” Visst said softly.
Biggs nodded and opened his hands, “Then shall we begin at the beginning, Master Visst.”
06-09-2013, 10:27 PM,
Narrator: Dark Tides
Posts: 1,362
Threads: 14
Joined: May 2013
(7.5) Departures and Arrivals
(7.5) Departures and Arrivals
Republic Cruiser Marauder
Republic Cloak Class Cruiser
In Orbit over Fra
January 29th, 1938
Master Visst walked on to the hanger deck of the Marauder. He made no attempt to hide the pack over his back as he looked around the hanger. He saw Master Heartman working on her fighter. He moved slightly to the left as he drifted in to the shadows as he watched her. His conversations with Master Saar were very enlightening. Master Saar had attributed his own personal fall to the darkside for personal glory and greed. As Visst watched Master Heartman working under her fighter, he compared Master Saar's fall to the dark side with Rose's own fall. Both were powered and driven by greed and glory. It was a hunger that neither claimed they could over come on their own. While in service to the Sith Lord Orchid, Master Saar had said one of his missions had been to murder Lysire before she befriended the party. By this time in his life, he was in a full tail spin in to the dark side. What he didn't realize was that he had fallen in love with Lysire. Before he had realized it, her well being started to stall that tail spin. Even though she had long embraced the darkside, he no longer could allow her corruption to continue. It was his love for Lysire which caused him to break his pact with the Sith when they demanded that she be murdered. “Master Visst, Love is such a powerful emotion. It can cause us to do incredible things or horrific nightmares. Luckily for me, Love saved me. It saved both of us.”
Master Saar told Visst of something odd. The day before Lysire dead, she came to him unexpectedly. He didn't fully understand at the time what she was trying to urge but he listened nonetheless. Master Visst learned that Lysire didn't just have one scroll, she had two scrolls that each dealt with different parts of those long lost traditions. Lysire told Biggs that he had to safe guard the second scroll till the time he knew was right to release it to the custody of the Jedi Grand Master. What confused both Visst and Biggs at the time was Lysire said no matter what, he could not speak of what she told him or of the location of the second scroll. Not even to her when she returned from the market. It was the last statement that clued Visst in to what had happened, Lysire after her death had visited Biggs and made the request of him. Biggs never knew that Lysire lived on after her death. Now, Biggs had told Visst about the scroll and where it can be found. Biggs also told Visst that he and Shalla had saved the Holocrons from the ruins of Azgard. He entrusted two of the holocrons with the Sabbat. Two with the Master Tabanne's Jedi Order on Naboo. He also sadly reported that he lost contact with them after the coup on Naboo. He entrusted the last two holocrons with the Priests of Azgard.
Visst moved from the shadows as he walked towards Master Heartman and her fighter. He walked up behind her and took notice that Xan Zall was standing by the docking collar at the far side of the bay. Visst didn't want to have to delay his departure any longer than he had to. “Master Heartman, I have need of your fighter. Do you mind if I borrow it?”
Angel slid out from under it looking up at Master Visst. “Um? Are you going somewhere?” she asked almost half confused. “Where are you going?”
Master Visst waved his hand as if to wave off the questions, “Master Heartman, I know you are worried. There is no need to be worried. What I have to do. Where I have to go. It is best that you don't know.”
Angel almost leaped up to her feet as she pushed herself from under the fighter. “You are going after Daz!” she said in an excited whisper.
Visst shook his head, “No. I am not going after Daz. May I please borrow your fighter?”
Angel looked down almost in disappointment, “Okay. Just please take care of her.”
“Of course, Master Heartman” Visst said. Took his pack and placed it in the storage compartment as Visst climbed up in to the pilot's seat.
On the far side of the hanger, Xan stood by the extension gangway waiting. He watched as a rather unimportant civilian transport slowly docked with the Marauder. He couldn't help but notice the large white markings along the side of the ship. The markings told all that could see them that this ship was not a combatant warship and was protected under the unofficial truce between the Reich and the Republic. It was something that the Reich had always seemed to uphold and something that brought a question to Xan's mind. He couldn't understand how a Government could invade their neighbors but still uphold a two millennium old tradition. Still this time he was grateful because this one transport carried a very special passenger. He watched the gangway reached out and slowly connect to the transport. The light above the gangway hatch turned from red to yellow. The sound of engines drew his attention. Xan turned to see Angel standing along the wall waving as her fighter slowly dropped through the center of the hanger. The fighter vanished from the hanger as it dropped below the cruiser and in to space. There was a soft sound indicating that the gangway had secured the link between ships.
Xan turned to the gangway hatch and saw the now green light illuminated. It was only a matter of time for the passenger to come in to view. He smiled and waved as Rose stepped through transport hatch and started to walk through the gangway. She was dressed in typical Reich fashion. Her long black and white dress was clearly a very high fashion. As she moved slowly and confidently down the gangway with her hood up covering most of her face. The hood did a very good job of concealing who she was. Xan however knew who she was. He remembered the very first day he found her in that large sealed pod. At the time he didn't know who she was, but she was trapped and it was clear that she was in trouble. He rescued her and later found out that she was a cloned copy of the long dead Sith Lord Rose. However unlike the Sith Lord, the Rose he was looking at now did not have the same connection to the Force. Still that did not stop the fears and concerns of her existence. In fact there were even secret conversations about sealing her in carbonite for the protection of the Galaxy. Never in his life, had he ever been so grateful that he took a chance on a long shot. Rose turned out to be far different than the mold she was caste from. She was without a doubt a strong, beautiful, and cunning woman, who seemed to be attuning for the sins deep within her memory.
He was deep in his thoughts as Rose walked up and bowed respectfully to him. Her voice interrupted his thoughts. “Thank you for meeting me here. We don't have much time. That is, if you want to get your sister back.”
“Okay, what are you talking about?” Xan asked. There was no single more important goal in Xan's mind than the release of his younger sister. She had spent the majority of her live going on grand adventures with her estrange uncle. When the Reich invaded their homeworld, she had broken in to the Global Defense Command and somehow sabotaged the defenses of their world. Or at least that is what she was found guilty of. The evidence was weighted heavily against her. She was in the GDC and she did send a coded message to the Reich invasion fleet. Rose had managed to decode the message much later and found it to be the coordinates of the ambush. Rose believes that the ambush had it taken place when and where it was planned could have cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of refugees attempting to flee the system during the invasion. Rose and Xan managed to work out a deal with the Reich Military Governor to speak with the Resistance Leaders.
Xan's hope was to end the need for extra Dorin troops on his homeworld. The Dorins were killing more of his people than the Reich soldiers. It was a choice between the lesser of two evils. Selling this to the Resistance Leaders was not easy. But they had a demand which would allow a measured cease fire between occupiers and resistance fighters. The Resistance Leaders wanted the traitor of their world punished. This traitor was Xan's own younger sister. The Governor reluctantly agreed. He had confided in Rose that the Reich spies who helped the invasion had surely moved on. Still their was evidence against Xan's sister. The Resistance Leaders were calling for blood. The Governor had little choice but to agree in hopes of securing the cease fire. During the trail, Xan's sister offered no defense and actually plead guilty to sending a coded message to the incoming Reich Fleet. She offered no other details nor explanations. She laterally ensured her own guilty verdict.
Rose continued working with the Reich Governor as the days passed. She was able to learn that the Governor could not in clear conscience sign the death warrant for her execution. He told Rose that he knew for a fact that she was not working for the Reich when she sent the signal. Still the courts found her guilty and the people were screaming for her execution. The Governor had become drawn between a rock and his conscience. Rose had been in close contact with the Governor building that friendship that she had started when they first returned to Xan's homeworld. It was this friendship that allowed them to free Xan's family and earn the Governor's trust and respect. None of this resolved the problem at hand. Xan didn't like the idea that his sister was rotting away in some dark cell for a crime that he was sure she didn't commit. Even though she told him that she sent the message and was guilty of that. He knew she was not a Reich spy. He wanted her out of that cell and in his custody so he could get to the bottom of what was going on in her mind. Their own father on the other has completely disavowal Xan's sister's existence. Xan knew he couldn't expect any help from them.
“Okay, as you know, I went back to Byssi to speak to the Governor personally.” she waited to see his nod of his understanding. “So I proposed your plan to him about breaking her out. He said that there is no way he could in good conscience agree to any plan that would ask his men to violate their duties or place them in harms way. Still, he can't just let her go. He gave his word to the Rebel Leaders. They have been demanded for a date on the execution. He has been stalling for time. Currently he has informed the Resistance Leaders that he lacked the authority to sign her execution. That it should be done under their own government when they are liberated. The stall is working but the Governor warns that if she still on world should liberation occur, she is as good as dead.”
Xan didn't seem impressed, “How is this the good news you promised me?” He reached over and took her bag from her. Rose held up her hand to cut of his next statement.
She placed a soft hand on his cheek and smiled, “See I am getting to that. The Dorins are still upset from being kicked off Byssi by the Reich and feel the action has cast doubt in the Dorin/Reich Alliance. The Governor is under pressure from Vandor to make the Dorin's happy once more. Vandor still sees the Dorins as important to securing the region. The lead spokes person for the Dorins is, wait for it, Jund Morr. Yes the very traitor of your people who sent so many of them in to slavery with the Dorins.” she paused to let the moment sink in.
Taking a deep breath, “soooooo, Mr. Morr is sill hot for your sister in that creepy old man kind of way. He still wants her as his bride, regardless of her current imprisonment by the Reich. Here is what the Governor and I have worked out. In an attempt to make the Dorins happy, the Governor is will to give the Dorins a few million tons of raw minerals which will go far to appease them. It was what they had asked for minus the few million slaves as well. The Governor refused on ground that he needed them on Byssi to help further the Reich's own war effort in the region. But most importantly, the Governor will offer them, well Mr. Morr, your sister. Once she is off world, she is in the Dorin's custody and free for us to snatch. And a snatching we shall, but from the Dorins not our new secret Reich friends on Byssi.”
Her smile faded as she took on a more serous tone, “But there is a risk. Once she is off Byssi, she is no longer under the Governor's secret protection. There will be nothing he can to to help or protect her. So if we miss the rescue attempt, than we might be placing her in a more danger situation than she is in right now. So we can not miss the snatch no matter what. The Governor understands this and to make this mission easier for us, he is going to help us. He is willing to place one of his own men, a spy so to speak, with your sister. This spy will be carrying a beacon that we can hone in on. This spy is Captain Beraht, a officer that is like a son to the Governor, and a very trusted man. The man will do his best to protect your sister till we can snatch her from the Dorins. But we can not kill the spy during the raid to rescue her. The Governor was clear on this.” She lightened her tone once more, “So what do you think? Can we do this?”
Xan thought for a moment and nodded, “Lets go talk to everyone else. How much time do we have?” Xan turned and waved for Angel getting her attention.
“The Governor's next meeting with the Dorins and Mr. Morr is in two days.” she started to follow behind Xan.
“Your right, we don't have much time. We will need to come up with plans for this operation and I will need everyones' help.” Xan said as he did the numbers. The timing didn't look promising. If the Governor had their meeting on time, that meant that they had just over forty eight hours to plan and carry out this mission. Maybe they could get the Governor to slow down the talks for them. He needed to talk to the party and get their input on this.
06-11-2013, 02:19 AM,
Narrator: Dark Tides
Posts: 1,362
Threads: 14
Joined: May 2013
(7.6) A Year within the Galaxy
(7.6) A Year within the Galaxy
The Lord's Voice
Galactic Transmission
Point of Origin, Baklid VI
June 10th, 1938
Good evening to the Children of the Lord. We, here at the Holy Sea would like to pass the blessings of the Lord on to all of his Children. The past few months have seen great changes throughout the Galaxy. Many of these changes have been seen as nothing short of the Will of God. While some have their origins clearly the hand of evil. We would like to take you on a guided tour of all of these changes and events so that you might better understand what effects these events will have on your life. It is so very important that we all understand the hand of God in motion and the hand of darkness and evil. So many times evil and darkness will attempt to conceal its self as the hand of God. But we, the Children of God have mastered the ability to see through these attempts. Allow us to now, take you on this tour of the events.
As the Reich focused on ravaging what was left of the Free Worlds Council, the leadership of the Reich opened up a new front across the Varl boarders. It was set to be a clash of titans. The only problem was, that only one titan showed up for the battle. The Reich ripped through some of the best units the Varl had along the front lines. Within the first weeks of the invasion of Varl space, the Varl military had been nearly cut in half. Comparatively speaking, the Free Worlds Council managed to put up a much better resistance to their Reich invasion than the Varl was able to muster. But the end of the first month of the invasion, Reich forces linked up with rouge Varl units from Bothan space. The two groups were able to cut the Varl Empire nearly in half from the Northern most parts to the Southern most parts. The Elite forces of Field Marshal Kessler were able to crush all loyal Varl forces as he continued to move east while Field Marshal Halder drove deeper and towards the Varl homeworlds of Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa. Field Marshal Model took his armies through the Kastolar sector and drove deep in to the Kessel sector to cut off aid to the dying Empire. The plan was bold and daring. It was a prefect union of what many are calling the Reich's dream team of leaders.
The fall of the Varl can not be blamed solely on the Reich and their three elite generals. The Bothan traitors had allot to do with it. To this date, no one knows when the Bothans were turned from their former masters. But one thing was sure, once they were turned, slaves turned to become a nightmare for the Varl. Early on during the invasion while the Reich was finding their way across the boarders, a massive number of Bothans who were former Varl slaves pulled off some daring raids and captured a number of Varl warships. They started a raiding operation that hit the Varl when they were weakest and in most need of all the help they could get. Without regard for the well being of the Galaxy or the Republic, these traitors crippled the Varl's infrastructure throughout the Brak and Doldur Sectors. These raids blocked needed reinforcements and paralyzed the defense of the region. One daring raid on the ship repair yards above Tatooine destroyed five of the strongest ships the Varl had in the sector. By the time the local commanders within the Brak, Doldur and Arkanis Sectors redeployed their forces to deal with the raiding former slaves, Field Marshal Kessler smashed through their lines and demolished what was left of the ten armies within the three sectors. It was something that no one here or within the Republic thought was possible. The mighty Varl had not only met their match, they were on the verge of complete and total destruction at the hands of their long time enemy. However, the Lord would soon smile upon them.
Deep within the Seswenna Sector, Lord would empower commoners and freed slaves alike to raise up against the Reich. Slowly as the Reich had been making their long march across Varl space, protests and uprisings started within the sector. What started from a few grassroots operations turned in to a sector wide revolt against Reich rule. It all started with peaceful protests demanding that the Reich keep its word about leaving worlds where they were not welcomed. The heavy boot of the Reich was not far behind these changes. At first the local garrisons fought back against the peaceful protests with bullets and bombs. As the Reich soldiers would cut down tens if not hundreds of protesters, five fold would step forward to replace each one that was unjustly murdered by the Reich war machine. The bloodletting from the Reich got so bad that the Reich ordered the Orbital Bombardment of a peaceful world. What was their crime that would cause the Reich such a violent change of attitude? They simply voted for a change of government which placed former Reich allies out of power. Hundreds of thousands of civilians were murdered by the Reich. And when this was not enough, to stop the protests, the Reich ordered vital forces from Varl space to bring the sector under control.
It was only then that the peaceful protests turned violent. These brave protesters turned warriors of the Lord lacked the skills needed to fight the Reich on the battlefield. So they used what skills the Lord gave them, they became cunning. While laying in wait, they would ambush one or two officers during late night hours. The Holy killings were so ramped that the Reich leadership actually was forced to change its operations. Reich leadership and officers were found dead the next morning. Patrols of Reich soldiers would simply vanish without a trace. Even the Reich's trusted Bothan allies were not immune to the wrath of the Lord. A Bothan raider was blown up by a suicide bomber when he ran aboard the ship right as she was getting ready to take off. As the uprisings continue to spread across the sector and in to nearby sectors, more and more Reich troops are being pulled from Varl space. By the end of the year, the entire region of space was no longer under Reich control despite the tens of millions of troops currently deployed there. If the rebel leaders have anything to say about it, the Reich will soon be gone from the region. However this had not come free of cost. Millions of innocent civilian losses have been recorded across the region. Though many sources claim that most of the civilians losses are due to the actions of the Reich military and the Rebel leadership are attempting to limit those losses the best way they can. The Reich of course rejects these claims and is attempting to lay blame on civilian losses on the Rebel leadership.
If the Reich thought they had enough problems within the Seswenna Region, they were mistaken. Almost out of the blue, came the transmission from Guardian space. Correction, Azgardian Space. According to their leader, the Azgardians as they would prefer to be called have declared war on the Reich and her allies. Now at first this seemed to spell almost certain defeat for the Reich within the Seswenna Sector. However, instead of engaging the Reich directly, the Azgardians did something even more surprising. They hit the Dorins nearly head on and stopped their advance cold in its tracks. Since the beginning of the year, the Dorin juggernaut had been moving counterclockwise from their own region across the vast areas that were more commonly known as the unknown realms. The Dorin wave stretched from the Reich boarder all the way out to the Moddell Sector. It almost seemed like nothing was going to stop the Dorins. That was till the Azgardians took to the field on the side of the Republic. It started to be small little battles across the Dorin lines and just last month exploded in to a full on offensive against the Dorins. This offensive hit the Dorins so hard that they were forced to stop clean in their tracks. There are even reports that the Dorins in some areas have been forced backwards. Though newly liberated worlds didn't seem to take their liberators very well.
According to reports, there were evidence of battlefields littered with hundreds of thousands of dead Dorin troops. The fact that very few Dorin soldiers were taken prisoners has left many locals unsettled and fearful of their liberators. Also late night strange rituals to pagan gods were also reported by local church goers. Still, in light of the selfless acts done to free these worlds, the liberators are welcomed by their new friends. There are stories of local leaders holding feasts in the honor of the Azgardians. With these Azgardians comes legends of old. Powerful legends which speak of unbeatable armies and warriors that could not die. Many locals went out to watch these legendary armies in action. Sadly, the legends didn't live up to reality. There were defeats given to these great armies at the hands of the Dorins. When ask about these losses, Warlord Birgr replied with, “You can not assume to be in a game of strategy without loosing a few pieces along the way.” We asked the Azgardians for a more detailed answer or even an interview. Sadly to date, they have all refused to speak on the record. Still, these strong and noble warriors are still fighting, the same as our beloved Chancellor.
Across the galaxy, Chancellor Murl took direct command of the Republic forces and started to push back against the Reich across Free Worlds Council space. However, as he attempted to led the Republic to victory one realization hit home. The Republic needed a standing army of its own if it was to fight this war and win. Currently, the Republic military was made up of what remained of the Free Council Military, the units belonging to the Shana'duna, and a few hundred other volunteer units from hundreds of worlds. During the later part of 1937, Daz opened up the Republic's first military training center on the world of Korriban. From here, the Republic's own army started to grow. These young brave men and women, would train in the art of war and learn how to free our galaxy from the evil that is the Human Empire. And they would go with the blessings of our Lord God! Their first operation as the newly formed 1st Grand Army of the Republic would be a complete success. The Republic caught the Reich forces off guard which led to the Republic capturing a vital world. While this first success did fill the 1st Army with courage, their next battle would not go as easily. Chancellor Murl set his sights on the world of Alderaan, in a speech before the battle, Chancellor Murl said, “It is time that we start our road to liberation where occupation first started.” I believe we have some footage from a recruitment rally where Chancellor Murl gave that speech.
“We are here on the Mid Rim World of Velmor. We are at once more another massive Republic Military recruitment rally. There must be thousands of youths and young adults gathered to listen to the music and enjoy the festivities. The bands have been playing nonstop for over three hours and the drinks are flowing freely. This crowd is well energized to great their new Chancellor. Velmor signed the Articles of the Republic ten days ago and already, they are eager to get in to this war. Oh, hold on! The music has changed, and yes, I see him now! Oh my, it is the Chancellor himself! Chancellor Daz Murl. He is actually flying over the crowd with a large Republic Flag behind him. Can you hear the crowds behind me? They are just screaming 'The Rock' an unofficial nickname of the Chancellor. He is flying towards the stage now as we speak. I can see a small group rushing to the stage as well. I can recognize two of them. The female is Cevita, a young Rodian. The other must be Udo, yes I am sure he is Udo. Both Cevita and Udo are the adoptive children of Chancellor Murl. Both were war orphans before Chancellor Murl started the Light House, a orphanage set up to help deal with the growing war orphan problem. I see Chancellor Murl landing on the stage and OH MY! There is laser sword combat, the crowds are going crazy. And....AND.....Its a demonstration! Talking about showmanship, Chancellor Murl is truly a master of performing to the crowds. I see him stepping to the microphone now.”
“Greetings everyone! I am so glad to see you all here today. Did you like the show! How about a round of applause for my daughter, Cevita Murl! Good....good....and my son....Udo Murl!.......Come on guys, come and enjoy the spotlight. Everyone, Cevita and Udo Murl!.......Okay, Okay, you have heard me for the past two days talking about the importance of the Republic and how we all have to come together. Before I let the bands get back to rocking this STAGE!........okay okay....My daughter has something important to share with you all. Give her a moment of your time please.”
“Good afternoon. I wanted to talk with all of you because I have heard some really troubling things the past two days. Some of you may ask, why do we have to go fight this war. What is our claim to this war. Please let me tell you my story. Before my world was invaded by the Reich, we too asked those same questions. We figured that the Reich and their evil allies would just pass us by. We were small and unimportant, just like how so many of you see Velmor. But the Reich doesn't see it like that. When they came to my world, they came in the dead of night. My mother hid me and my sister under the crawl space of our house. My sister and I watched as the Reich soldiers dragged my father, mother and brothers from our house and shot them in the middle of the street. My sister is save thanks to Chancellor Murl, but he can not do it all by himself. That is why I am here to tell you. This is not my war, this is not my father's war. This is not just their war. We are one Galaxy, and one people. This is OUR war. Our fight for the right to live in peace. If WE do not stop the Reich now, they will come here. They WILL murder families. They will kill innocent people. Look around you. Those are the future victims of the Reich if my father fails. Please help us. Please help ourselves. Join our fight and together we WILL WIN!”
“That was Cevita Murl, adoptive daughter of Chancellor Daz Murl, speaking. WOW what a powerful speaker she has become. We started to follow her just three months ago when Chancellor Murl adopted her and a few other lucky orphans from the Light House. I know this audio transmission does not do this young woman justice. But to see her face and her body language, you can see that the crowd is really connecting to her. I see them walking down off the stage, I can hear the Chancellor inviting volunteers to join him and his children at the recruitment tents. I can not imagine that the Republic will not make their quota today. While recruitment has been steady, it is far from the one million recruits that the Chancellor set out as their goal during this drive. Judging by the mood today, I am sure that they will reach that goal.”
And that was just one day of a six day recruitment drive on the Rim World of Velmor. Not only did the Chancellor meet his one million goal, he nearly doubled it. This was very good news, because the Republic would take some nasty pounding in the weeks that followed. The Chancellor needed something to turn the tide of defeat around. Despite minor victories during light raiding battles, the Republic lacked any major world transfers. Alderaan was just the place to turn the tide on this. With the odds against him, the Chancellor took his battle hardened 1st Grand Army of the Republic against the Veteran Armies of the Reich, the 9th and the 22nd Heers. Though out numbered, the Chancellor saw this as a moral busting battle that had to be fought and won. Sadly, the Reich knew ahead of time that the Republic was getting ready to invade Alderaan. This gave them time to prepare for the attack and also plan for the death of Chancellor Murl during the battle. It is a matter of recorded that the Chancellor was warned that the Reich was aware of the invasion plans. The Chancellor still insisted on leading the battle from his beloved flagship. A choice that will cost him dearly.
The battle was brutal and the Reich were not about to give up the world. However it was the courage of both the Chancellor and his troops that won the day. During the battle, Chancellor Murl was critically wounded and many feared that he had been killed when his bridge took repeated direct hits. However, throughout the battle, the Chancellor encouraged his troops to keep fighting and he would do the same. During the battle, the 9th Heer was all but disbanded after facing repeated hammering's from the 1st Army of the Republic. The 22nd finally was forced to surrender after a strategic mistake by their commanding officer left their flanks exposed. The Reich attempted to recapture Alderaan shortly after the Republic liberated it. That attempt was pushed back by the brave men and women of the 1st Grand Army of the Republic. During the battle, news spread that Chancellor Murl was fighting for his life on the operating table. This news fueled the Republic soldiers to fight harder for their fallen leader. While Udo remained at his command fighting the 9th Heer, Cevita Murl rushed to be by her father's side during his time of need. Once the battle was over, and the Reich counter offensive was pushed back, the soldiers of the Republic finally learned the fate of their beloved leader. Like so many of them, Chancellor Murl had given his all and now had the scares to show it. A large beam had fallen and crushed his legs. They had to be removed. This did not shack Chancellor Murl as he thanked his troops for what they had done for him.
The Republic had finally started down that long and hard path to liberation of the entire Free Worlds Council space. Though the Lord had another spin to through at our beloved Republic. Just hours before the Chancellor had given his speech to his soldiers, the Reich launched an all out invasion in to Shana'duna space. The invasion came through occupied Varl space in to the flank of the Shana'duna lines. Based on the targeted worlds and the number of forces used for the invasion, it was clear that the Reich was looking for another knock out punch. The Invasion could have spelled the end of both the Shana'duna and the Republic which had based most of its war industry in the region now being invaded. It would have changed the entire map and the possible out comes of the war over all. However as quickly as it started, the invasion was over just as fast. Not a single world fell to the Reich during the invasion. To everyone's surprise, the Reich fleets just turned around and went back across the boarder. It was if the Lord had smiled down on the Galaxy once more and allowed His mercy to be felt across the battle lines. This was largely due to the fact that the Shana'duna were ready for such an attack, and also for strange and surprising events from within the Reich its self.
It is completely unclear as to when the movement within the Reich started, but a section of the Reich nobility and their military seemed to have broken ranks with the Emperor himself. Assassinations during power struggles are not uncommon within the Reich. However during such times of war, this is extremely rare. There were a few rumors that the Emperor had been killed during a orbital bombardment of his palace on Vandor III. Shortly after the attacks on Vandor by Reich naval warships, Trais declared its independence from the Reich with a few dozen other worlds. They quickly banded together and formed the United Worlds of Humanity or the Union as they have nicknamed themselves. Their independence would be short lived as well as the rumors of the Emperor's death. All uncertainty was washed away when the Emperor himself came before the entire Reich and condemned the traitors and anyone who would fallow them. Many units that had been assigned to the Varl and Shana'duna fronts withdrew without orders and returned to their home worlds. All of them now part of the Union. While these units were badly out numbered by the loyal Reich forces, nearly all of them were combat veteran units from both the Free Worlds Council invasion and the Varl invasion. The Union had attempted to rally more Reich forces to their cause till the Emperor made his speech.
The Royal guard, which was one of the most elite units of the Reich military moved on Union loyal worlds. The conflict were short and brutal. The worlds that were recaptured by the Reich saw brutal punishments at the hands of the Royal Guard. The Union leadership as well as a few remaining units did manage to slip away from the slaughter. And here is where the story turns from surprise to truly bizarre! Sometime last month, these former Reich units slipped in to Occupied Council space and reached out to none other than Xan Zall. According to reports and rumors, the units were centered around the Reich's Elite 3rd Panzer Heer and the 10th Hoplight Division. Also, it was discovered that the Reich's own Crown Princess, Princess Roswitha Quee, is the leader of the Union Forces and headed up the negotiation with Senator Zall and his people. Some of the demands of the Princess were pretty cut and dry, in exchange for safe harbor, the Union would led their forces to help fight against the Reich. Though, they did make it clear that they would only fight along side certain 'Approved' races. A prerequisite that was noticed within the Republic Senate. More remarkable was the demand of marriage between the Crown Princess and Senator Zall. There are unconfirmed rumors that the marriage was used to lure Senator Zall in to helping these refugees with full admittance in to the Republic. It is unclear where the demand came from but it was once more another demand from a group who is seeking the Republic's help.
The situation with the Union and their demands hit stern resistance within the Senate. Many member worlds seemed very concerned over the offer and lack any trust with the Human Union or their former Reich brothers. There are some that see this as a key opportunity to have the Humans take up the lion's share of the fighting for a change. The Chancellor's own party, the Rock Party, have become sharply divided over situation. The Chancellor himself has remained silent to the whole affair. Fresh from his victory over the Reich on Alderaan, the Chancellor didn't seem to be rushing before passing judgment over the situation. To the surprise of many, the fate of the carefully negotiated terms now rested in the hands of Chancellor Murl. Many opponents of Chancellor Murl within the Senate are urging him to fast track the Union's acceptance in to the Republic. While members of his own party are urging that the Chancellor reject the offer. There are many within the Senate that have drawn new lines of concern over Senator Zall's loyalty to the Republic and have cast doubt over the terms that were negotiated by him. Nearly all of these rumors and concerns stem from the reports that Senator Zall's own sister had been a Reich spy. While she was found guilty by a court on the occupied world of Byssi, the Reich Governor never carried out the death sentence she was issued by their own court.
It was learned that she was to be transferred off of Byssi and to live out a life of luxury thanks to her service to the Reich. There were also rumors that the Dorins had planned to use her as a negotiation piece during up coming talks regarding prisoner exchanges with the Republic. In stead of this rightfully distrusted spy being held accountable for her crimes, Senator Zall coordinated her escape. Even though she is wanted by the Republic for acts of treason against own people on Byssi, Senator Zall ensured that she would remain free and her crimes would go punished. There had been many other reports of Senator Zall having close relationships with the Reich. This would explain why the Union leadership would reach out to him. However there are those within the Senate, more than just those who are part of the Chancellor's own party, that feel that Senator Zall might be too close to negotiate in the Republic's best interest. A fact that might not be sitting well with Senator Zall. Just a couple of years ago, he made a failed attempt to claim the Chancellorship. He had worked so hard for the Republic and to fall so far from grace must be bitting at his ego. Still, the Senator is not without allies within the Senate. Most notably, Senator Bail Mish'tu, the acting Senator and speaker of the Council. Senator Mish'tu own homeworld of Ord Mirit had been invaded by the Reich and his people suffered horribly under Reich occupation. Senator Mish'tu has been speaking of Senator Zall's deep trust and loyalty to the Republic. But that is not the voice many wanted to hear from. They soon would have that voice.
Nearly a month after the negotiations took place, Chancellor Murl finally spoke up regarding the situation and the terms that the Union forces wanted. “I have known Xan Zall for, well as long as the idea of the Republic has been forming in my head. He was one of the very first diplomats who I was able to speak with from the Free Worlds Council. Never, never once have I ever been in a situation to question his loyalty to the Republic. His sister, she was found guilty in a court of law of being a traitor. According to that trail which she plead guilty in, she, acting alone, brought the defensives of her own world to its knees just ahead of the Reich Invasion. This is a matter of fact, not assumption. There is no evidence that reflects his involvement in his sisters escape. In fact, it is just as likely that the Reich had her killed and are once more covering their tracts by attempting to pin the escape on Senator Zall. Well I am not biting at the Reich's attempt to turn us on each other. There was nothing linking Senator Zall to these tragic events. Has he worked closely with the Reich occupiers? Yes he has. But each of these situations have to be looked at in context.”
“Normally, I have to listen to the will of the people though. Thanks to the Special Powers Act which authorizes me to side slip the Senate, I can take a path that many don't feel comfortable with. Within my power, I can create a seat for the Union in junction with the world of Byssi. As the Union has no official world that is not currently being fought over, we shall allow the voice of the Union to be shared by the world of Byssi. I hope that this compromise will help our new allies to feel welcomed and at home. As for only fighting along side only approved races, there is more than enough places the Union can fight along side the Republic forces. I hope that all of you will stand beside me and offer our new allies our most sincere gratitude for assisting us in eliminating darkness from our galaxy.” While the Chancellor did make some new friends after the speech, it was clear that some within his own party did not approve of the way he handed the situation. And if that seemed like it bothered the Chancellor, it was hard to tell. He boarded his flagship right after the meeting with the Senate and rejoined the fight against the Reich. He informed his troops as well as the civilians of the Republic that “I am still fighting. Come Join me!”
Two days after the Chancellor's heartfelt speech to the Senate, the Senate was rocked to its core. The personal bodyguard of Senator Llim Nadon, the Ithorian Senator from Korda VI, found Senator Nadon dead in his bathroom. During the last few days, Senator Nadon learned that his family had been killed by a deep Reich raid in to Shana'duna space. He had been pulling any and all strings he could to locate his family. It was later discovered that the family had been killed and their bodies identified. When his body was found, there was a suicide note that had been left on the counter top next to the sink. He had hung himself in despair over the loss of his family. Senator had been a long time supporter and personal friend of Chancellor Murl since the beginning. However as of late he had expressed open concern regarding the Special Powers Act and why there was no time limit as to when the power would be returned to the people. There were rumors that Senator Nadon was attempting to rally support for a bill that would force the Chancellor to return that power back to the Senate. If there was any bitterness, it had only been skin deep. Once the Chancellor heard of the suicide, the Chancellor ordered his flag ship to return him to the Senate on the world of Hapes. The Chancellor was seen rushing to there the body was being held. Some reports show the Chancellor as “visibly shaken and sadden by the loss”
While the Republic was faced with issues within the Senate, the Reich was just getting back to their stride. Instead of splitting their forces, they decided to withdrew from Shana'duna space and turned their focus to destroying the Varl. However, the break in pressure gave the Varl much needed time to rally what was left of their forces. This has caused the entire southern region of the Galaxy to explode in renewed fighting. For the first time in nearly two years, the advance of darkness has been stopped. Rumors have surfaced that the Chancellor himself has sent some of his top aides to Azgard to speak with their leader. The hope from these critical meetings is secure Azgard's membership in to the Republic and their full military support for the war. If the Chancellor can bring the Azgardians completely in to the war, and not just fighting the Dorins in the Unknown Realms, than it could very well be enough to shift the tide of war once and for all. The Chancellor's own position within the Senate is also starting to show signs of weakening with the death of Senator Nador. While there is no longer a unifying voice to bring his opponents together, Senator Nador had always been a strong voice which kept many opponents in their place. This death very well could cause an opening for others to see weakness in the Chancellor. Worse yet, this could provide a much needed boost for Senator Zall. His own power and influence was all but crushed under accusations and the loss of his own government.
As we look in to the second half of the year, there is much promise. The official union between Senator Xan Zall and Crown Princess Roswitha Quee is still set for after the United Worlds of Humanity are accepted in to the Republic, which has received the blessings of the Chancellor to a degree. The Union Forces have already started to take up positions near Bogden and going toe to toe with the Dorin hoards. The Varl have successfully managed to fight the Reich from their homeworlds of Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa and has unified their lines. The entire Seswenna Region is in open revolt against their Reich oppressors. Chancellor Murl is leading the Republic Forces on a march across Occupied Council space, with strategic important world of Brentaal in his sights. There are some hardships on the horizon. The Reich have falsely claimed that the Republic has raided a Civil Merchant ship. The claim comes from the rumored raid that was led by Senator Zall and his Marauder. Due to this claim by the Reich, they have violated the unspoken treaty and started to hunt Republic Merchant ships without regard for the innocent lives aboard. This has led to countless loss of innocent lives. Once more another crisis for the Chancellor to contend with. Unofficial reports have indicated that the Chancellor was very upset over the rouge operation by Senator Zall to free his sister.
06-12-2013, 08:55 AM,
Narrator: Dark Tides
Posts: 1,362
Threads: 14
Joined: May 2013
(7.7) The Journey of the Lost
(7.7) The Journey of the Lost
Chancellor's Palace
Seat of the Republic
Inner Rim World of Hapes
March 3rd, 1938
What does the Republic mean to me? That is a question that I get so many times. I guess its because I keep framing the same question to others. For me, the Republic means freedom from slavery. A equal voice in Government. Liberty and Justice for all citizens of the Republic, not just those who can afford it. But most of all, for me, the Republic means Hope. That is why I named my Flagship Hope. So long there has been no hope in the Galaxy. With only suffering and hardship, I think everyone needs some hope. There is nothing I wouldn't do to ensure that everyone can enjoy that same hope that we all so badly need. Yes, Hope, that is what the Republic means to me. You can frame that as you wish, but it is still hope. And I mean to deliver on this promise of hope for every citizen of the Republic, no matter what the personal cost is to me.
Excerpt: I, Citizen Murl
The battle for Alderaan was by far the hardest fought battle the Republic has faced since the onset of war with the Reich. The Reich forces were heavily entrenched and highly motivated. The Republic had the defending Reich forces out numbered by a easy four to one margin. Still, it was the skills and slight technological edge that gave the Reich their advantage. The combined forces under the direct leadership of Chancellor Murl still pushed forward in to the heart of the defenders. It would go down in history as a tide turning battle. If anyone had thought that Victory was assured, they were not watching the same battle. Chancellor Murl watched as his unified forces start to break under the weight of the Reich's counter attack. It was only a matter of time till the line broke and the Reich overran the Republic forces. In the face of almost certain defeat, Chancellor Murl rallied his forces with a powerful speech. He commanded his own flagship to take point and push through the Reich lines. In what would influence the rallying cry of the Republic, Chancellor Murl cried out to his forces, “I are still fighting, We are STILL FIGHTHING! WILL YOU!”
The Republic flagship, Hope, took a number of direct hits with a few of them landing on the bridge. Still, Chancellor Murl could be heard calling for his forces to fallow him through the fires of hell. The Republic forces did fallow their Chancellor in to the fires of hell. The surge of ships and fighters broke the Reich lines and forced their navy to withdraw leaving the world open for liberate. In their moment of victory horror filled the channels as word spread through the fleet. The Chancellor was being rushed to medical bay in critical condition. Local commanders turned this news in to their battle cry for Alderaan, “The Chancellor still Fights, SO WILL WE!” Between orbital bombardments and fighter-bomber raids, the Reich ground forces were decimated. By the time the Republic's 1st Division matched on Aldera, the Reich had little forces left to hold on to the world. Still, the Republic General's ordered that the remaining Reich forces be hunted down and captured or eliminated. Within the days fallowing the fall of Aldera, the Reich launched a powerful counter offensive to reclaim the world. The Republic refused to give up the world. The Galactic News would report regarding Alderaan as being “the very first world that the Republic would liberate from the dark evil grips of the Reich. It will not be the last.”
The Republic's 1st Army would not continue to their next objective as they dug in and waited for word of their fallen leader. A week after the battle, Republic doctors would announce that the Chancellor would recover from his war wounds. The news rocketed through the army of the Republic and moral exploded as their beloved leader would survive. Four days later, Chancellor Murl gave a speech to his loyal troops. Before them, Chancellor Murl revealed the extend of his wounds. Not a voice could be heard as Chancellor Murl slowly revealed his robotic legs. The Chancellor expressed his gratitude to his men for giving him such a glorious victory on Alderaan. He took the time to recognize some of his troops for heroics during the battle. He spoke of his love for his troops and their courage. He spoke of the day with the grand flag of the Republic would fly over Coruscant. His speech was uplifting and inspiring throughout the ranks of the Army of the Republic. Never once did the Chancellor speak of his own wounds. He did say, that this day belonged to them, his troops. No one, not even the Chancellor should take that away from them. The Chancellor's speech which was transmitted through the 1st Army as well as all other Republic forces and their allies. At the end of the speech, the cheers from the troops were so loud that it drowned out all background noises from the near by spaceport.
Daz walked through the wide doors of his office. The sound of his robotic legs could easily be heard as he moved. Behind him, Sister Dar'rus gracefully moved. Beyond her near human appearance laid her Miraluka traits. The hood of her Church robes was pulled down so far to conceal her missing eyes. Behind her walked the twenty or so personal advisors and aides to the Chancellor. Daz hung his head low as he walked through his office and moved in to his personal chambers. Almost on cue, Sister Dar'rus turned at the threshold of Daz's personal chambers. She didn't look up from her hood as she spoke, “It has been a very long day for the Chancellor. Please excuse him as he takes his leave. Each of you have been given your next assignments. Please tend to your duties.” Her voice was as soft as the breath of a lover on a cheek. Her demeanor reflected what everyone else had bought a long time ago. That she was both healer and nurturer of the soul. It couldn't be further from the truth, as the darkness of what she really was had been carefully concealed. She slipped back and closed the door leaving the aids and advisors to tend to their duties.
Daz took his seat as he looked at his new legs. They were ungainly and hard for him to walk with. Still, he was alive despite the best efforts of the Reich to kill him. “I am so tired. I don't understand it. Why am I so tired?”
Daz didn't need to nor did it bother to look as he heard the voice answer him. “You used allow of energy during the battle.” Makarov said. Daz knew the voice perfectly but had no clue what the man actually looked like.
Sister Dar'rus secured the door as she looked over the room. There were nine armed guards in the room. Their blue body armor were near prefect copies of the Chancellor's Bodyguard. But these men were nothing like those guards of old. Daz knew that at one point, his former friends would make an attempt to murder him. These guards were training knowing what his friends were capable of. Once she was sure all things were in order she gracefully moved over to the sofa where Daz sat. She could tell that he was exhausted, “You have to be more carefully when you draw on the energy.” she said sitting next to him, “If you use too much too fast, it will wear you out.” she explained as she pulled a small red glowing ring from her pocket. “Here relax, I will share with you some of mine to help you” her hand glided over his head carefully as the ring's glow grew brighter. Daz lifted his head as the ring's red glow reached out to his forehead. She closed her eyes, “That's it Daz, open up yourself to me.”
Daz could feel her reach out through the force and touching him. The sensation still gave him a since of wonder. He could feel her heart beating, her breath, he could feel her spirit touching his. His mind washed over with a surge of emotion that over loaded just about every nerve he had. He felt her love touching his heart. He wondered if that was the same way that Swip had felt for him as Sister Dar'rus felt for Makarov. He closed his eyes and allowed his mind to wonder back in time. He saw Swip looking up at him from across the fire. He could see the look in her aura, he could see her love for him. It was so warm and filled with so much passion. A tear slowly rolled down his face as he saw her form once more. He hated how he had betrayed her love and rejected it. He hated himself for not embracing something so pure and so filled with warmth and promise. “That's enough” he said placing his hand on Sister Dar'rus' stopping the transfer. It was because he had listened to Visst is the reason why he never had a chance to experience Swip's love.
“Is there something wrong?” Sister Dar'rus said. She already knew the answer, but she wanted to give him the impression that she cared. She didn't really care. After all, he was just another pawn to be moved across the board.
Daz sighed as he got up and walked over to a table near the wall. “I am just so tired” he said as he looked down at his legs. “I can still feel them” He added.
Sister Dar'rus got up and followed him, “I know you are tired. To carry the burden of the Galaxy is a massive weight for anyone.” she said as she walked up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
He turned his head and looked at a vase which head dead followers, “They died.” There was deep sadness in his voice. It was clear that the weight was taking its toll on him.
“The Force allows us to do great things more than what Master Visst would allow you to learn” she explained as she waved her hand over the followers. Daz could feel the darkness following around him as her ring glowed red over the dead followers. “Can you feel their life returning” she whispered over his shoulder.
“I know, and I can feel it. There is no dark side or light side of the Force. There is just the Force” Daz explained. Against all that he was taught by his former Jedi Master and Master Visst, Daz simply ignored those teachings. Daz could feel the dark side following around him, he could feel the cold grip on his heart. He knew that the light around him was dimming rapidly, but he just ignored those feelings. He watched the followers slowly come back to life. It was not true life as would be found in nature. This was nothing short of darkness emulating life. Daz could feel this but like his own feelings he just choose to ignore the truth.
“My lord, the Force choose you to led us and recreate the Republic. This is a great burden but you are not alone” Sister Dar'rus said as she watched the flowers returned to life. “I am here for you to lean on.” She could feel his emotions and knew where his mind was focused on. “Swip was a faithful woman who believed in you.”
He turned to her, “Did you ever meet her?”
“Yes” she said softly while nodding, “I met her two times while she was learning more about the Church and how to do God's work. She spoke very fondly of you” Sister Dar'rus explained.
He looked to her almost as if to look through her mind and find these memories. “Tell me” he said just before pausing. He thought almost about stopping the conversation right there. He wanted to know more. He needed to know more. “What did she say about me?”
Sister Dar'rus tilted her head to the side as she smiled, “She said that she had never met a man like you. That you were an inspiration for her. She told me about the first time you two met. She said that you were the only one that came looking for them. That you faced horrible numbers and you were willing to give up your very life to save her.”
Daz looked down with sadness as the emotions ran over him. He could remember that time he landed on that world. Her shuttle had been forced down by group of renegade Azgardian warriors. They had planned the shuttle attack as a trap for him. The innocent lives of the Dorin delegation were in the balance and he had to save them. Daz knew that they wanted his life. In the end, it cost him his arm. Still Master Visst didn't condemn the actions, instead, Daz remembered how Master Visst had criticized Daz's actions. The anger for Master Visst rose once more in his heart. Swip was so much more than Visst was. 'Why take her from me and leave him to torment me' Daz silently prayed.
Makarov voice echoed once more, “Daz, it is time for you to meet our leader.”
Daz turned and snapped his mind back on the moment, “Lord Murl?”
“Yes Daz, Lord Murl has come here to meet you” Makarov said coldly.
“Daz, I have watched you carefully.” the voice was dark and cold. There was no doubt in Daz's mind that this was a presence of evil on a level that Daz never faced before. “You have done great things so far. Now its time for you to prepare the Galaxy.”
“Prepare the Galaxy for what?” Daz said as he turned toward the voice.
“This war will end, but it is time for the Old War to be ended as well” Lord Murl explained.
Daz was not completely sure what Lord Murl was talking about, “What old war, my Lord?” Daz knew that this being was evil, but also saw the power of this being. There was something so familiar about the aura of this being. Daz had seen this before but couldn't place his finger on it.
“Daz, the Jedi Civil War existed between two conflicting philosophies. That war never ended. My Master taught me the truth of this war. And now I am willing to help you to finish it once and for all” Lord Murl said.
Daz nodded, “I sensed the war still raging. You are speaking of between the Sabbat and the Church. The Church will have to fall as well once the Sabbat is gone.”
“Yes, I agree with you Daz. The Church must fall as well. They are just as corrupt as the rest. My Master taught me that no truth can be found in any organized philosophy. True enlightenment comes from the acceptance of the Force as our faithful guide and we as it's servants. But this is only the beginning of it. There is much more beyond the Force. There is so much more to teach you. This is only the beginning, and beyond this life you will find a much broader future waiting for you. A spy has been caught and must be stopped before she escapes and will go and report to Master Visst what she has seen here. They will do all that they can to stop you from building the Republic in to the strong government that it should be. The Republic will be strong, we are ensuring this. But now, you must protect the future of the Republic” Lord Murl explained.
Daz felt the darkness moving once more around him. He knew that something dark was building. A side door opened and a pair of Chancellor body guards walked in pulling a hooded figure who was bound. “What do you mean My Lord?” He could see the patch on her shoulder. He had designed it, it was of the medical Coups, and within it was that she was a rare Force Healer. He knew that she posed no threat to him. However, he once more ignored the facts before his eyes and listened on.
“The future of the Republic rests within you Daz. No one will pick up where you leave this off should your murder take place.” The guards walked in pulling the figure behind them. As they walked in to the center of the room, one ripped off the hood exposing Knight Murl to Daz. Her mouth was gaged but Daz could hear her the concerns of her mind and he felt her fear. It actually filled him with a sense of rush. “I could easily ripped the knowledge from her mind of where THEY are hiding and their plans. I feel that this is yours to led. So long you have been pushed down by those around you. Forced to accept their judgments and their plans over your own. Even those who you are clearly more experienced than tried to push you down. I see the worth in you. But the dangers are still very real for you. My agents have worked to ensure that fate has shined on you and your Republic. We will continue to work for you and to help you build Republic. Clearly the lines have been drawn between you and your former friends. Already you know that they desire to assassinate you. Even as we speak, Senator Zall is holding a secret meeting plotting to murder you. With your death, the fall of the Republic as you built it will be assured. Is that what you want?”
Daz didn't need to see the look in Knight Murl's eyes. He knew that she was completely aware of what had taken place. He turned to her and drew out his sword and looked at it. “I have worked so hard and given so much for the Republic. I have betrayed all that I am so that the Galaxy will know peace. But I don't think that I can do this.” Daz looked at her as she shook her head at him. She tried to speak but only muffled sounds came out. There was conflict in his heart over this dark act.
“Daz, if you do not end her life, than she will report back to Visst. They will come after you and murder you. I can only do so much to defend you. At one point you will have to do what you must to ensure that the Republic is strong and can survive even your death in the future. Right now, the Republic is too weak to survive your loss. You must protect the Republic and the innocent lives within it. Do not just kill her, though. Anyone can take a life. Daz, I want you to use what my agents have taught you. Steal her life force from her. End her existence completely. Leave nothing left of her” Lord Murl commanded. “Only this way will she be stopped from crippling the Republic and assisting in ending your own life.”
Daz returned his sword and stepped forward as he looked closer at her. She tried to free herself from the guards grip so to defend herself. Their grip on her held tight against her struggles. Daz raised his hand and look deep in to her face and through her aura. He could see the strength she had in the Light side of the Force. He remembered her as the young Knight he had met back on Mearisa. She had seemed so alien to him at the time. Her features were that of multiple races, and her past would unlock the very reason why she had such a heritage. As he got to know her better, he learned how very special she was. She was a living descendant of Damaya Weirn and a very gifted Force user. He took in a deep breath and took another step forward. His heart was filled with conflict as he plotted out what he had to do and made all the attempts to justify it. There was no doubt in his mind that she was a light sider and what he was going to do was a dark act. He didn't want to do it, but he knew that the Republic needed him to led it through this war and the internal problems it was facing. He looked at his hand as it shook. He had done this before but those were dark siders and had all be found guilty of horrible crimes. Taking their lives was easily justified. This however was not justifiable at all. There was no where in his mind to hide from the fact that this was a dark act and was wrong. He lowered his hand in conflict, “I can't do this” he said softly. There was regret in his voice as he turned to face where the voice of Lord Murl was coming from.
“Daz I want you to think of this. Daz you and I want the same thing for the Galaxy. You have proven that you can do what must be done to achieve those things. Not to me, but to yourself. I have faith in you, that you can do this. How many times has someone pushed you aside because they felt that you didn't know better. I know that this is hard on you, and I know you can do this. Think of what would happen to the Republic if you were no longer there to lead it. If you can not do this, set her free. There is a ship waiting that can take her to Master Visst and Senator Zall. The Will of the Force brought her here to you. Her journey to you started once her Republic unit was caught behind enemy lines as the battle shifted. Even though they attempted to remain hidden, they were found by a passing patrol that was lost. A mix up in transportation place her in a camp separate from the rest of her unit. Than one of my agents discovered her. Not knowing at the time who she really was to you. They brought her here to help with your training. Only once she was here did her history become known. The only reason why this is happening, is because you are being tested Daz. The Force has given you a strong destiny and with each passing day, your own strength grows. Before you were tested time and time again. With each new test, they get harder to pass. Think of her in terms of the symbol that she is. The means for the Force to test your faith. This is not dark, this is solely the Will of the Force. As I have said, if you do not feel that you can pass this test, than set her free. Allow her to return to Master Visst and report what she had seen here. However, if you deserve this destiny that the Force has set out for you. Than now, its time to act, Daz.” Lord Murl's comments were convincing and struck a number of cords with Daz.
He turned to her once more as she renewed her struggles. Still the guards held her tight. Daz raised up his hand once more and could feel the darkness growing inside him as he remembered what he had to do to steal her life force. He closed his eyes and remembered the young knight just a few years ago. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. 'This is the Will of the Force' he thought to himself. He knew that if he completed this, than she would be forever gone. She would have no chance of becoming a spirit or rejoining with the Force. Her life would simply be consumed by him. He looked at her as he felt her mind calming and become more accepting of her fate. She shook her head in a last bid to save her life. He only looked back at her with no emotion on his face. She slowly lowered her head. Daz took in a deep breath and closed his eyes once more. “This IS the will of the Force” he said boldly and clearly as he raised his left hand and reached out through the force He could feel her neck in his gripped through the Force. He closed his hand and felt her neck under the pressure even though he was almost nine feet away from her. He jerked his hand and her body reacted by being ripped from the guards grip. She fought for air as she let out choking sounds, while the guards backed up.
Once more Daz reached out with the force with his right hand and ripped off her goggles and mask. Her eyeless face was now completely exposed to him as he looked right in to her very soul. Before he exposed her face, she had resembled a Kel Dor. Now she only looked like some deformed freak. He almost found his justification in killing her. He thought that he might actually be doing her a favor by ending her suffering. However, his heart knew better. As quickly as it came, the justification for her murder faded just as fast. She fought against his grip and Daz felt her attempt to summon the Force against him. However, she was too weak from her captivity to summon the Force effectively. She was defenseless and there was nothing she could do to stop what Daz was about to do to her. For the first time in her life, she felt pure terror. What calm there was was replaced by this terror now raging through her mind. Focusing his mind on Knight Murl, Daz reached out with his right hand while she was held in the air by Daz's left head. In that moment, Daz felt the dark side being summoned up within him as a bluish light slowly glowed across Knight Murl's face. It was her very life slowly being pulled from her body by Daz.
Her screams of agony echoed in the room as the blue glow grew brighter and brighter. Daz could feel her heart pounding as he held her neck through the force. Daz could have been merciful and snapped her neck in that moment before he took her life. But he didn't. Daz wanted her alive to feel every bit of what he was doing to her. He had to face this ugly thing so that he would be able to walk away from it later. Or at least that was his justification for this. The truth was far worse and something Daz would never admit to himself. He enjoyed what he was feeling as he started to feel her life within his own. Knight Murl's screams grew as more of her life was ripped away ever so slowly. Her body thrashed about as she did anything possible to break the hold he had on her. It was all in vain as she continued to slowly die. Never before had she ever considered such pain possible. Her life was being ripped from her in such a way that she felt each and ever bit of it. But then the pain was subsided suddenly. She lifted her head to see Daz looking at her. He had stopped what ever it was that he was doing to her. In that moment she realized that he was taking the time to savor her suffering. She shook her head and tried to plead for mercy. Daz only tilted his head and took a bit more of her life and once more her screams filled the large inner office. Then once more the pain subsided suddenly as she looked back at Daz. Once more he was taking his time to savor her suffering.
Knight Murl's body and mind were so weak that she could no longer even struggle. She just hung there in midair waiting for death to come. It would not come suddenly as Daz would start and stop the bleeding of her life often. Her screams and cries would fill the room and before it was over, she would beg for death, and still it would not come. For the first time in his life, Daz truly enjoyed what he was doing. The feeling and sensations that were running through him were nothing like before. Her life was pure and filled with energy on a scale Daz never dreamed if. Savoring it, increased the level of the rush he was feeling. Beyond the walls of the office, Knight Murl's screams could be heard throughout the halls of the Chancellor's palace. Some many heard her screams of pain and agony. It was clear that something horrific was taking place and someone was dying a very slow and painful death. There was no doubt what was going in behind those doors. An not one of those who could hear Knight Murl's screams of pain, even cared enough to take notice. For them, this was normal. Like their Chancellor, they simply ignored what was going on around them as they continued their work. Some even wished that what ever was happening would just end so the screams would end. It was more the guilt eating at them, rather than any mercy they wished for who ever was suffering. Once more the halls of the Chancellor's palace were silent as the screams stopped.
Daz looked in to the lifeless face of what was once Knight Murl. Her body hung in midair like a rag doll. There was no life in the empty shell that was once her body. Daz dropped the lifeless body on to the floor with as little regard as he would hold for some thing he was throwing away. His hand shook but for completely different reasons than before. There was no conflict in his heart now, all he felt was the rush of energy within him. He looked to the guards, “Take the body and make sure that she is found by Visst and his followers. I want Visst to know what he could have stopped. Let him see once more, his failures.” The two guards nodded and stepped forward as they picked up the body. Daz no longer cared for what was going on with the body. It was trash being taken care of. He turned to face Sister Dar'rus as he felt Knight Murl's energy surging through him. Controlling it was much harder than controlling the energy from the darksiders he killed. He made a mental note to research and find out if it had to do with her strong connection to the Force or her connection to the Light Side. Her life might have ended, but her energy existed within him now. “I am sure I know where the Inner Light is hiding.”
Lord Murl was who answered, “Do you? How do you suspect getting at them?”
Daz walked over to a side table with bottles on it. As he reached for a bottle he noticed his hand was shaking. “We don't have to. Once Visst finds the body, he will urge them to move once more and we will be in waiting to pounce. This however doesn't change my problems with the Humans and their current split. Nor does it change what Zall is doing. Should he marry the Crown Princess of the Humans, he could expand his power base and be in a position to cause me problems in the future.”
Lord Murl's voice was dark and deep, “Support the union between Zall and the Princess. Give them your blessings and hopes that the union will bring peace to the Republic. Don't worry about what Zall and this union will bring. Soon enough the Humans will show their true nature and you will capitalize on this. With that, Zall will be finished by his own doing. For the time being, you must show the Humans that you are their best ally next to Zall. Make sure not to attempt to over shadow Zall. For our plans to work, Zall must be their primary ally. Everyone must see Zall as the man who brought the Humans in to the Republic.”
Daz lowered his head for a moment in deep thought. There was a since of darkness that Daz could easily feel. However, it was no longer around Daz. He felt it much closer. Daz felt the darkness within his own heart for the very first time. Daz could no longer deny what he was. Daz had given up on the Light side and crossed that line. There was still conflict in his heart, but those voices have all but been drown out by the call of the Dark side. Daz knew that if he was to continue his education and life, he would have to continue to train for that one battle he knew was coming. The battle between him and Visst. Daz knew that he had to defeat Visst if he was to survive. This meant continued learning for Lord Murl and his followers. He turned from the table as he dropped to a knee with his head lowered, “Yes, My Lord.”
06-12-2013, 07:45 PM,
Narrator: Dark Tides
Posts: 1,362
Threads: 14
Joined: May 2013
(7.8) Affairs of the Heart
(7.8) Affairs of the Heart
Fort St Angelo
Home of the Order of St John
Dishuan Desert
Outer Rim World of Baklid VI
June 11th, 1938
The Order of St John also known as the Knights of St John or Knights Hospitallers was one of the oldest members of the Galactic Church's Knight Roses. When the Church was just finding its routs, the Galaxy was caught within the flames that was burning the Republic to the ground. The first leaders of the Church knew that the Church was very vulnerable to attack by one or many other threats. To answer these threats, the Orders of the Knight Roses were created. Nine Holy Orders were formed during the first decades of the Church with the mission of defending the Church from any and all threats. Of the nine Holy Orders of the Knight Rose, none had captured the hearts and minds of the commoners of the Galaxy as the Knights of St John. While other Knight Rose orders took on a direct military role during the fall of the Republic, the Knights of St John spread throughout the galaxy seeking to heal the bodies and hearts of those who were caught in the middle of the chaos that engulfed the Galaxy. They never grew to the large military units like the other eight Orders of the Knight Roses. However that didn't mean that they were militarily weak.
During the third century after the fall of the Great Republic, the Knights of St John were finally put to the test of fire. Prior to this, they had become well known for their healing abilities and hospitable nature. They would routinely seek out the poor, sick and needy to provide them with care that those misfortunate souls so badly needed. The Knights were sent to the world of Kamar to assist in helping refugees that had fled from the fighting throughout the near by Wyl sector. The fighting within the sector had grown so badly out of control that it created a even worse threat to the region. This new threat was the ruthless warlord named Bynsluth. Bynsluth had made it his personal mission to hunt down and murder any and all family members of those who dared opposed him. He had cut a path of death and destruction across the Wly sector and Kamar was next on his list. Beyond Kamar laid the seat of the Churches power, Baklid VI. A large group of refugees from the nearby world of Bonadan had arrived on Kamar months after the Knights of St John had arrived. With them were the families members of soldiers who had attempted to repeal Bynsluth's invasion of Bonadan. Bynsluth followed the fleeing refugees to Kamar and learned just before landing that the world was under the protection of the Knights of St John. Their reputation had already been well known as healers but not as warriors. A fact that led Bynsluth in to a tragic miscalculation. He demanded that the Knights surrender the family members or else face destruction.
Grand Master Yeeru Beldune, an Adarian and leader of the Order during the crisis, invited the ruthless warlord to discuss the matter over lunch. The Grand Master insured that the warlord would be protected at all times and that no one would threaten him. Bynsluth wanted to get a first hand look at the Knights before ordering the invasion. He picked his team with spying in mind. The Church was well known for retaliating on those who attacked their people. This situation would have to be handled very carefully if Bynsluth was to get the family members without temping the Church's reaction. His plan was to hit the Knights so hard and so fast that they would not be able to call for help. The fact that they were not warrior knights like the other Orders of the Knight Rose made this plan all that more appealing. The two talked long in to the night about many things including the fate of the family members. Grand Master Beldune lived up to the reputation of the Order. In the end, the warlord refused to leave the world without those whom he came for and Grand Master Beldune refused to surrender them. The warlord left the world empty handed and determined to get what he came for. Once he arrived back aboard his flag ship, he ordered his forced to land and take the family members by force.
The first forces of Bynsluth were to land nearly up top of the knights in what was to be a surprise invasion. What they got was heavy fire from the knight which nearly wiped out the first wave long before they had a chance to land. The weapon's fire from the knights was highly accurate and steady despite the orbital bombardment. Bynsluth was forced to change his tactics in mid invasion or see his forces get wiped out. This drove the next wave in to landing nearby the walled city that the Knights had occupied. Bynsluth ordered his forces to take the city at all costs. The siege of the city would go down in Church Archives as the Siege of St John. Less than eight hundred Knights would hold off hordes of invaders from Bynsluth's army. Wave after wave pushed against the defenders and each time, the invaders were pushed back. For nearly thirty days, the Knight held out against the ruthless attacks by Bynsluth. The Siege would finally be broken during the last attack against the city. Bynsluth choose to lead this attack personally with his own body guards by his side. During the attack, Bynsluth and Beldune found themselves locked in mortal combat along the north walls of the city.
High above the battle for all to see, the two leaders fought for their side. Slowly the combat below took a back seat to the clash between the two leaders. Both men fought with sword in hand and used every skill they had to best the other. The Church historian Ponme Copa recorded his eyewitness accounts of the personal combat between the two leaders, “As the sun broke over the horizon, the shadows of these two great leaders stretched for all to see. Slowly and surely, each soldier turned their eyes upward toward the top of the North Wall. The battle above drew so much attention that all manner of conflict below seemed to stop. For as far as I could see, not one set of eyes looking away from the battle. Each leader was dressed for their part as they seemed to dance before us. These men were more of performers displaying their gifts for all to see. The golden light of the sun reflected down to my eyes and I saw in that moment the will of God at work. Beldune's blade sliced through Bynsluth's neck as the final act of a great play which has just come to its apex. Blood sprayed out from the wound signaling the end of Bynsluth's demonic blood lust across the stars. It was seen as fitting end for a creature that shed so much blood in the name of only war.”
Never before would the reputation of the Order of St John be questioned. They are one of the finest members of the Order of the Knight Rose within the Church. During the siege, the Church never sent help for the embattled the Knights of St John. Not because the Church didn't care, but because Grand Master Beldune never doubted the ability of his Knights to hold back the darkness. Records would indicate that it was Grand Master Beldune which openly refused assistance or the order to withdraw from Kamar. Grand Master Beldune refused to compromise what he felt was the just thing to do. Even when threaten with the destruction of his beloved Order, he gave them hope in the words, “Many believe this is our darkest hour. Many believe that we will fall at any minute. Many expect us to go in to the night. I say many are WRONG! This shall be our finest hour. We shall not fall. We shall not go in to the night. We shall be victorious. Why? Because my brothers and sisters. We fight for something more than our beliefs. We fight for what is right. We fight for what is just. We fight the Lord's battles!”
The battle of Kamar was very important for the Church in a number of ways. First due to its close proximity to Baklid VI and second it gave the Church much needed credibility. Prior to this battle, the Church had taken some ill gotten steps during the fall of the Republic. These steps tarnished the Church's reputation to so many throughout the Galaxy. While the Church had done much to clean up the tarnish on its reputation. The heroics by the Knights of St John in defending innocent refugees helped build the reputation of the Church to what it is today. The Coat of Arms for the Knights of St John is one of the most recognized symbols of the Church throughout the Galaxy. It shall always been seen as a symbol of healing and shelter to those in need. The Siege of St John would become legendary throughout the Tingel Arm and an inspiration to the other Orders of the Knight Roses. And while the Order of St John would become involved in other battles throughout their long history, none would hold as much weight as the battle of Kamar. This one battle would became a tradition which future Knights of St John would become inspired by.
Deep within the Fort of St Angelo, two knights spar with wooden swords. While modern weapons are still taught to knights, the art of sword play is always a keen focus for the Knights. It was sword play which made the victory during the Siege of St John possible. It is something that had been ingrained in to the minds of every knight since that time. Thought currently one Knight is having more problems to focus than others. “You are not at your best today” Grand Master Kabe said as he swung his sword at his sparing partner. Kade is a small framed being with a flat face. His eyes were round and dark in color. His ears were large and up right. Still Chadra-Fan Grand Master stood slightly taller than his opponent.
Canny Dagwa attempted to dodge the incoming attack but he was right, her mind was not on training today. Kade got inside her defenses and made her pay for her mistake. The hit was hardly life threatening, but it did smart as she let out a hiss from the pain. Her body was covered in gray feathers, and her head was bare except for a fringe of feathers covering the back of her head. Normally her head feathers were brown since the day of her birth, however as of late, they have started to take on a rainbow of color and beauty. The young Mrissi rolled with the last hit and lunged half heartedly at her Grand Master. It was a move that she had invented and honed in to a prefect strike. Though today it was anything but prefect. Once more Kade made her pay for her mistake as he parried the attack and smacked her on the back of the head as she moved passed him. Once more she let out a hiss from the pride wounding blow.
“That is enough” Kade said as he lowered his weapon. “I don't understand it. Before your mission to Ashiwa, you were my best student. Now, you are no better than some of my first year squires.” There was no anger in his eyes, but there was lots of concern for the young Knight that he calls daughter. “Canny, what is wrong?”
Canny turned as she rubbed the back of her head. The knot would clearly show in time. She could already feel it building. “Kade, there is something that I have not spoken about during my debriefings. At first I believed it would just go away. But with each passing moment I find that it occupies more of my thoughts.” She sighed as she hung her head low, “I have been seeking wisdom in pray for this problem. But I don't yet have an answer.” walked over to the wall and hung her training sword up, “I just don't know where to turn. I know the teachings of the Church. Don't get me wrong. I am not questioning them. I just don't know where to turn. Do I seek insight from within? Seek insight from the elders, or turn to prayer and hope something will come to me” She didn't turn to look back at Kade as her eyes were fixed on the wooden swords before her. She had known Kade all her life, so she felt comfortable having this conversation with him. After all, he was more like a father to her than anything else.
Kade didn't understand where this was going or where it was from. But he knew her better and decided to allow her mind to take them where it wanted them to go. “Child, we are encouraged to seek guidance from within ourselves as well as seeking it from the Lord. Though, so many times, what we want is not always what the Lord has planed for us. It is in those times that we have to judge what is in our hearts against what is in our desires. Must conflicts, the like of which you are speaking arise when we know what we want and what is right for us. The Lord gives us free choice to decide. That doesn't mean we always decide right, however.” he trailed off hoping that this would help her through what is clearly bothering her.
“On Ashiwa, I met someone Kade. He was a Mrissi just like me.” she finally confessed her secret. Well part of it so far.
“Aw” he said having already half suspected this fact, “it is the eyes of a man which is distracting my best student” Kade said playfully as he walked over to her. He reached up and placed his training sword on the wall as well.
She turned and took a step back from him to give him room. “Its not just that Kade. He had some pretty radical ideas.” She paused at her own statement. “Okay maybe it is a bit more than I want to admit, but Kade I am telling you. He really did have a lot of ideas that made sense to me.” She didn't like the idea of lying to him. Already her heart had suffered during her debriefings. But she couldn't betray what truly happened on Ashiwa. She gave her word to this man, and she never broke her word. “Though there is something in his eyes that does draw me” the other half of the secret. It was the half that was causing her the most distractions at the moment.
He smiled at her admission, “You think you are the first Knight to be touched by love?” He motioned for her to follow him as he started to walk across the training room. His class was not due to arrive for another hour. He already knew that she was too distracted to continue training. Helping her reach the cause of this distraction would be far more important for her.
“I know that love is an emotion that we are taught to suppress. I know that emotions, when allowed to run freely can cause great hardships on us.” she explained as she walked behind him.
He nodded to her statement as he walked through the opened doorway that led to the balcony. “Yes, emotions can cause us great hardships. But that doesn't mean that we should fearful of them. We are taught to suppress them because so many fail to heed warnings of what problems emotions can cause.” he paused to look out from the balcony. It was hear that the first battle of the Church was fought so long ago. “Love is a beautiful thing. It can teach us so much about who we are and what be believe in. But there are dangers as well. When we love but fail to let go, we betray the wishes of the Lord. Sometimes we are given a chance to feel love. The Lord allows us to have these chances to help us grow as people.” he turned to face her, “We should feel it, enjoy it. Learn from it. But never allow it to consume us.” he smiled at her, “I too have had that look in my own eyes, that I see in yours.”
Her shocked looked betrayed her feelings, “You were in love?”
He nodded once more and continued to smile, “I was once young like you. Filled with the urges of spring. There was a lovely girl who lived in that village over there.” he pointed to a village nearly on the horizon. “As kids growing up, we were close friends and worked in the fields together. Each morning I would sneak some honey bread from the kitchen. I would take it to her in the fields. She would think it was so sweat of me. How much I loved her, but soon that love became a distraction. My Master saw this, just like I see it in you now.” he stepped back and slipped down in to a chair. “He encouraged me to go to her and tell her how I feel. So one night, with my Master's help I was able to sneak out of the Fort. I ran the whole way to the village.” He turned his head as if reliving that night time journey. “I got there, but didn't know which house was hers.” he laughed slightly, “Its funny, we had spent all that time talking and playing together, but I never once asked her where she lived. It took most of the night, but I did find her.”
Canny looked in to his eyes as he told the story. “So what happened? Did you tell her?”
He nodded, “Aye, I did find her and I did tell her how I felt. She did feel the same way for me. That brought my world in to a much brighter place. For the next three weeks, everything seemed to look so much brighter. I loved every minute of it.”
Looking a bit confused, “Wait. What do you mean for the next three weeks.”
The smile never faded, “Almost four weeks later, she died during an accident within the fields. She and five others were killed when their cart flipped over.”
Canny moved closer and slipped to her knees before her long time friend. “I bet you were crushed.”
He nodded his head but his smile confused her, “I was for a bit. I refused to eat, refused to even leave my bed. I felt so bad that I couldn't do anything. After a couple of days, my Master came to me to talk. It was the first time that I opened my door to him. He came in to my room and explained something to me. He said that I was given a rare opportunity. He asked me how did the girl make me feel? So I told him. He asked me what her love felt like to me. So I told him. He asked, if I still loved her. I told him yes. He said that had she not been in my life, I might not have ever had the chance to feel this way. He said that I should be grateful for the memories I have and to not allow her death to take them away from me. He said, that if I loved her, I had to let her soul go on to God while allowing the memories of our love to enrich my future.”
She sighed, “So maybe it is not a good idea for me to explore this?”
He shook his head, “I don't agree with that. It is after all your choice. But if you don't go you will never know. If the love you feel is felt by him or if it is only you. I will not deceive you. There are risks Canny. You could very well have your heart broken. But you could very find out that he loves you as well. Either way, the chance that your life will be enriched by it is possible. What you do with this experience is completely up to you. With love, I have seen great things done. Because of love, I have seen horrible things done.”
She sighed once more, “I don't know what to do. Each time I close my eyes, I see his looking back at me. I felt the warmth of his breath on my neck as if he is standing right behind me. Next month, I take my last Talisman.” she said speaking of her last Right of Passage on her way to becoming a fully recognized Master Rose. It was one of the highest ranks reachable within the Order of the Rose. For all members of the Order of the Rose, reaching the rank of Master Rose is nothing short of a life long achievement. Canny had been working towards this goal for as long as she could remember. For the first time in her life, something seemed more important to her than taking the last Talisman. “I will not lie to you Kade. There is doubt in my heart. I do not know if this doubt is from my love for him or the ideas that he spoke so enlightened about. I can think of no better life for me than to serve the Lord and tend to his flock. I know how hard I have been working through my Talismans, but how can take this last step when there is doubt in my heart.” She rested her head on his knee as she continued as her mind raced through the thoughts.
It was true that she had been working so hard for this single goal. Kade was also right, she was one of his best students. Not that she tried to out shine everyone else. Far from the truth in fact. She spent much of her free time helping others within her Order and sharing her own knowledge with them. It was just that things came so much easier to her than others. There was no sense that she was better than anyone else and she hoped no one felt that way about her. She always looked to her fellow Knights with a great sense of respect and showed them her own sense of humility. She let out a deep sigh as she closed her eyes, “I just don't know what to do.”
He nodded as he rested his hand on her head. For him, this was nature between the two of them. Since the day he found her as a child in a refugee camp on Dellalt. Their colony had been attacked and had to flee a war on her homeworld. Her family was so poor that they had been tricked in to selling themselves in to slavery for passage to Dellalt. Luckily for the family, Kade had stumbled upon the family and learned of their plight. He paid their debt to the starship captain and invited them to come live on Baklid VI. He sensed God's hand in their youngest daughter, Canny. He took her under his wing and taught her to be a Knight Rose. Since that day, he treated her like a daughter and she treated him like a father. “If this was me, I would go to him and tell him how I feel. Be truthful and seek truth from him.”
She couldn't help but laugh at the comment, “getting truth from him, is something I don't think will be a problem. When he decides to talk, I have not heard him lie. Nor do I think I will. The trick is getting him to answer directly.” a soft smile started to build across her beak as she remembered her encounter with him. “Which in a way, it is kind of, well, um, attractive. He never forces his knowledge on to others. He just lets people think of his words and allows them to come to their own conclusions.” Her tone changed as her soft smile faded, “what if he rejects me?”
Kade robbed her head feathers softly, “than you will know your answer. That does not mean it has to change you. Like all emotions, those which are tied to such deep routed feelings like love are very different from one person to another. Simply because one does not feel love for you, does not make them a bad person. Nor does that make you some how flawed. Do not fear the answer, Canny. It is when we fear that the most problems come to us. Accept the answer and decide if you wish to come home or not.”
She had not ever considered an option of not returning home. The idea of it was so strange. She knew that she was born on another world and had ventured to so many different worlds in pursuit of members of the Sabbat. But the idea of not returning to Baklid VI seemed like an idea that could never be. “I, I had not thought of not returning” she managed to say as her mind wrestled with the new possibility.
“Remember what the Scripture says about life” Kade stated to her, “It is fluid, and always changing. If the Lord has decided to place you o a different path, you must be willing to let go of your current path. Just like the River that changes over time. Some parts of the river will move and create new banks. While other parts of the river will change forever. Again, we should not fear these changes. Accept them as the Will of God and learn from them. This is why you must go. You must go and see what the Lord has intended for you.”
She lifted her head and turned to look Kade in the eyes. Her eyes were filled with a great sense of relief. “I think you are right, Kade” she said with a nod. “I will go to him and tell him the truth of how I feel. If he rejects me, than at least I will know. If he doesn't reject me, than I will explore this new path before me and see what it holds.”
Kade pulled his hands to together and returned her nod. As he listened to her statement he reached under his shirt and pulled out a necklace. Hanging from it was a ring, “I want you to carry this with you.” he said taking the ring of the necklace. He showed her the valuable ring with a brilliant red stone set in the center of it. The symbol of the Church on one side of the stone and the symbol of the Order of St John on the other side. He carefully handed it to her, “This belonged to the one I loved. I hang on to it to remind me that sometimes the Lord has different paths for all of us. Sometimes a person is in our life for just a short time. Other times, a person will come in to our life to help us through a situation or event. Than there are those rare times when someone comes in to our lives for a life time.” He paused a moment to remember is own lesson in this.
“Never mistake one for the other. And never hold it against them when it is their time to leave. Rejoice in the shared experiences and time spent together.” He looked in to her eyes as a father would look at his own daughter as she was going off with the man that she loved. Canny could not find the words that seemed to choke her in that moment. She nodded as she slowly stood up. She turned and started to walk from the balcony. However Kade stopped her before she vanished back inside. “Tell me Canny. What is the name of this man who has captured the heart of my best student?”
Canny paused as she rested her hand on the door frame. She turned back with that light in her eyes once more. Kade knew that she was in love and hoped for the best for her. She just smiled as she leaned on the door frame looking out over the sands of her world, “His name.....” she said almost dreaming he was here next to her. How she couldn't wait. Since the moment she returned home, she felt conflict and confusion in her emotions. Her mind seemed to be completely at odds with her heart. In this moment, she was filled with clarity and direction. Regardless of what his actions would be. She would follow this path for as long as it was meant for her. She turned her eyes back to Kade, “Visst Dassek” she said with a smile and almost a sigh. On that note she turned and vanished passed the doorway.
06-13-2013, 08:49 AM,
Narrator: Dark Tides
Posts: 1,362
Threads: 14
Joined: May 2013
(7.9) Voices of the Mind
(7.9) Voices of the Mind
City of Itsh' osha, Capital City
Mid Rim world of Lorta
July 16th, 1938
“With yet again another attack carried out by the raiding ship, Rächer, the Varl offensive has almost completely stalled. The Rächer has managed to hit the Varl support lines in such a way that the Varl have become forced to deploy more and more ships to the rear areas of their lines giving the Reich fleets a better edge over the Varl. There is not a voice in the Galaxy that can not deny that the Rächer has become the direct cause of the Varl's lack of success in the Abrion Sector.” Voices beckoned from the distant echoes of his mind, Mythis Creel worked carefully soldering circuits together. The part of the fine wooden table where he was working at was covered to protect it while he was working. He had been ignoring the news which was playing from a holoplayer on another nearby table. His mind was was else were. He didn't care about the war, the Varl, the Riech or what ever was going on here. His broken mind echoed of conversations long past. These were the voices of his mind that were at work.
“No dad! Mother didn't leave because of this world. She left because of you. Look around dad! You are doing the same job that your father had done. You are more intelligent than all those you work for. But you have no ambition, no drive. You can be so much more than just so mid level tech working for a studio. But you wont. Nothing will ever change you. You will just exist for the sake of existing. That is not for me dad. Sure, it might be dangerous in joining the Jedi Order. But at least there will be adventure excitement. I would rather die out there, than live one more day wasting my life away here, the way you are!” It was the last words, his eldest son would ever said to him. Mythis, was a different person back then. He was a single father raising two sons after their mother had abandoned them. Jester, was his oldest and a gifted force user. Mythis had done everything possible to keep Jester safe from a ever growing dangerous galaxy. In the end, Jester would still leave.
Several months later, two Jedi Masters came to Mythis' home. “Mr. Creel we regret to inform you that your son Jester Creel had been murdered by unknown attackers. He and his Master were on a routine training mission to Dorin when they were ambushed by five unidentified attackers. Both were killed in the attack. Your son died a heroes death, never once leaving his Master's side. You should be proud of him and his actions. You have our deepest sympathy.” One of the Masters explained during the hour long visit. They talked of how gifted his son was and how proud he should be that his son had followed his dreams. Over and over again, they talked about sympathy, but never mentioned the attackers being brought to justice. Or even the identities of the attackers.
Mythis could not believe that the Great Defenders of the Republic, the mighty Jedi Order could not uncover who had murdered his son. All his life, Mythis spent his days designing and creating works of wonder for the holo industry. Though he never really had a desire to move beyond his mid level supervisor position. Jester was right, he never showed ambition or drive. Mythis had a goal now which was driving him. He took a leave of absence from work and set out to find out who murdered his son. It was on this journey that Mythis was able to unlock his own connection to the Force. Through this, he was able to piece together facts and his own skills allowed him to reach a conclusion that he figured the Jedi had over looked. They would not be too thrilled with his findings, “Mr. Creel, I understand your loss and your feelings. But you can not think that we would be so willing to accept that your son was murdered by a shadow organization that operates in plan sight. If this is true, don't you think we would have noticed them first?”
Mythis tried hard to make the local Jedi Temple see his findings as truth, but they refused to even see him any more after his first ten visits. He stalked different Jedi from the local temple hoping to get them to listen to what he found. Not once, did anyone ever look at the facts he uncovered. They just brushed him off as if he was not important enough to be heard. The Jedi had him arrested several times as he tried to sneak in to the temple to catch a Master and speak with them. He wrote letters to the near by Temples and even to the main Temple on Coruscant. By the end of his six month campaign, he finally did get to speak with a Master. “Mr. Creel, we have been incredible patent with you. I have been ordered by the Jedi Council to demand that you take your fantasies and leave us be. Your son died a heroes death. Your actions are decreasing his memory. Now GO!”
It was not the conversation that he had hoped for. So he decided to take another route to get people to listen. He used his connections within the Holo industry to get his voice heard, hoping that the Jedi would be forced to listen and at least look in to his findings. The night before he was to appear for a interview, he and his youngest son Daron were visited by a man and a woman. “Mr. Creel, it has come to our attention that you are in possession of documents that could help the Republic Intelligence learn more about the murder of your son. We have been investigating the murder outside of the Jedi influence for some time. The Group you are investigating calls themselves the Crusade. They are very dangerous and have even the Jedi scared. This is why the Jedi will not speak with you about them. It is very likely that the Masters which run your local Temple don't even know the truth. It would be best if you allowed us to continue the investigation on your behalf. This way, you and your son are protected from any backlash from the Crusade. It is the best way to protect your surviving son, Mr Creel.”
Mythis wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do or not. But he handed over all of his documents and evidence to the two Intelligence officers and gave his word that he would not pursue this matter any further. They left his home wishing him and his son well. They seemed like a very nice couple and left Mythis with a very pleasant impression during the meeting. For the first time, he actually felt like someone was listening to him. But something kept Mythis awake that night. He had promised to cancel the interview, and hang low for the time being while they continued the investigation. Just till everything blows over and life returns to normal. He laid there throughout the night looking up at his ceiling. In Mythis' heart, he knew that Jester was right. He did lack drive and ambition. He was so easily talked out of doing the interview that Mythis had worked so hard to put together. He remembered what his youngest son told him, “I have never seen you so driven before father. Jester would be so proud of what you are doing.”
It was that memory that drove him to make one of the largest mistakes of his life. He woke up that morning calling his friends and telling them that the interview was still going to happen. He left his son at home to record the interview when it aired, and drove to the studio. There was so much passion and pride in Mythis that he never once considered what he was doing was dangerous. He never once thought that what he was doing would cost him everything he cared about. He walked in to the studio and did the interview. Luckily for him, he had copies of the evidence sent to the studio days ago. At least at the time he thought it was lucky. He talked long and in to details about the group he had discovered. He dared to utter their name in public, he called them the Crusade. He talked about how they had murdered his Jester. He spoke of how the Jedi were scared of them and would not pursue them. It was the most passionate moment of his life and he never felt more alive than in that moment. The interview was recorded for its air time and Mythis went home.
He hoped to catch the whole interview but knew that with traffic he would miss the first half of it. His son would record it for him though. Feeling as if he had won a great personal battle, he arrived home with a spring in his step. It was than when horror crushed his life. His last son, Daron, had been murdered, execution style. The boy's arms and legs were bound with tape and his eyes taped open. It was clear by the blood spray that he was kneeling in front of a picture of his family. A typed letter which read, 'You were warned' was pinned to his bloody shirt. Mythis rushed to the boy's side and cradled his dead son. He ripped the tape from the body in an attempt to make the boy more comfortable. Time seemed to slip away as Mythis held the body sobbing like a child himself. He never once called the police. It was a passer by that heard the cries and called for help.
The studio reported that someone had stolen the interview and evidence right before it was to be aired. The police had leads, but they all pointed to Mythis. It was a nightmare unfolding right before his eyes. He was arrested for the murder of his own son. The media had picked up on the story which was leaked by the police that Mythis would do anything to prove that Jester was murdered by some super villain group. Even murdering his remaining son just to prove the lie. Mythis was found guilty for the murder and sentenced to a mental hospital for treatment. Before the transfer could take place, Mythis was assaulted in the Court house jail cell. His life was ruined as he spent the next six years in the mental ward of the hospital. After six years, Mythis managed to pull off his first of great escapes. During his time in the ward, he learned how to read people. He could read people very well and this was well documented by his doctors. However they underestimated his skill. He was even able to turn some of the staff to help him escape. None of them realized that Mythis was using his Force powers to aid him in his efforts. He had learned to keep them very secret up to this point.
Mythis fled his homeworld and knew that he could never clear his name or bring those who did this to justice. So he decided to take matters in to his own hands. The solution to this whole situation came from Daron's old comics. He would become a super villain and have his revenge on those who were responsible for the death of both of his sons. For Mythis, the blame was thick and wide spread. He blamed the Republic, the Jedi, and the Crusade. For the next five years, he would go to ground and hide. He had to prepare for the war he was about to unleash on all three. During this time he honed his skills and studied his pray. Everything would be prefect for the opening shots. No one would see it coming. His weapon of choice would be poison. The deaths would be clean and pure. Just the way it was meant to be. His first target would be Republic Senator Est'tun, She was his world's Senator and refused to answer his calls or letters. He was the last official he attempted to contact just before the interview. He gave her all the evidence she needed to act. In his eyes, she allowed the Crusade to escape justice by doing nothing. She had to be brought to justice.
During first murders, the Republic Law Enforcement attempted to catch him. However they were completely out matched by him. After the death of Senator Est'tun, Mythis sent warnings of who he was going to target next and when. He found it almost entertaining to watch the LE try to protect the next victim only to fail. The LE didn't even know how the murders were taking place. Just that the targets were being killed. Mythis had to actually spell it out to the ME's as to how to find the poison. He sent a detailed letter of target number four. In that letter he explained how the ME's can find the poison in the body of the victim. In the end, five Senators and three aides would be dead not including a Jedi Master serving on the Jedi Oversight Committee. Prior to Jedi Master Luw's murder, the LE didn't have a clue as to who was committing the murders. Even the mighty Jedi didn't have a clue as to who was responsible for the murders. Something that Mythis took great pride in. Each murder was prefect and despite the fact that he was giving the LE pointers as to how to do their job, he was still besting them.
It wasn't till the murder of Master Luw, that the LE received a tip that pointed the investigation to Mythis. A file from Mythis' past showed up on the desk of the lead investigator. Within that file was all the information on Mythis including his connection to the Force. It was then that the Jedi took over the investigation and set a Hunter team on him. Mythis knew that some how, it was the Crusade that tipped them off. It was no problem though, Mythis had known this would have to happen sooner or later. At one point in time Mythis knew that he and the Jedi would have to cross paths. He had preferred to make that battle when he was ready. But he would adapt to this change in stride. He would lead the Jedi Hunters on a chase across the Galaxy that would become legendary. He knew that his name would live on in Jedi lore for generations to come. His sons would be so proud of what their father had managed to do. He just knew it in his heart.
Never before, did any non-Sith criminal warrant more than one Hunter team. Mythis bested the first time so handedly that the leader of the team retired back to his home Temple on Foerost. He taunted them with letters explaining where he was going and when he would be there. He went in to detail as to what he was going to do there and challenged them to try to stop him. He returned home to murder a Jedi Knight who Mythis discovered had betrayed his son's Master to the Crusade. With the Hunter team attempting to protect the Jedi Knight, Mythis poisoned the entire group. There were rules to his war and Mythis played by this rules to the letter. These hunters would not give a second thought to killing him, to Mythis however, killing them was out of the question. The toxin he choose to best the first team caused them to become ill for weeks. They might have appeared to be on death's doorstep and even wished for death during their illness. However they would recover completely in the end. That is, except for the Knight. His death would be the most painful and time consuming of all. Mythis wanted him to suffer for his act of betrayal.
The second team faired much better. Once more, Mythis found out about the second team and once more told them details of his next target. They downed his craft on a jungle like world in the Mid Rim. They could have left him there to root, but pride drove them to land and hunt down Mythis like an animal. For their leader, capturing Mythis was more important than even the safety of his own team. A lesson that Mythis would teach the experienced Hunter Leader. After leading them on a juggle hunt for over a month, they finally caught Mythis. They caught him taking a nap next to a small stream. Little did any of them know, Mythis had planned his own capture. They discovered that he had been beating them for over a month with primitive weapons in which he was making. Mythis' next victim was an arrogant Lord who had been aiding the Jedi in hunting Mythis down. Mythis knew that the Lord was working closely with the Crusade. However the Lord was too well protected for Mythis to get close. However once he was captured, the Lord demanded to see the would be assassin.
It would be another line that would go down in Mythis' legend. He murdered his intended target while in the custody of the famous Jedi Hunters. Well after his next great escape, the Lord's body was found. A detailed letter discovered by the Jedi told of Mythis' plan right down to being downed over the mid rim world and the amount of time in which he would lead the Hunter Team on their chase. Every detail of his plan to murder the Lord was laid out. What shocked the Jedi the most was the letter had been written long before Mythis left his homeworld and before he murdered the Knight. They attempted to keep this a secret but a second letter written to the media exploded the story. To this day, Mythis never told a soul how he poisoned the Lord. It would be his greatest work of art. The ME's knew that the Lord was some how poisoned, but the actual toxin remained a mystery as did how Mythis managed to get the toxin to the Lord.
Besting yet another Jedi Hunter team made Mythis a household name. Blinding the team leader of the second team just added more infamy to his reputation. Mythis earned himself the nickname of The Viper due to his love of poison. But what truly earned himself the official title of Super Villain was when he raided the Jedi Archives on Coruscant. He took two forbidden Sith Holocrons and a treasure trove of datachips which contained all kinds of data. None of which was really what he was after. He needed his name in the media to draw out the Crusade. He had started his list and completed it. Each name that was linked to the death of his son had been dealt with. Now it was time to take on the Crusade directly. It was time to make them pay for what they had done to him.
His plan was prefect and only needed the Jedi to behave like the hunters they were. The only problem was, one of them didn't. This should have been besting Jedi Hunter team number three. However, everything went wrong when their crazy pilot rammed his own shuttle forcing both ships down. Mythis had barely escaped the crash landing with his life. As his own shuttle was well in to its death spin, he could see the Jedi leaping to safety using their jump packs. A slight oversight on his part, he would later admit. As the two twisted ships spin towards the world below, they hit hard against the side of a mountain and crash landed in a arctic valley. He had planned to ensure that the pilot was dead after such crazy piloting. However....
Mythis smiled as he looked up in to the soft blue light of the holoplayer, “Sometimes things never go as planned.” The image was of Jedi Master Visst and his followers. The second image was of a lone reptilian hunter sneaking in to his 'trap'. “What I don't understand is how they could have simply walked right in to my trap. Well the obvious trap that is. I would think that they were much smarter than that. Maybe I gave them too much credit.”
The sounds of the news cast continues to fill the room, “we just received word that the Republic supported government of Alderaan has voted overwhelmingly to not rejoin the Free Worlds Council and join the Republic directly. This has made the third former Council world to do so. As it stands, the balance of power within the Republic Senate is slowly shifting from the larger central powers like the Free Worlds Council and Shana'duna Assembly to independent worlds. All this comes on the heels of the last major piece of legislation passed by the Chancellor's party. The highly contested law allows independent worlds to leave their current alliances and political groups to join the Republic Directly. The Chancellor defends the law by stating that each world should have the choice to have a larger voice within the Republic or remain within their current governments.”
Mythis was not paying much attention to the broadcast that was filling the room with sound. He rose up from the table with a nod. He looked down the table and saw that everything was in its proper place. He checked his pocket watch and noted the time. If they had stay true to their intentions and did not get distracted, than they should be returning on the hour with the Prince in tow. He looked up and down the table once more. The table was set with the very best the local museum had to offer. Of course it was all stolen. “Well borrowed” Mythis corrected. He knew that the police would recover all of the stolen items in short time. After all, these belonged to the good people of Lorta. He would not stoop to stealing from innocent people. Still, he needed to borrow them for his dinner. His guests were some of the most brave and powerful people on the planet. He wanted to make a good impression on them. So he had silver candlestick holders, fine china plates, and golden napkin bands. The entire table and settings were worth a King's ransom. It was a fitting table setting for his feast.
Each of his guests had a large helping of meat from the Roast. Mashed potatoes that had been seasoned with just a hint of garlic and butter. He actually had to remake the mash potatoes because he was not happy with the first batch. That had put his dinner slightly behind schedule. Luckily for him, he had planned for just that very problem. So he was not too badly off. His guest would have plenty of time to enjoy their meal before the party is over. Large bowls of mixed greens and vegetables were placed in such a way that not one guest had to ask for one to be passed to them. Home made gravy were also placed near the bowls of mashed potatoes. Two large plants were filled with home made bread. He was not sure which they would prefer more, so he made honey butter rolls. The other bread was a sweet sour doe. He could smell the meal as the steam rose up off of the table. The rolls were baked fresh right before the meat was planted. It took some time to make sure that the meal came out with the bread. But it was once again well worth it for his honored guests. On each end of the table set two three layer cakes topped with a home made whipped topping. Each cake had a pain staking decoration atop of it. Luckily, he didn't have to make the cakes today. He had cooked them yesterday and had them in the cooler.
He looked over the entry way to a large sign that hung over. It was clear that the center piece of the entire meal was the sign. Each member of the table had a clear view of the sign that was hung over the entry way. The sign filled him with pride. It is going to symbolize their oath to him. The sign read, 'Non magis acus occidentiae' The language was some ancent language that was from a long dead culture that predated the first space faring culture. Mythis actually speaks the langauge nearly prefectly. He could easily read that the sign says, 'No more needles killings' The saying echoed his most important rule of all times. 'Never kill or harm an innocent person regardless of your goals' It filled him with so much pride to see that they all have finally accepted this very important rule. The road was long for him, but he knew that there was honor among thieves so to speak. One by one they all finally came around.
Turning his attention back to his guests. Mythis realized what he had missed as he spoke up “I am sorry, I didn't realize your glass was empty.” he said politely as he reached over and picked up the glass in front of Ventis Jig.
Mr. Jig smiled and nodded, “I have to admit you are by far a much better host than even the King was.”
Mythis returned the nod, “Thank you. My mother had always taught me that in every good man was a great Host. Did you know, I taught both of my sons to be good hosts as well?”
Mr. Jig shook his head, “No I didn't” Mr. Jig was the man behind the RAH on Lorta. Not a single RAH operative makes a move without his fore knowledge of it. He was by far one of the most dangerous men on Lorta currently.
Mythis walked over to the serving table and refilled the empty glass with fresh wine. He never noticed that the glass was completely dry when he picked it up. The sounds of the new board cast continued in the background “The Shana'duna has become the single largest voice against the law but lacked the votes needed to defeat it. A political stand off between the Chancellor and the Shana'duna leadership was feared but never developed. The Free Worlds Council has voiced their objections to the new law but due to their current situation had little choice but to accept the law and the bitter results from Alderaan. The new law has helped the Republic raise a large number of troops and added a much need funds in the Republic's war effort. A side effect of the law has given a boost to the Chancellor's popularity which has taken a couple of blows from the death of his Party's number two man and the slow progression. The long term effects of the Law is yet to be seen.”
Mythis sighed as he brought back the fresh glass of wine. “It is something I do miss being here with you in this time. The wines of my time were filled with such flavor and body. These seem to really lack that. Though I will admit to you” he said looking to the table of sixteen RAH leaders and upper level organizers. Each of their eyes were on his every word. He smiled knowing that they could all sit down and enjoy a moment of time before the nasty business of work resumed. “I am not completely comfortable with the idea of this time. Everything is so, well alien to me. When the Chancellor demanded my loyalty or be destroyed, I of course gave it. I mean which one of you wouldn't?”
“Loyalty is something that the Chancellor does value deeply” Riz LoTou commented, Mythis returned to his seat at the table as Riz continued. “If there is one thing that I know the Chancellor values, its loyalty.” Riz was the off world RAH Lesion. If Mr. Jigs needed something, Riz was the go to man to get that thing. In fact, it was a special request from Mr. Jigs which brought Mythis to this world.
Mythis continued to work as his dinner guest set before their meals and continued to talk about the Chancellor. It was Neele who spoke next as Mythis listened, “There are some things about the Chancellor that even I don't trust.” She was the senior planning officer for all RAH protests. Despite being a Rodian, she had a way with talking to people and could easily work them up. Each of the protests that took place on Lorta was all her planning. “But I also don't trust you” she said speaking to Mythis.
He looked up from his task but before he could answer Hakk Dep spoke up, “Mythis gives us the creeps but look at what he has done for us.” The Zabrak gave a heroes nod to Mythis.
Mr. Jigs nodded, “This is true. He helped up kill the King and Queen. If not for him we could have never been able to pull that off.” Everyone else joined in the chorus of praise for Mythis.
Mythis slammed his fist down on to the table, “Don't remind me” he yelled. Once more every eye was on him. “But I will not take credit for that. I told all of you, no more bombings.” he lowered his voice as he stood up. “See you don't understand how messing bombings can be. Think of the bombing in the Vista Markets. That happened two days after I first spoke with all of you. There are still bodies that have not been identified. This causes pain on those who are innocent.” he walked once more over to the serving table and refilled his own glass of wine. “But none of you would listen to me. The bombings didn't stop. They continued in fact. I thought that maybe if I helped you remove the King and Queen, that would end your desires to continue to the bombings.” He took a sip from his wine, “I should have known better.”
“We can't build any more bombs because Heeth is dead” Jad said. The Duros was speaking of their inside man in the police department. He was part of the local PD bomb squad and the RAH's master bomb builder. Thanks to Heeth's work, not one bomb was ever linked to the RAH or anyone at this table.
That was till now. Sitting in the center of the table right next to the perfectly cooked roast was a stack of files which detailed every move the RAH had made on this world. It linked each one of Mythis' guests to bombings and murders across the world. The files took Mythis about three days to put together. He was actually surprised how easy it was to hack the local data bases and networks. Emails, text messages recorded communications were all recovered. Mythis even found a copy of their entire secret code on the handheld computer belonging to Ms. Jis Quil. She was a former Ms Twi'lek winner turned radical and murder thanks to the RAH. Mythis thought it odd that they distrusted the other so deeply that they could keep documents and evidence that could send the others to prison for life. But they were so easily trusting of him. It really confused him. Still, deep within the files are the lists of hundreds of names of both on world and off world contacts and operatives would ensure that those victims of the bombings would have closure. For Mythis, it was the only sensible thing to to do after he discovered the last attempted bombing.
That last attempted bombing was the very reason why Heeth had to die. Mythis could not allow this to continue regardless of what the Chancellor might or might not do. He had his rules and they would play by them. That was the final straw. “Heeth was a foolish man. I told him ahead of time that if he continued to work on his bombs that I would kill him. I don't know why he didn't listen to me.”
He heard the board cast for the first time this night. “The fighting continues on Bothawui between the Reich and the Varl. Even though the Reich are badly outnumbered, it is clear that they are refusing to give up ground. Prince Arwen Phanan leads his family's elite Phanan Light Horse Regiment. Together with the Varl's eight Army, these two units are fighting street by street and house by house for control over Drev'starn. Prince Phanan hails from the Mid Rim world of Lorta. Lorta has been in the new recently because it has found its self in the center of civil uprisings sponsored by the RAH or Races Against Humanity. Still, Prince Phanan fights with pride and courage on the battlefield. Something that the Reich knowns nothing about. Their dirty tricks and dishonorable tactics will not win the day if men and women like Prince Phanan have anything to say about it. The Reich and their Bothan allies are putting up a harsh resistance. Though they can try as much as they wish, liberation has come for Bothawui and the forces of the Republic will not be denied. As the morning light shined over the city of Drev'starn yesterday, the grateful citizens could clearly see the flag of the Republic waving in the cool morning air. A vision that I am sure, none of them will be able to forget. For the first time, they are truly free from the oppression of the Reich.”
He reached down and slowly gathered his things. He took care to ensure that each item went in to his bag in its correct space. He checked his watch with a smile, “I have plenty of time” he said as he continued to put his work back in to his bag. He left his completed work on the table though. There would be time to fetch it later. He reached over and set his place setting very carefully. He had to make sure that he had no more or no less food than his guest. He didn't want to show his guests any disrespect. Once his place setting was complete, he stepped back to make sure it too was prefect. Not a knife or fork was out of place and each were in alignment with each other. He stepped back some more and took his cloak from the rack and draped it across his back. Once his cloak was tied on tight he picked up his large hat from the rack and placed it atop his head. He ran his hand over the large brown feather and smiled. “I know, it is a bit out of style but I am beating it will make a come back.”
He walked forward and picked up his backpack. He took a last minute look over the table. Mythis was almost sad to have to leave it all behind but it was for his guests, not for him. With a great sense of pride he smiled and let out a refreshing breath. He reached out through the force and changed the channel on the holoplayer. As the new music filled the room with its beauty, he closed his eyes and allowed himself a moment of piece. He had always loved this form of classical music. It filled his heart with happiness and his mind with calm. He started to walk along the table behind his guests. Just as he was reaching the middle of the large table, something caught his eye. He stopped next to Ms. Quil. “Do you mind” he said with the softest of voices. “Your makeup seems out of place” he carefully knelled next to her chair.
She smiled to him with those large deep eyes that caught his attention the every first time they met. “Oh please. I do wish to look my very best today.”
He smiled and nodded as he pulled out a small compact. He carefully used a clean handkerchief to clean up some of her make up. He looked in to her eyes and saw a woman that was truly magnificent. He had hoped that once this mission was over, that they would be able to enjoy some drinks. Sadly, he learned that she had lied to him about the bombings and the murders. As he touched up her make up, he knew that her remarkable beauty hid a true monster. “There you go. Prefect” he said with a smile as he stood up. He placed the now dirty handkerchief in a plastic bag before dropping it in to a incinerator near the door.
She returned his smile, “Thank you, Mythis.” There was confusion in her eyes, “are you leaving?”
He nodded, “Yes” he said softly. Then added, “I have to go now. But please enjoy your dinner. Each of you have earned it.”
He turned to walk out only to be stopped once more. This time by Feen Sivron, the other Twi'lek at the table. “Mythis, I am confused on something. You jokingly said that you would kill us if we planned one more bombing. But that was before your killing Heeth. Didn't you know we planned another bombing? So I don't understand, was your threat ideal?”
Mythis stopped at the doors leading out of the well decorated dinning room. “I never joke nor make ideal threats” he corrected her while slowly turning to his guests who were all still siting at their place settings. He smiled as he reached out with the Force and snatched his newly created lightsaber from the other end of the table. It twirled end over end as it made its flight down the full length of the table right to Mythis' waiting hand. Once it reached his hand, the red blade activated casting his face in a eerie red glow. For him, it was all very fitting. The Jedi had named him a Sith, and the Crusade had named him a menace to the Galaxy. Looking at his guests through the red glow of his lightsaber he thought of the two organizations, his mind echoed the statement 'both of them were gone now. Yet, the Viper lives on.' His eyes narrowed as his voice deepened. He knew that he much left to do and it was time to get back to work. He answered her question with the simple and plan statement of, “I did”