Reine — 05/27/2021
As soon as she could, Reine turned and practically sprinted to her room. She threw her coin purse, her handwoven, hand embroidered, lovingly made by her mother coin purse with a frustrated screech before wedging herself between the wall and her bed. Something she would do when she was little when she wasn't allowed to act out. It was comforting in a way. She was small, contained, protected, in her little nook. She didn't notice the Mandalorian on the other side of the room. Or she just didn't care.
Kaleb Wren — 05/27/2021
Kaleb had been sitting in quiet meditation. It was something he had been taught from a young age. Away to center one's self especially before what could be a difficult task. He couldn't help but Reine as she came in, unlike the Jedi he wasn't able to put himself in such a deep meditation that nothing bothered him. "What's wrong?" he asked her.
Reine — 05/27/2021
Reine snorted very unladylike. "Do you really want to know?" Her thick outlander accent filled with incredulity. No one really cared about what anyone else thought. It was all games of politeness. Why was she running away again? Had it only been a day? One day. That was all it took to turn her very comfortable life upside down.
Kaleb Wren — 05/27/2021
"I wouldn't have asked, if I didn't want to know." he told her. Kaleb wasn't wearing the helmet or the bracers and gloves. Even with the controlled environment in the room, wearing that thing was hot.
Reine — 05/27/2021
Reine took a breath and it felt like all of the air left her lungs as her shoulders slumped and a silent tear threatened to fall "I don't know what I am doing here."
Kaleb Wren — 05/27/2021
"I thought it was because you wanted to be able to have the ability to choose, instead of having things chosen for you." he said. At least that was the general gist of how he understood what she had told him on the Shadow.
Reine — 05/27/2021
She smirked. She opened up freely to a stranger. And now she was playing mind games acting like she wanted to be left alone when really she just wanted to spill every dark secret. No matter how harsh or offensive it may be. "'But at what cost? I treated like dirt. Called a slave, an animal. Porquoi? Because of how I speak? And now I am about to steal a baby?! Is this what freedom costs?" She slapped her hand against the wall. The thud was satisfying. She peered over the bed at him. She saw the sweat dripping down his temple. Why did he torture himself so?
Kaleb Wren — 05/27/2021
"We aren't stealing a baby, we're rescuing him." Kaleb told her. At least that what it sounded like to him. But with Nova you never knew what was going on.
Reine — 05/27/2021
She inwardly sighed. Boys. That wasn't her point. "I do not know how you are treated everywhere you go. But I am treated like an outsider. Even in my own tribe. I do not look like them. I am an outsider to them. But because they raised me and I follow their language and their tradition and because of that I am an outsider to the people I am from. And then I have to deal with Ava." The disgust rang in her voice at the name. How on earth did this girl survive for the forty years she was alive? How has she just been handed everything and learned* nothing ?
Kaleb Wren — 05/27/2021
"Yes I know how you feel. Among my people, at least the ones were I come from, I don't exist to them." he told her. All because if father and grandfather were more honorable than the rest of the clan. But now he was wondering if he had a chance to change that in the here and now.
Reine — 05/27/2021
"Why do you not exist to them?" Classic deflection.
Kaleb Wren — 05/27/2021
"My grandfather and father did something that the rest of the clan didn't agree with. When they wouldn't submit, they and the immediate family were banished." he told her. He had never seen Mandalore, though he was aware of it's condition in both realities. But to make matters worse he had never seen the clan's ancestral home of Krownest.
Reine — 05/27/2021
"You were banished? But were you not just a child?"
Kaleb Wren — 05/27/2021
"I wasn't even born when it happened." he told her. There was pain and anger in his voice as he told her that fact.
Reine — 05/27/2021
There were a thousand questions running through her mind. Most notably why he decided to follow a path from a planet he had never been to. But... she didn't. At least she wouldn't yet. "I am sorry. To not know your ancestral home must be very painful."
Kaleb Wren — 05/27/2021
"Yeah well, that's part of being a Mandalorian. Enduring pain is part of the way." he told her.
Reine — 05/27/2021
The warriors of her tribe had something similar. Rights of passage and endurance trials. They all came out changed in one form or another. And none spoke of what they were given. No one ever knew if it was the same or different. "And the pain? You like it?"
Kaleb Wren — 05/27/2021
"No. You get used to it, and push yourself beyond it in order to get the job done." he told her. Thousands of hours of training in the martial traditions of the Mandalorian people. Traditions that have been forgotten by many of his people where he was from.
Reine — 05/27/2021
"How do you do it?"
Kaleb Wren — 05/27/2021
"Do what?" he asked not sure exactly what she was talking about.
Reine — 05/27/2021
"Make it not hurt?" Reine picked at a cuticle. A terrible habit her mother tried to break her of. Reine assured herself that it was okay because she wasn't biting it.
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
Kaleb looked at her. "It's not about making it not hurt." he told her. "It's about being to take whatever is thrown at you and you keep pushing forward."
Reine — 05/28/2021
Reine did not like that mentality. Even her tribe's greatest warriors didn't live baby that creed. It sounded unnecessarily painful and tedious. "I do not like that." She said simply. @Kaleb Wren
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
"That's why The Way isn't for everyone." he told her. @Reine
Reine — 05/28/2021
"You speak funny words." He sounded like the elders of her tribe. Using funny phrases that were supposed to be insightful and wise that the younger generation didn't understand and wouldn't until later in life.
Manipulation was a good skill to have. But it wasn't Reine's proudest. See how easy it was to shift the attention off of her and onto the young Mando?
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
He took a deep breath. "So what you have to decide is if the reasons you left your family is worth the pain your feeling now." he told her. "You need to decide, if the pain you will go through in the future as you learn new truths will be worth it or not. Like I'm learning right now."
Reine — 05/28/2021
"You know what it is like to be a stranger among your people, and a stranger to everyone else. Today..." The events from the past few hours were still fresh. The camps, the racism from not only the security guards but by the other girls. Nova was the only one who seemed to support her. But how long would that last? Her relationship was stronger with Ava than someone she had just met. Rightfully so! She sighed.
"I have always been safe in my tribe. At school I was ridiculed and insulted simply because of my tribal association. It was naive of me to think that I would be treated any differently.
"My people... They are caged. They are forced into filth and squalor simply because of our ancestry." Reine snorted disdainfully with a smirk. "No one, Not Ava, Nova, or Tesara, asked me about the political landscape of this place. They expected me to pretend to be a slave of my own volition! They did not think for one moment that I may be uncomfortable with that. That there is a world that exists outside of them! But no. I am called names and belittled for being forced to even pretend to adhere to these raciste pictograms!" *She was on a roll now. The floodgates were open and it would be hard to close them.
Reine struggled a bit, her wide shoulders and muscular thighs making it a little hard to get out of her space. When she was free, she popped out like a little wind up doll. "And do you know that Ava tried to strike me? Nova stopped her. Because it was wrong. Even if that disgusting taxi driver said he was fine with it. But do you know why Ava swiped at me?" *Reine's blue eyes blazed with anger but the tears she had been keeping at bay were starting to fill them. "Because she thinks I am that slave! She thinks she has the right to do it!"
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
Kaleb didn't say anything at first. He took in what she was telling him. He wished he had some answers, but he didn't. He didn't know much about the pasts of the others, mainly because he had kept a distance from them as he observed them. Ava from what he could tell had been educated at one of the Imperial Academies. And he as seen how easily she seems to fit in with the elites of this reality.
Nova, like himself, kept to herself a lot. From what he was able to observe the only person she was really close to was Ava. But the fact that she had threatened Lysire, and so easily made friends with Reine made him wonder about her intentions.
Then there was Tesara, she was probably the most innocent of the women on the ship, the most naive. He knew she had a good heart. But to him it seemed as if there were times she waited for answers from others. Yes a person needed all the information possible, but they also needed the will to act. Kaleb wondered if the Jedi teachings were keeping her from ascerting herself more.
"You're right. What the Republic did here was wrong? What the elite are doing here is wrong. What do you think should be done about the problems here?" he asked her.
Reine — 05/28/2021
"They need to leave my people alone!" She spat before realizing that he was siding with her. It was a completely new feeling. She leaned against the wall, her head resting back. "Why is it so hard for people to respect others? Why must we be put in little boxes and shunned and ridiculed when we aren't until we do? To Ava and the people here, my education means nothing. My life experience? Nullement. Pourquoi? Because I am not like them. But those of my ancestors, who look like them with the darkened skin and narrow eyes? Even if they grow up here they are still seen as... Animals." *Her voice grew dark at that word remembering how the security officer leered at her and her tribal sister.
"Why is it so hard for people to simply respect each other? But why is it on me and my people to be the example in the face of adversity that is not going to change?"
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
Kaleb seemed to stare off to nowhere. "My grandfather once told me. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." he told her. "I always wondered what he meant about that. I think I'm finally beginning to understand."
Reine — 05/28/2021
"Your grandfather is wise." Softly she moved to her bed and sat down across from him in a similar fashion. Without the makeup and adornments Reine looked very much her age. Big ideas and dreams threatening to burst out of her but not knowing how to let it. While she loved her tribal makeup and accoutrements there was something freeing about being at her base. "I do not know how to get through to them. I don't think I will ever be able to make Ava understand. But maybe Nova and Tesara. Tesara is like... She likes information.. She takes all she can have. But when it is time to act upon it? Poof!" She waved her hands in the air like a soft explosion. Her eyes followed her fingers as they landed in her lap. "My family has found me, and I cannot go back." Her voice was soft and low. Timid. Unlike her curious self in the cockpit. There was a fear Reine was trying to keep restrained.
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
Kaleb nodded in understanding. "All they know right now is that you are some where in this city. It was probably when your chain code was reactivated." he surmised. "You should be safe for a little while. Hopefully we'll be out of here before they become an issue for you." he told her.
Reine — 05/28/2021
"It wasn't reactivated. They disabled it. They are trying to trap me here." Or the Republic is... but unless they did a full sweep of all Premiers it would be impossible for them to know she was there.
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
"I thought all of you went to the admin office to get all that taken care of?" he asked her.
Reine — 05/28/2021
Reine chuckled angrily. "That is where I officially became Ava's slave." She sneered the the last word. Again proving that she had no say in what happened nor was it requested.
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
"So something must have happened with your id." Kaleb said as he stood up and paced a bit as he tried to think about what could have happened. He had seen this before, the Empire would track people through their chain codes. Use it to send ISB agents after them, or if none were close enough bounty hunters. "Your family probably flagged your chain code. When the attempt was made to reactivate it, they received an alert telling them you were in this city. At least that's my guess." he told her.
Reine — 05/28/2021
"No one tried to reactivate it." She said plainly. It was easy to want to think the best of your friends, but facts didn't lie.
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
"Are you sure? It's the only thing that makes sense, unless they have another way of tracking you." he said. "Quick check your things!"
OOC: I think we're going to need rolls to see if we find anything. @TheTraveler do you want some rolls, if so what type?
Reine — 05/28/2021
"I am sure. We went to the temple they swiped my chain code and saw that it was invalid. Then we went to the big building and told Ava to fill out some forms and that was it. There was no discussion about how I would feel or who I would like to be."
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
"What did you have with you at the temple, and then again this morning?" he asked her.
Reine — 05/28/2021
Reine looked at him confused. "Just my coin purse..." She pointed to it where it had landed when she threw it on the bed.
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
"Check it, take it apart if you have to and see if there is anything in it that doesn't belong." he told her.
Reine — 05/28/2021
Reine opened the claw clasp and opened the drawstring before dumping out the contents of the bag.
( @TheTraveler Do I need to roll to see what's inside?)
TheTraveler — 05/28/2021
@Reine@Kaleb Wren
Both of you make a search check please
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
@TheTraveler should we do that here or from our characters?
TheTraveler — 05/28/2021
Here is fine
TheTraveler — 05/28/2021
Both good rolls. Too bad though, neither of you find anything out of the ordinary
@Reine @Kaleb Wren carry on
Reine — 05/28/2021
In Reine's purse are several high denomination credits, a few cosmetics, some scraps of paper, and what look like bobbles to someone outside of her tribe.
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
"Alright everything looks normal." He said as he looked at the items. "It means that whatever you decide to do with your future, you aren't going to want to stick around this city for to long. If you are going to this dinner and helping us, it may be best if you leave with us. Then once we meet the ones we're supposed to take the baby to you'll have a chance to go elsewhere if you want." he said giving her the option to do whatever she wanted to do.
Reine — 05/28/2021
"There is only one problem."
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
"What's that?" he asked her.
Reine — 05/28/2021
"Without help, I cannot leave. I either have to go back with my family or... I am trapped here on the run and unable to carve out a life for myself. This is what Ava did. And she does not care." She smiled sadly. The idiocy and the selfishness was at a level that Reine never thought she would experience.
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
"That's something we can take care of later after we rescue the child." he told her. "I can only solve one problem at a time and that's the more immediate one. "Didn't you secure passage off world from Ava?" he asked her.
Reine — 05/28/2021
"I doubt it is as secure as it might have been before."
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
"I haven't seen Ava ever renig on a job she accepted." he told Reine. "Is there a reason you think that may not happen?" he asked her.
Reine — 05/28/2021
"A reason why she would not take me on passage?" She raised an eyebrow.
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
He nodded in the affirmative. "Have you paid for the passage already?" he asked her.
Reine — 05/28/2021
"I haven't paid anyone! I have tried!" She held out some credits, unsure of how much to offer. "S'il vous plait!"
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
"Well that's something you will need to resolve. I recommend you do that at your earliest convenience." he told her. "Do you really want to involve yourself with us? As you know, we're not exactly on the Republic's favorite citizen's list." he told her.
Reine — 05/28/2021
"Well, who do I pay for the trip here?"
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
"Well, we'll consider that a special circumstance since it was an emergency and you got here on the Shadow." he told her.
"Plus you're helping to rescue a little boy before he can be killed. I think that earns you some credit on your trip." he added with a smile
Reine — 05/28/2021
"I suppose..." Reine started to put the items back in her sac. She lingered on the little bobbles. One being a tiny yarn doll said to ward off evil spirits. So much good that had done her so far.
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
"I've seen something like that before. We were told that they ward off evil spirits." he said as he watched her looking at the doll.
Reine — 05/28/2021
Reine nodded "Ma Mamie made it for me when I was a little girl. I have carried it everywhere with me. It is like she is here...' She discretely wiped a tear away.
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
"Then perhaps it has been doing it's job." he told her. "Maybe that's why we crossed paths, to make sure you were saved." he suggested. Though in truth he wasn't sure about that. Hell he wasn't sure about the whole force thing. But he had seen to much lately to disregard it.
Reine — 05/28/2021
"Perhaps. But I am not so sure how safe I am." Reine looked up at him with an unreadable expression.
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
"Well as long as you're with us, I'll keep you as safe as I can." he promised.
Ava Forma — 05/28/2021
Ava walks up and knocks on their door "Reine, can I speak to you please." She spoke as nice as possible
@Kaleb Wren @Reine
Reine — 05/28/2021
Reine swallowed thickly. His chocolate eyes were like dark pools of light. She held his gaze until the knock from Ava broke the tension. Quickly wiping her cheeks, and softly clearing her throat, she quickly put the rest of her items back into her coin purse.
Kaleb Wren — 05/28/2021
Kaleb waited and watched as Reine wiped her cheeks and all in all did her best to get herself together. When he was sure she was ready he walked over to the door and opened it for Ava. He stepped to the side in order to let her into the room.