The Boss Man (Round 2)
The Zeltron watched Tarkin from his makeshift cell with mounting interest. The little device in his hands, whirring and cranking between his fingers, taunted her curious nature mercilessly. After a while simply pacing in front of the room was not enough to assuage her from the tormenting sound, and she glanced at Gadeon--patiently guarding the door--with pleading eyes. Ni knew that bed time was fast approaching, however, and Gadeon had promised that Tarkin would not be 'disturbed' during this time, whatever that meant. She figured that it was probably best to continue her conquest for the mysterious, handheld gadget in the morning.
Ni waved good night to her short partner, told him to call her if he needed anything, and started walking toward her bunk. She sighed a little as she could no longer ignore the bored feelings, coupled with that mild, festering twinge of dread. As she made her way down the corridor she reflected on the day's past events and how well things seemed to be going. She smiled to herself as she thought of reuniting with Bay, and then--she halted in her tracks as she remembered the other happy memory--Duncan had returned!!
A mischievous smirk slowly grew on the Zeltron's face. She activated her com and paged Duncan with, "Hey Boss Man, could you meet me by the second cargo bay? See you soooon~!"
Then she skipped away to go shower.